The Many Lost Treasures of Mariposa, CA (Photos Added)


At least now I know why I can't reach you on your cell--no reception--that's no fun for you I bet. I'm glad that you're on the mend, and I hope that you have a full recovery.

All the best,


The cell phone, (or lack thereof), is bad enough, but having such a hard time trying to answer posts and emails is even worse. I'm use to typing on a regular key-board and this little laptop just doesn't do it for me. It's so sensitive, that the slightest brush against the "touch pad" can (and has) wiped out several lines of typing. So, I have to resort to the old H & P (Hunt & Peck) system. (lol) Of course, H & P takes me "forever", which gets me frustrated, (which the Dr. says I should avoid). (lol) In any case, I've ordered a WiFi so that I can get my desk top set up. I'm hoping that it arrives in the mail tomorrow.

Anyway, I just want to assure my Brothers and Sisters that I am recovering nicely. Sunday, I even went out metal detecting for a short while. Unfortunately, the sky was totally overcast and after about 30 minutes I had to return to the car to warm up. Other than that, I really enjoyed the day.

So, that's about it for now. I'll write more when my WiFi is set up.

Love and Respect,


hi eagle good to hear you are on the mend. my father had two heart bypass's one at 65 years and one at 75 years old. looking forward to your posts. stay healthy my friend dave

Great to hear you are out and about Eagle:icon_thumright:

The cell phone, (or lack thereof), is bad enough, but having such a hard time trying to answer posts and emails is even worse. I'm use to typing on a regular key-board and this little laptop just doesn't do it for me. It's so sensitive, that the slightest brush against the "touch pad" can (and has) wiped out several lines of typing. So, I have to resort to the old H & P (Hunt & Peck) system. (lol) Of course, H & P takes me "forever", which gets me frustrated, (which the Dr. says I should avoid). (lol) In any case, I've ordered a WiFi so that I can get my desk top set up. I'm hoping that it arrives in the mail tomorrow.

Anyway, I just want to assure my Brothers and Sisters that I am recovering nicely. Sunday, I even went out metal detecting for a short while. Unfortunately, the sky was totally overcast and after about 30 minutes I had to return to the car to warm up. Other than that, I really enjoyed the day.

So, that's about it for now. I'll write more when my WiFi is set up.

Love and Respect,


Glad your back Eagle. :hello2:


My friend it is good to come on and see you are on the mend. The prayers and lifting you up will continue, and I sincerely hope we will finally meet this summer when the days are long and warm. There has been a little challenge with my Mother's health these recent days, so I didn't get in here to check up on you.
But it puts a smile on my face to know your health is returning.


Glad to hear your voice this morning and hope you got your voicemail straightened out at Verizon. Also glad recovery is going well. I'm waiting for a brain transplant (my brain into an 18 year old body):tongue3: Watch out world!
Take care, Shep

Take your time, Eagle, don't get your blood pressure up.

We will all be here no matter how long it takes for you to get set up.:thumbsup:

Greetings and Blessings Eagle!
I came across this thread over a week ago and have enjoyed reading all the wonderful accounts, replies and pictures! And...I am only on page 28 of 54! Wow. Your knowledge of the area is amazing. I had to skip to the last few pages to see the most current and I was so sorry to hear about your health issue. Keeping you in prayer! Thanks to you and the wonderful people I see on your thread, I joined TN today. This is my first post! Thank you Eagle so much for your stories. I can only imagine what I have not read yet!!! Dale

Hey there Eagle

Hope you're doing good. Glad surgery went well. Now just take it easy for a bit.
I'm new to this link and just caught the end here and now reading from the beginning. I'm hooked. :0. You're like gold fever. I can't get enough.
So here's saying hello from AZ and wishing you a speedy recovery to 100%.
I broke my ankle a couple weeks back in one of my canyons I frequent. Of course I was by myself. Lol. As I laid in the bottom of the creek, I could here my wife screaming, "you dummy!!!". So I crawled out and hobbled the 1/4 mile to the truck. Total travel time 1-1/2. Then drove home. Thank goodness for cruise control.
So I'm on the mend and reading your link, and waiting to get back out there.
Thanks for sharing the stories. I look forward for more. I just need to catch up first. If we could only know now back then.

The Eagle is Back!!

Perhaps a little 'trail weary', but (as has been said); "Good for another 200,000 miles". (lol)

A special thank you to Mariposagoldbag for getting my internet connection up and running and for all of his help and support during my recovery. Yep, even for his pushing me to get outside and do some walking, when I would rather have sat and read a book. Fortunately for him (and me), I've never been able to lay in bed all day, so, that made his task a little easier. (lol)

And, last, but not least by any means, my heartfelt gratitude to all of my Brothers and Sisters for your mental and Spiritual support during (and before) my 'crisis'.

I know that the proper, (or usual) way to handle your posts would be to do it on an individual basis, but there are so many that it would take hours, or possibly days to answer all individually, so, I hope you’ll understand if I make this an all-encompassing post of gratitude.

Thanks to ALL of my exeptional readers!!

Love and Respect,


Anyone on here use the Turbo Pan?

It seems that no one here has used the Turbo Pan, but after seeing an advertisment for one, I personally think that it is pretty much over developed. This is of course just my opinion from over 50 years of using an old steel gold pan. One with no fancy riffles or gold traps to get in my way. (lol)

I also use a plastic pan, but I pan on the opposite side from the built in riffles. And, if I could find a plastic duplicate of the old steel one, I'd be in "hog heaven". (lol) I promise you that I can pan down to gold that is so fine, the only way to totally separate it from the black sands is with chemical extraction. (Or mercury) But I don't recommend using mercury unless you are well versed in the safe usage of it.

Sometime in the next couple of weeks, I plan on going to Briceburg and down river. So watch for my anouncement if you have the time and would like a tour of the area and perhaps some panning lessons.


Glad you are back up and broadcasting, and my hope is that you will be out and burning up some batteries in that GMt.... Soooooooooon:icon_thumright:

Man Eagle. I'd love a chance to learn from the master. Lol. Glad to hear you're doing good. As a newbie to your link and as someone that's had some setbacks (though not as bad as yours) I know I crave to get outdoors again. Though I only go in short bursts for the moment. If I could convince wife for road trip I'd like to go. I could tell her to go on to Disneyland while I tour the area. Lol. I've got a picture of it in my head of how you described it. Then of course there were the pics. I can just imagine the history of the area. If you know when you're going I'm sure a bunch of us wouldn't mind going up.

Hi Eagle,

It's funny that you say you use the opposite side from the built in riffles on your plastic pan. I do the same thing. I saw an ol'timer using a metal pan with no riffles, so I figured it would be okay. Glad to hear I'm not the only one. :)

I will definitely watch for your panning lesson announcement, Eagle! I would be honored to take some lessons from the master.

Have a great day!


Glad you are back up and broadcasting, and my hope is that you will be out and burning up some batteries in that GMt.... Soooooooooon:icon_thumright:

Thank you my friend!! Actually, I've made arrangments to go out tomorrow, (Tuesday), to a 'presumally' gold bearing area, that to the best of my knowledge, has never been detected. It does have a couple of mines on it that date back to the 1800s, but I can't find any info on production, just that they were mining for gold. Well, that's hopeful. (lol)

Incidently, I have an MXT. I just hope it's up to the job.

Man Eagle. I'd love a chance to learn from the master. Lol. Glad to hear you're doing good. As a newbie to your link and as someone that's had some setbacks (though not as bad as yours) I know I crave to get outdoors again. Though I only go in short bursts for the moment. If I could convince wife for road trip I'd like to go. I could tell her to go on to Disneyland while I tour the area. Lol. I've got a picture of it in my head of how you described it. Then of course there were the pics. I can just imagine the history of the area. If you know when you're going I'm sure a bunch of us wouldn't mind going up.
Hi Eagle,

It's funny that you say you use the opposite side from the built in riffles on your plastic pan. I do the same thing. I saw an ol'timer using a metal pan with no riffles, so I figured it would be okay. Glad to hear I'm not the only one.

I will definitely watch for your panning lesson announcement, Eagle! I would be honored to take some lessons from the master.

Have a great day!​

I have a Dr.s appt. on the 8th of this month, so it will depend on what the prognosis is. Well, not really. If he doesn't put me back in the hospital, I'll try to let everyone know at least a week beforehand. As I said before, I'm going out detecting tomorrow. By the end of the day, I'll know a lot better about how well I'll stand up to the rigors of prospecting. (lol)


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been reading for what seems like hours, really only two lol can only imagine the things you've seen and thank you for telling your stories. hope all is well and you're able to keep prospecting

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