The Many Lost Treasures of Mariposa, CA (Photos Added)

I wish you and everyone a Happy Healthy Wealthy Golden New Year !

All the Best To you Eagle.

Hi Oakview2,
I actually grew up in Hornitos with Burns Creek running right behind my house. I used to pan as a kid. Just now starting to get back into it after all these years and finding it to be a really fun hobby. I love reading all of the stories on this forum.


This forum is great! As I told Oakview, I grew up in Hornitos and just starting to get back into prospecting. I used to do it as a kid as Burns Creek ran behind our house. I have been metal detecting for about 2 years now. Yes, a course or field trip in any area would be amazing! Keep those stories coming.


This forum is great! As I told Oakview, I grew up in Hornitos and just starting to get back into prospecting. I used to do it as a kid as Burns Creek ran behind our house. I have been metal detecting for about 2 years now. Yes, a course or field trip in any area would be amazing! Keep those stories coming.

Would you travel as far as to Briceburg? Once I get moved in, I have an experiment I want to try out in an area where I KNOW there's gold. Problem is, there's so much mineralization that the best metal detector is unable to separate the gold from iron. I think I have the solution and intend to try it out.

Of course, I could end up looking like a blithering idiot, but isn't that what experiments are all about??

ABSOLUTELY! You just let me know when and I'll be there! And yes, that is what experiments are all about. :)

I have been a member here for a few months, and I can't believe I missed this thread somehow until now. Just read it all, great stuff !

Eagle, thanks so much for sharing so much information, history, and personal stories.

Good luck with the book, put me down for 3 copies.

Your new friend, and humble student, Maven


Eagle, It too took me some time to finish your informative threads( had to go back and reread them like a great novel) You are a very inspiring person for sure. I as many others will be looking forward to an outdoor class with you. It will be nice to have you close by. I have family that live in Oakhurst. Thanks again, Glen

I have been a member here for a few months, and I can't believe I missed this thread somehow until now. Just read it all, great stuff !

Eagle, thanks so much for sharing so much information, history, and personal stories.

Good luck with the book, put me down for 3 copies.

Your new friend, and humble student, Maven


Halito my Friend,

You are very welcome. I'm very happy that you found my thread and hope you stick around.
As for the books, your wish is my command! (lol)
Incidently, I like your 2 rules. I can attest to the fact that if you live by them, you'll live a lot longer, healthy life.

Thanks again!!


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Eagle, It too took me some time to finish your informative threads( had to go back and reread them like a great novel) You are a very inspiring person for sure. I as many others will be looking forward to an outdoor class with you. It will be nice to have you close by. I have family that live in Oakhurst. Thanks again, Glen

Halito panner59,

Thanks for the encouraging words, but I wouldn't exactly call it a "novel", I'm having enough trouble rounding and filling it out enough, just to make a book. (lol) Once I finish with this move, I'll let everyone know to watch for any announcments of "classes".

Love and Respect,


Eagle what are you doing up at 5 in the morning your supposed to be resting for all the digging we have to do when I come up lol

Eagle what are you doing up at 5 in the morning your supposed to be resting for all the digging we have to do when I come up lol

:laughing7: My anxious friend, I go to bed at 10pm and awaken at 5am every day. (Well, sometimes I'm up later than that, but I'm still awake by 5am. It's a habit I got into when I was 10 years old. I stayed up late one night, (when I was suppose to be asleep) then my foster father told me; "If you aren't out of bed at 5am, you're not going fishing with me". Hey, I woke up at 5am and have been doing it ever since. Don't want to miss any of those fishing trips!! (lol)

So the housewarming party starts at 6? What was the date again? :laughing7:

Just kidding. Hope you're past the living out of boxes stage.

So the housewarming party starts at 6? What was the date again? :laughing7:

Just kidding. Hope you're past the living out of boxes stage.

:laughing7::laughing7: My Brother, I just fell into the boxes!! I'll probably take 2 or 3 weeks to claw my way back out of them. The housewarming party will have to be; BYOB, as all of the liquior was cleaned out of the motorhome.........and I don't drink. (lol) (Some Indians can be mean when they're drunk). (lol)

Right now, I have to come up with a little more cash to complete this last trip. So, I'll be going into town in a little while to see if I can sell the SS buckle I posted a week ago. Unfortunately, I know they won't give but about $18 per oz. for sterling silver. But with the gas prices going up (almost) on a daily basis, I don't have much choice. The worse part of the whole scenario is, if I had had enough money in the beginning, I could have rented a U-haul truck and made the whole move in one fell swoop. :dontknow: :laughing7:

In any case, I don't know how long it will take for me to get an internet connection once I'm moved, so if all of my Brothers and Sisters don't hear from me for a while, "keep the faith", I'm like the proverbial bad penny, I will return. (lol)

I'll be disconnecting the computer tonight, and leaving here early tomorrow morning. (01/09/12)

Love and Respect,


Hi - Eagle - We all miss you and hope the boxes are providing fond memories. Looking forward to hearing from you.

To all of Eagles friends...

Today Eagle suffered a mild Heart Attack and was taken to the Hospital where they performed some type of surgery to clear out one of his arteries. He wants you to know that he's doing just fine after the surgery, actually he claims that he'll be running laps around me after about 3 days of

He's strong...keep him in your thoughts and prayers!

My prayers are with you brother. Get well and strong.


The next time you visit with walking eagle please tell him I send him my very best wishes, a hug for health and friendship, a wink for joy and let him know he is in my prayers. Also please suggest to him that he give it a few days of being out of the hospital before he starts some slow laps...........63bkpkr

Gold bag let Eagle know Im around if he needs anything I just talked to him on thursday he sounded fine you just never know

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