The Many Lost Treasures of Mariposa, CA (Photos Added)

DaCapt said:
And thank you for your posts! Very entertaining! :icon_thumleft:
Have a great day EagleDown

You're more than welcome my Friend!! Thanks for taking the time to let me know
that you enjoyed my bits of trivia. :headbang:


Other things to look for

One thing I realized many years ago is;
“If a person spends more than one day in one spot, he will leave “tell tale” signs of his presence”.

Here’s a small example:

I was in an exploring mood one morning, so I decided to go up a “run-off” gulch that I had been curious about. Actually, it would take a vivid imagination to call it a gulch, as it was more like you might see when rains cut a notch in the side of a mountain as the “run-off” finds its’ way to a lower elevation. The next time I’m on the river, I’ll try to remember to take a picture, to show what I’m trying to describe.

Anyway, I don’t know what might have caught my attention about this “gulch”, but I just had to check it out. (One of those little things you see, but don’t pay any attention to).

It was a fairly steep climb, but I was young, dumb and had more energy than I knew what to do with, so it was just another adventure for me.

I had gone up the “gulch” for about a ¼ mile when I stopped to take a breather. (And a smoke). (lol)
As I stood there, looking around, I noticed a few heavily rusted cans on the opposite side of the “gulch”. Then, I looked down into the “gulch” and saw many more rusted cans mixed in with the leaves and pine needles. This was a sure indication to me that someone (or perhaps more than one person) had spent a lot of time there.

I looked further up the side of the mountain and could see a flat area of about 30X40 feet. While looking at the surrounding terrain, it was obvious to me that this was not a natural flat area, but HAD TO BE manmade.

So, to put this into perspective; we have a “gulch”, with numerous rusty cans in one area and a manmade flat area. There was no obvious source of water, and I was approx. a quarter mile up the side of a mountain.

My conclusion here is; that there was a mine near-by and there was probably a cabin and/or a small mill on the flat area. I would imagine that there ‘was’ a source of water as I can’t convince myself that someone would go to all of that work leveling an area for a cabin when they would knew they would have to carry water up a steep grade, just for cooking.

So, where did they get their water?

Perhaps, while checking the “gulch” for gold, or following gold up the “gulch” from the river, they might have traced it to a “seepage” coming from a quartz vein. They could have tunneled in on the quartz and still have had a source of water.

As I stood looking at my discovery, I thought about going down into the “gulch” and up the other side to check it out closer but realized I was getting really hungry and I knew it would take a while to go down into the “gulch” and to climb up the other (steeper) side, so I decided to go back to my camp and check it out another time.

As I’ve said before, my main pleasure has always been the discovery, rather than acquiring. So, you can guess the rest; I never have made it back up that “gulch”. (lol)

So, as I previously stated, when you’re out and about, watch for the little things that just don’t belong there.

Rusty cans and broken bottles, flattened areas on the side of a mountain or hill that can’t possibly be natural because of the surrounding areas. Perhaps an old tree with un-natural scars on the trunk. (Some of these scars can still be visible a couple hundred years later). Also, it wasn’t unusual for a lonely miner to kill boredom by etching his name and/or the date on a tree or boulder. I guess it gives a person a sense of immortality to have their name carved on a boulder. (lol)

Anyway, I’m way overdue on this post, so I hope you’ve learned a little here. I’ll be back as soon as I can with more of what to look for.


Halito to all of My Friends,

I was in "todays finds" and read a post that had photos of seed ticks. A lot of them!!
Then another member stated that he had Lyme disease, "and it's no fun".
Which brings me to the point of this particular post.

Since we've had a relitively mild winter and there already seems to be an abundance of
ticks around, I thought it might be worthwhile to let you know that there is an inexpensive
way to protect yourself from Lymes, and to get rid of it should you contract it. I know a
woman who got Lymes about 20 years ago, but the Dr.s couldn't, (or wouldn't) admit that
it was Lymes since there had never been a case of it in CA at that time. I haven't seen her
in about 5 years, but the last time I did, she was still suffering from the effects.

Anyway, it only costs about $20 for about a years supply. And I know that it works great.
I now only take a dose twice a week, (to keep my immune system at its peak), and I
haven't had a cold or a sick day in over 4 years now. (The $20 also covers the shipping).

So, if anyone is interested in protecting themselves while romping around through the brush,
just take the time to send me a pm and I will be happy to tell you where to get it.

Incidently, I don't get anything out of telling you about it, other than the pleasure of having
helped someone. So, be careful out there.

Love and Respect,



Great advice on noticing where people have been and great tips on things to watch for. I too have found places like that, and I wish I'd have spent more time exploring them while I was there. It's curious how we realize missed opportunities many years later.

Thanks so much for all of your effort in posting your fascinating tales and memories--I certainly enjoy them.

All the best,



Sir, thank you.

I wandered in to this thread last Thursday evening, and was 40 pages into it when I saw that is was 2 am...
I finished it just now.
I live in Nevada County, ground zero of the Motherlode, and recently bought my first metal detector after wanting one for around 30 years.
Reading this I have learned much about your neck of the woods, mining, and mostly...about you.
Thanks for sharing your stories and the history you have been part of. This thread is one of the best I have ever encountered on the net.
Many years ago I aquired a book by William Manly, one of the first white men to cross death valley..he actually is credited with naming it in some circles.
It is called "Death Valley in '49"..I highly reccomend it to anyone with the history fever.
The book was essentially an autobiography, and your writings reminded me much of his work.
Once I have figured out exactly how I want to ask some questions you are going to get a pm from me. I own and live on 10 acres that has some history, I believe, in the gold rush, and since my father was a wise man, we have the mineral rights to the property as well.
Thanks again, please know how much enjoyment your writing has brought to many of us out here on the interwebz...

Lanny, when I have the time I am gonna go dive into your stuff...

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Sam 8--it would be great to have you drop in for a visit. Good luck with that new detector--it'll open up a whole new world of gold hunting adventure for you. Read and reread your manual until you know every little detail in it. Look on the Web for videos to help you understand it, and read everything you can on gold nugget detecting--it's a specialized field that requires some intense study to acquire the necessary skills.

All the best,


Yikes!! Another learning curve

Halito Lanny,

Sorry it's taken so long to acknowledge your post here. I think I just figured out
how to get this new set-up to let me know when there's a reply to my thread.

Anyway, I just got back online after having my cp in the shop for the past 5 days.
For some strange reason, it forgot how to access my cameras, so that I could
download photos. In any case, it seems to be working fine for now.

Thanks for posting!!


Whew.....reading some of your other posts about the new forum, I was afraid that you would never come back in this thread. I'm sure I'm not the only one that is happy to see you hanging in there.

Halito Sam B,

Thanks for the words of encouragement!! Sometimes that's all it takes to make writing seem worthwhile.

As Lanny said, learn your new metal detector as thoroughly as you possibly can, before wandering off into
the hills. You won't be sorry that you took the time.

I use to have some claims, (partnership) on the dividing line of Nevada and Sierra counties. (The Middle Fork
of the Yuba river). With the ammount of gold I found just panning, I still feel that I could take out an ounce
of fine gold per week, without over working myself.

Anyway, I'll be watching for your pm.


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Whew.....reading some of your other posts about the new forum, I was afraid that you would never come back in this thread. I'm sure I'm not the only one that is happy to see you hanging in there.

Yep, I'm hanging in there. But just barely. (lol) I don't know about this new format. It will probably take me a while
to figure it out. And, like so many others, I wish they hadn't changed it. I've been a member of a couple of other
sites and after about 3 or 4 years, they changed the format. Now, one of the sites no longer exists and the other
has lost most of their members. I guess the owners just don't understand that most people don't care for changes.

Oh well, we'll survive. (lol)

Thanks for posting!!


I know that a lot of my Brothers and Sisters are deeply concerned about the direction our Republic
has taken. I was sent this link by a close friend who is active in Law Enforcement.

I wanted to share it with you. Who knows, at least it gives me some hope for our recovery. I just
wish I was young enough to become a part of it. I would appreciate your thoughts on what he has
to say. It is rather long, so you'll need to set aside about an hour or so to listen to it, with no interruptions.

Hey, maybe they'll need an Elder Statesman (Temporarally). (lol)ALERTS

Love and Respect,



I'm so glad that you didn't stop posting just because of the new format--that would have been a terrible loss to the forum. I've just posted a new link to your thread over on my thread to get more people over here to check out your incredible gold tales. You're doing a fantastic job, and I love reading your material.

All the best,



Glad to see that you are posting in the new format. Takes some time to get used to. I am wondering if there is a public accessible mine dump near the fairground in Mariposa. I have heard this story, but am trying to confirm. My son and I bought a GMT at a recent show, and we would love to get it over some old tailings. Happy Hunting


Glad to see that you are posting in the new format. Takes some time to get used to. I am wondering if there is a public accessible mine dump near the fairground in Mariposa. I have heard this story, but am trying to confirm. My son and I bought a GMT at a recent show, and we would love to get it over some old tailings. Happy Hunting

Halito Oakview2,

Thank you for your question! You've just helped me prove something I tell others, but can't get them to believe it;
I don't know everything!! :laughing7:

In all honesty, the question had never entered my mind. I know of so many non-working mines with tailings
piles that it never occurred to me to check on the old Mariposa mine. They do have a mining museum at the fair
grounds, (if they haven't closed it by now), I'm sure you could take a minute to stop in and ask there.

Again, thanks for the question My Friend!! You've just reminded me of a couple of stories that I had totally
forgot about. One of them concerns the Mariposa mine. Good luck with your GMT and watch for those pesky

Love and Respect,



I'm so glad that you didn't stop posting just because of the new format--that would have been a terrible loss to the forum. I've just posted a new link to your thread over on my thread to get more people over here to check out your incredible gold tales. You're doing a fantastic job, and I love reading your material.

All the best,

Che'hahn Tah-Moe Lanny,

Thanks for your post! Also for putting my link on your thread. With the old forum, I could look at "viewers" at the top of the page and immediately know if anyone had bothered to read my post. But now, (since I haven't figured out how, [or if even possible] to see the number), I have to rely on readers such as you, Oakview and a few others posting comments and questions, to know if there's still anyone interested. :dontknow:

Oh well, I'll just have to join the Marines; Adapt and Overcome!

Hokay, back to a little writing, while it's still fairly early and these little 3 week old puppies are sleeping, rather than crawling all over my bare feet. :laughing7:

The Truth

I know that a lot of my Brothers and Sisters are deeply concerned about the direction our Republic
has taken. I was sent this link by a close friend who is active in Law Enforcement.

I wanted to share it with you. Who knows, at least it gives me some hope for our recovery. I just
wish I was young enough to become a part of it. I would appreciate your thoughts on what he has
to say. It is rather long, so you'll need to set aside about an hour or so to listen to it, with no interruptions.

Hey, maybe they'll need an Elder Statesman (Temporarally). (lol)ALERTS

Love and Respect,


Hey Eagle, that was a little longer than an I sure hope those ******* get what they got coming! I hope we all see the "Golden Age". Your a true warrior Eagle, I'm with you 100%!

Sorry about that! At least I did say; an hour or so. :laughing7:

Actually, I didn't realise there was so many segments. But, still, by the time I had listened to all of them, I was ready to come out of retirement and become a part of restoring the Constitution and the Republic. :headbang:

Well, it took me a while, but I found my thread by going to my profile. I don't know what the problem is, but my link would not work. (404 - File not found) Unfortunately, if this continues, my writing career in Tnet might be over. Too many little things like not being able to see how many have come in to read my posts. And, not knowing if my friends are able to access my thread. :dontknow:

Anyway, as things stand right now, I just wanted to make you aware that I entend to be on the Merced River (below Briceburg) by Sunday afternoon. (04/15/12) As usual, I'll probably set up at the last campground, RailRoad Flats. I hope some of you are able to meet with me. I plan on staying for a week or so, but you know us old timers, that could be subject to change at any moment. (lol) (Sound like a politician don't I) (lol)

Hey, this could be an excellent opportunity to test out all the talk about the "Collective Conscious".

Perhaps if everyone who reads this would go back 3 or 4 pages to where I posted a photo of myself, and while looking at the photo, visualise me finding a large amount of gold, (by large amount, I'm talking about pounds, not just pickers). (lol) perhaps we could confirm (or deny) whether there truly is a "Collective Conscious", and if we can control aspects of it with our thoughts. Hmm, that would put all of the "New Age" teachings in a new light wouldn't it?

Anyway, wish me luck.


Hey Eagle, I found your thread! Had the same problem with the 404 error. I haven't had a chance to get that photo of the opal together, but since your going to be here so soon I'll just bring it down to the river. I should be down there Monday morning sometime. Talk to you later!

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