Well, I said soon and since I'm taking a short break for lunch, I guess this is soon.
AND, A New Legend is Born
(But, after the “birthing”, fades into obscurity.)
It was about 3 months before he was recovered enough that he felt he would be able to stand the rigors of the desert. But finally, the morning came when the small band of expectant enterprisers set out on their quest to find. The Bed of Gold.
Long before they arrived at the spot where the gold was thought to be, they started walking off to the side of the RR bed, just in case their agreed upon distance was incorrect. After they had been out in the field for 3 days, it was estimated that they were about 35 miles from town and still had not found the RR tie with the X on the end of it. And, to make matters worse, they were running low on water. So, it was agreed that they should turn back towards town. Of course, they would keep track of the ties to make sure that they hadn’t accidentally missed the one with the X on it.
So, back they headed, and arrived back in town without having yet seen a RR tie with a white X on the end of it. They decided to wait a couple of days to rest up, before heading back out with a more plentiful supply of food and water. About 3 days later, they started back out along the rail road tracks.
This time, they took along a couple of extra mules, dedicated to carrying just the extra water to see them through the journey and subsequent digging. I would imagine that they also expected the extra mules to carry all of their gold on the return trip to home.
I believe they spent a little over a week in the search on this trip. Still, no success. All in all, there were reportedly 3 exploration trips made before the idea was voiced that it was all some sort of scam, and they had been wining and dining this guy for nothing. So, he ended up as sort of an “out-cast” as far as the town was concerned.
One of several things that struck me about this story was; that the man continued searching for the lost bed of gold nuggets up until he ultimately went to his “just rewards”. Now, I don’t really believe that if it was a “scam”, that he would have wasted the balance of his life searching for a non-existent fantasy.
And, one thing I couldn’t figure out was; how could the good people of Barstow forget about all of the gold he was carrying when he staggered into town??
In any case, as I have stated in one of my earlier posts, it seems that at my birth, the Spirits got together and decided that I should be a repository for lost treasure stories. So, to further their aims, in 1964, I was directed to a short term job, working for the SantaFe Rail Road in Barstow shortly after hearing this story.
They started me out at the very bottom of the ladder by assigning me the title of “Swamper”. That meant that I had the job of cleaning the diesel engines with a mop and diesel fuel. Hey, it was a living. And, it gave me a little extra on my Social Security.
After a couple of weeks of that miserable job, I saw a notice on the bulletin board that there was an opening for dispatcher, (typing skills required) so I applied and got the job. (I’m talking about guidance here!!)
I was having lunch one day with another employee, who worked in records. I told him about the story that I’d heard and he said he’d check in records and see if he could find anything about it. Of course, back then, I had my notebook that I kept, with names and dates so he had something to work with.
It was several days later before we got together again for lunch and I had an opportunity to ask about it. He said he hadn’t found anything about any gold, which didn’t surprise me, as the RR wasn’t involved in that aspect of the story. But, he said he had found something interesting though. It seems that the records showed that; during the period the man was laid up and recovering, a crew had been sent out in that direction and had replaced close to 50 of the older RR ties. He said that there was also a notation that there had been a sand storm that had lasted for a couple of days, thereby disrupting the labor.
So, this leaves me with a firm belief that approximately 30 miles North of Barstow, there is a dry wash, probably filled with wind blown sand, that is the secret burying place of………..
I hope you enjoyed this one!