The Many Lost Treasures of Mariposa, CA (Photos Added)

That cabin is also on private property, it's owned.

I realize that, I was just trying to make a point that if the government wants to do something, they will pass regulations and impose restrictions in order to accomplish their goals.

For example, in the '80's I owned a trailer in the El Portal Trailer Park outside of Yosemite and paid rent to the National Park Service. For reasons that I won't go into here, the NPS wanted me and my trailer out. My trailer was built in 1959 and was the oldest one in the trailer park. They knew this from the DMV vehicle registrations. The NPS created a new regulation that "any trailer manufactured before 1960" was banned from the trailer park and gave me 30 days to remove it. On the 29th day after I received the eviction notice, I arrived at the trailer in the evening, stored my sleeping bag and personal effects inside the trailer and went to the Cedar Lodge Bar for a beer or two. I had made arrangements to have the trailer removed the next day. When I got back to the trailer later that night, it had been broken into, ransacked, and all my personal belongings were gone. A neighbor told me that Park Rangers had broken in and confiscated my stuff. So, the next day, I went to the Law Enforcement Office in Yosemite Valley to retrieve my belongings, and was told that I could not have them back because they were "confiscated during the repossession and removal process of my trailer". At that point, I basically told them to go f*ck themselves. They ended up removing the trailer and it's contents to a storage area by the old El Portal wastewater treatment plant, where it mysteriously caught fire and burnt to the ground a few months later. Needless to say, immediately following the seizure of my trailer, the NPS rescinded the "pre-1960 age limit" in the trailer park. They had accomplished their goal.

Case in point, what the USFS, BLM, and NPS want, they somehow get.

BTW, I can tell by your username Chupacabra that you are probably a member of AMRA. I'm heading out to Perlot this Saturday. Maybe I'll see you there!


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Actually I think he had that handle before Shannon claimed the Chup claims, but he is a member

I am going to post some video i have from pendola gardens ranch it will amaze some
I think the spot where the video starts was taken from the bridge, right? If you go there now, while there's no water, that spot is all bedrock with deep channels and crevasses in it. That's also where my friend found a half oz. nugget. Almost under the bridge. Just before he got run out. (lol)

I appreciate your rant, but on an un-patented mining claim....."no permanent structures" are allowed. Unfortunately, it's their interpretation of what's "permanent". ...... Rick
Yeah, you're right. Of course I was referring to the way it WAS. I don't remember the date, though I think it was in 1976, they amended the mining laws to more fit their agenda. (And yes, as you have implied, they do have an agenda).

hi eagle this thread has a lot of very interesting stories. everybody that posts here brings something new for us to enjoy. to bad the government works against most of the hard working people seems they like lazy people better. thanks to everybody for their posts and thank god for global warming it is almost warm enough to metal detect again. take care eagle please keep up the great work. dave

hi eagle this thread has a lot of very interesting stories. everybody that posts here brings something new for us to enjoy. to bad the government works against most of the hard working people seems they like lazy people better. thanks to everybody for their posts and thank god for global warming it is almost warm enough to metal detect again. take care eagle please keep up the great work. dave
Thanks for your post Dave!! It's not so much that the government likes lazy people (lazy slaves aren't worth much), I think the word would be "compliant". Good luck with your metal detecting Brother!!

Well, I suppose we could all pool our money and just buy it! 6740 Pendola Gardens Rd, Mariposa, CA 95338 is For Sale - Zillow Rick
Hokay, my imagination has been excited!! (lol) If a co-op was formed to buy this property, it could set up a membership, similar to the GPAA and after a few posts of the gold being found by the members, there would be people from all over wanting to join so that they could prospect the area. Think about an RV park with low-cost spaces for members = income. Then, sales of the residential zoning area = income. Then, a small restaurant and snack bar, etc., etc. With the proper promotions, I don't think it would take a very long time before the investment would be showing a profit. But then, I've been called a visionary before. (lol)

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Thanks for your post Dave!! It's not so much that the government likes lazy people (lazy slaves aren't worth much), I think the word would be "compliant". Good luck with your metal detecting Brother!!

I think that's why the welfare systems have been expanded so much. Govt gives free money to the point a lot of people view it as a career, they can be convinced to vote for the party giving their income to them. It's one way to keep slavery alive and well I think

I think that's why the welfare systems have been expanded so much. Govt gives free money to the point a lot of people view it as a career, they can be convinced to vote for the party giving their income to them. It's one way to keep slavery alive and well I think
And, you're right. Personally, I've had many 'friends' ask me; "With your low income, why don't you sign up for food stamps", (EBT). Or, "go to the food bank or Manna House and get free food", etc. My answer to the former is; Because I don't want to jump through the government hoops! And to the latter; "There are many people that need it more than I.

The easiest way to tame and train an animal is through free food.

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I used food stamps when I got out of the military and got denied the unemployment your allowed to get. I kept seeing people here driving very expensive vehicles, newest phones etc just have to come in once and they walked out with a food stamp card, I ended up having to take a month to get mine going because I had to prove I no longer had an income as large as the army paid.

Hokay, my imagination has been excited!! (lol) If a co-op was formed to buy this property, it could set up a membership, similar to the GPAA and after a few posts of the gold being found by the members, there would be people from all over wanting to join so that they could prospect the area. Think about an RV park with low-cost spaces for members = income. Then, sales of the residential zoning area = income. Then, a small restaurant and snack bar, etc., etc. With the proper promotions, I don't think it would take a very long time before the investment would be showing a profit. But then, I've been called a visionary before. (lol)

Here's something a little more affordable, but with California Historical Landmark status, the Government probably wouldn't allow any type of development, aside from the fact it's probably played out anyway.

0 Mormon Bar Xing, Mariposa, CA 95338 is For Sale - Zillow

[FONT=&quot]MORMON BAR (CHL #323[/FONT][FONT=&quot])[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Located along the East Fork of Mariposa Creek, about a mile and a half southeast of Mariposa at the Mariposa County Fairgrounds.[/FONT][FONT=&quot] This placer gold mining camp was reportedly worked originally by members of the famed “Mormon Battalion” in 1848. The Mormons were quickly replaced by other miners, including a large number of Chinese. The diggings were reported to have yielded about $2 million and were active through the 1870s, and again in the 1930s. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]An historic marker is at the site, located 500’ southeast of the intersection of SH 49/Ben Hur Road, 1.8 miles south of Mariposa. [/FONT]


Here's something a little more affordable, but with California Historical Landmark status, the Government probably wouldn't allow any type of development, aside from the fact it's probably played out anyway.

0 Mormon Bar Xing, Mariposa, CA 95338 is For Sale - Zillow

Located along the East Fork of Mariposa Creek, about a mile and a half southeast of Mariposa at the Mariposa County Fairgrounds. This placer gold mining camp was reportedly worked originally by members of the famed “Mormon Battalion” in 1848. The Mormons were quickly replaced by other miners, including a large number of Chinese. The diggings were reported to have yielded about $2 million and were active through the 1870s, and again in the 1930s.
An historic marker is at the site, located 500’ southeast of the intersection of SH 49/Ben Hur Road, 1.8 miles south of Mariposa.

I checked on this one last Summer. Unfortunately, it's part of the "flood plain", so you wouldn't be able to build on it. (Or, at least that was what I was told). Also, you can rest assured that there isn't much left in the dryer parts. But, its one 'saving' feature is; Mariposa Creek still has gold in it, that gets moved around periodically due to flooding.

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Just a little philosophy to think about:

Lying around, pondering the problems of the world, I realized that at my age I don't really give a crap anymore.
If walking is good for your health, the postman would be immortal.

A whale swims all day, only eats fish, drinks water, but is still fat.

A rabbit runs and hops and only lives 15 years, while a tortoise doesn't run and does mostly nothing, yet it lives for 150 years.

And they tell us to exercise? I don't think so.

But now that I'm older, here's what I've discovered:

1. I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.
2. My wild oats are mostly enjoyed with prunes and all-bran.
4. Funny, I don't remember being absent-minded.
5. Funny, I don't remember being absent-minded.
6. If all is not lost, then where the heck is it?
7. It was a whole lot easier to get older than it was to get wiser.
8. Some days, you're the top dog, some days you're the hydrant.
9. I wish the buck really did stop here; I sure could use a few of them.
10. Kids in the back seat cause accidents.
11. Accidents in the back seat cause kids.
12. It's hard to make a comeback when you haven't been anywhere.
13. The world only beats a path to your door when you're in the bathroom.
14. If God wanted me to touch my toes, he'd have put them on my knees.
15. When I'm finally holding all the right cards, everyone wants to play chess.
16. It's not hard to meet expenses . . . They're everywhere.
17. The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth.
18. These days, I spend a lot of time thinking about the hereafter . . . I go somewhere to get something, and then wonder what I'm "here after".
19. Funny, I don't remember being absent-minded.
20. Have I sent this message to you before...or did I get it from you?

As I get older, I've learned that everythig takes twice as long and hurts twice as much. Plan ahead for that. From the movie The Bucket List: "As you get older, Never pass up a bathroom, Never waste a hard-on, and Never trust a fart." Truer words were never spoken.


as I get older I still think about the first time I had sex it was dark and I was scared and I was alone!!!

as I get older I still think about the first time I had sex it was dark and I was scared and I was alone!!!

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