The Many Lost Treasures of Mariposa, CA (Photos Added)

Hi -Eagle. I just wanted to say hi, happy belated birthday and let you know many people keep up with your good life even if they don't post regularly.

I love to hear you and your friends enjoying the joy of real Gold. Because of you I convinced my children and their families to go camping At Puertoicitos, Baja California. We kicked the rocks but the only gold we found was just being together.
Halito Brother,
It seems that you've found the true treasure in life. There is nothing more precious than coming together as a family and sharing love with each other. That is more valuable than all of the gold the Mother Earth has to give.

Thank you for your post!! If I have in any way improved your life, then I am grateful.

With Summer slowly wending its way back into our thoughts of prospecting, as a "Medicine Man", it's only natural that I pass on any better ways of taking care of my Brothers and Sisters ailments. Soon, many of you (and I) will be back "in-the-wild" chasing our dream of gold. Unfortunately, there are creepy-crawlers out there that are also chasing their dream of MORE BLOOD! And that includes the Lyme Tick. Why suffer the effects of this critter when there is a legal, non-psychoactive, non-addictive, natural substance with no adverse side effects?? Anyway, it is something I would like to keep in my pharmacopia for emergencies.

Think about it!!

Cannabis kicks Lyme disease to the curb

Love and Respect,

Hello my California brother,

I'm glad your warm weather is returning. Ours is still cold and nasty and will be for some time yet.

It's great to see that your thread is doing so well, and now that you're over 100 pages, you've reached a new milestone.

I hope you get some more chances to get out to chase the gold over the next little while.

Looking at the picture of the dry-washer you posted earlier brought back some memories.

By buddy that spends his winters detecting in Arizona, also spends quite a bit of time dry-washing. He tells me it's quite a dusty business.

I never did go dry-washing with him, but I've seen his gold, and when I went to spend a few weeks with him in Arizona, it was too wet to dry-wash! However, that didn't stop us from getting out into the desert to detect.

He took me to the spot where he found his patch. They took out over a pound of gold from his honey hole (Most of the gold was in quartz specimen pieces, but there were quite a few big chunks. They had them tested and there was a pound of gold in the specimens, and then there were solid gold chunks as well.).

While I was with him detecting, I headed off down an arroyo while he stayed up top. Not long after, he hollered for me to come back up, and he'd found another beautiful chunk about 5X2-1/2 inches with gold laced all through it. That was one beautiful specimen.

On that same trip, I went out with another buddy in a different part of Arizona and all we did was hunt old dry-washer tailing piles. My buddy pulled a beautiful nugget out of one of those piles, so they're still out there.

So, that's what your picture of the dry-washer reminded me of Eagle.

All the best,


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Halito Brother Lanny,

Hold on to those memories, they'll keep you warm on those long cold days. Our weather hasn't been all that great lately. Long dry season, now a lot of cold rain. I'm already tired of the rain, even though I know we need a lot more to get us back to where we should be. I'm hoping to make a trip to Arizona around the first of March. Maybe I can relieve the hills of some of the weight they're carrying. I think about 2 pounds of gold should do the trick. (lol) Looking at some of the videos of AZ prospecting can sure get a fellow excited. I know it's there, now all I have to do is go find it.

Over 100 pages! Whoda thunk it? Who knows, maybe we'll eventually hit 200 pages. (lol)

Thanks for sharing your memories and the pictures, they also get the old heart thumping. (lol)

Love and Respect,


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Halito Brother Lanny,

Hold on to those memories, they'll keep you warm on those long cold days. Our weather hasn't been all that great lately. Long dry season, now a lot of cold rain. I'm already tired of the rain, even though I know we need a lot more to get us back to where we should be. I'm hoping to make a trip to Arizona around the first of March. Maybe I can relieve the hills of some of the weight they're carrying. I think about 2 pounds of gold should do the trick. (lol) Looking at some of the videos of AZ prospecting can sure get a fellow excited. I know it's there, now all I have to do is go find it.

Over 100 pages! Whoda thunk it? Who knows, maybe we'll eventually hit 200 pages. (lol)

Thanks for sharing your memories and the pictures, they also get the old heart thumping. (lol)

Love and Respect,


I'da thunk it! You're a great writer with a nice, easy style. You're generous to a fault when it comes to sharing your hard-earned knowledge about gold hunting, whether it's in writing, or whether it's in person. It's natural that people would gravitate to your thread.

All the best my brother,



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for what it's worth, did so.

See your buddy, Obummer is coming to town. You gonna go down and see him? Going to tell the farmers emergency relief funds are coming and problem is global weather change. All they want and need is the pumps turned on, more water storage and less BS restrictions, but the grennies won't allow that.

for what it's worth, did so.

See your buddy, Obummer is coming to town. You gonna go down and see him? Going to tell the farmers emergency relief funds are coming and problem is global weather change. All they want and need is the pumps turned on, more water storage and less BS restrictions, but the grennies won't allow that.
MY buddy??, God'll get you for that!! (lol) Remind me to tell you the Navy's interpretation of a buddy sometime, (lol)

Whatever he promises, expect the exact opposite and you'll never be surprised. (And, I'm not laughing here).

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This morning, I went into the petition link to see how well it was progressing. My friends, I have to admit that I was pretty disappointed. Though we have garnered over 100 signatures, by now, I feel we should have well over 1,000 from the state of CA alone.

I know there are many that feel it won't do any good, but I can absolutely guarantee that if we don't at least try, hey, it really WON'T do any good. Let's face it; the state and the environmentalists have already taken our rights to dredge for gold, so what makes anyone think that the next phase of their agenda is NOT to put an end to metal detecting on "public lands"?? In other words, one prohibition will never be enough as far as they are concerned. If we don't win back our dredging rights, it will only encourage and make them feel strong enough to strike out at any activities that they don't agree with. So, what's next? Perhaps no tomato plants in your back-yard? Or how about when you take your little ones to a public park and you see signs saying; No walking or playing on grass. Children MUST be kept on a leash at all times!! Oh, hokay, perhaps I'm going a little too far with my thoughts. (But then again, maybe not). Basically, what I'm trying to put across here is; It doesn't matter whether you're a dredger, a metal detectorist, or just like to go out into the land and take photographs of birds and flowers, you are ALL IN DANGER OF LOSING THOSE RIGHTS!! So, it's up to you, you can sit on your duff and wait for someone else to try to protect your rights, or, you take a few minutes to painlessly fill out this petition and do a small part to have your voice be heard. What ever your reason is, you don't have to say. The reasons on the site are optional. You can still sign the petition and keep your thoughts to yourself. (Unlike me). (lol)

While I was in the petition link, I found the following post. The person who posted this expresses himself quite well. Hopefully he'll forgive me for passing it on to you.

The original ban (SB670 ) was not a ban, but ONLY a two year moratorium. An EIR was done which was illegal as dredging was and is an ongoing project before 1970 and is exempt from review under CEQA. The EIR then found dredging was NOT deleterious to fish. But the environmental groups did not like the outcome of the EIR and went back to the legislature for a continued ban. The Democratic majority voted against us miners 100% within party lines. NOT ONE OF YOU had the guts or Integrity to seek the truth and look at the science. Democrats voted to kill an Industry, kill jobs, put miners on welfare, destroy business and hurt rural economies. Dredging is the safest and most environmentally friendly way to mine. In over 50 years the California Department of Fish and Game (wildlife ) permitted and regulated dredging. In over 50 years there was NO documented harm. NOW the irresponsible State government in California just gave the Sierra fund a 5 MILLION DOLLAR GRANT of OUR TAX DOLLARS to partner with NID and dredge lake Combie to move sediment and recover MERCURY (and any gold encountered). That's right, TAX PAYER MONEY to dredge while we are banned from dredging and REMOVING mercury from the rivers for FREE. Need I add that gold dredges remove as much as 98 % of the mercury recovered. ( From a State water resources control board study) AND the unit being used at lake combie is estimated to remove only about 90 % of the mercury encounterd. The Democrats in Sacramento make me sick. You people were elected to do a job. It's time you look at the science and facts, time to understand there is no harm nor has there been for over 50 years. It's time you do your job. Election time is coming.

Hey now you could have something to kids must be on leash. I keep mine on them. I signed it. Thought it would have a bunch by now too

I tried the link and it said "page not found".
Did the Dems block this site?

I went to Bagy on sunday to detect and do some panning. Found the front gate locked with a sign that said it was closed for construction untill March 31 . Does anyone know what they are doing? You can still go by the bridge but not up river.

I signed the petition today. For a good article on one of the reasons that California's ban on suction dredging (and restrictions on all forms of mineral wealth extraction in this country) is detrimental to the nation's economy, check out "The Last Word" by Dave Mack:

Commentary - The Last Word by Dave Mack of New 49'ers - ********************South Mississippi Chapter - GPAA


Halito Brother Rick,

Thank you for posting this link!! This is probably the most understandable explaination of the way our country is headed that I have ever read!! (And I do and have done an incredible amount of reading). I'll be forwarding this to all of my mailing lists, (approx. 200 addresses). I'm sure that some of them will take note and forward it to their friends. To those of my many readers of this thread, I would suggest that you also send the link to everyone you know. If we continue the way we are, in a very short while, we'll be nothing more than a foot-note in the history of the world.

Love and Respect,


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Excellent read! I've passed it on-

Excellent read! I've passed it on-
Thank you Brother!!

If enough people read and understand what this man is saying, they would realize that not only does it affect CA dredging, but all people of the United States of America and ultimately the whole world.

If they'll just read it..............

Eagle, you know, about fed up. This fella says it right on as far as I'm concerned, but the many will not listen.

Got a kick out of a news flash this morning. Hollywood is going broke and movie making is leaving California. Hollywood wants 'more' tax relief! They are the ones who backed the democrats, Brown and O that's causing businesses to leave CA! Problem is, they'll get the pay back and continue on.

Just as when big O came here w/ the girls, throwing our tax money around, when all the farmers and us needed, was the pumps turned on and water. The greenies won again.

There have been numerous people from here and abroad say, one Obama isn't going to take this country down. What we need to worry about is the mentality of the culture of all who voted for him. Making the mistake once, can see, twice? can't see it. Granted the other side wasn't any great savior either. Hate this picking the best of two evils!

Greenies want to remove all storage dams, let's take out hetch-ketchy (Friscos water supply) first and while we're at it all canals sending water south.

Where is that petition to divide CA into 6 states?

Good night! Shep


I read the article. Dave did a great job of explaining what works and what doesn't work in your economy. Those trillions of valueless dollars that are being pumped into your economy are going to have to be backed with something solid one day or the system just can't continue to support itself.

I certainly hope you find a way to return common sense to your government and your economy to get your great country back on its feet again.

All the best,


So if Hollywood is going to relocate, which state is next? I fear that the greenies will take that power that they gave those so called politicians in CA, will then manipulate the next states politicians. Hell, with this push for clean everything, they've already planted the seeds for where they go. I'm all for protecting the environment, but they've taken it to the extreme and taken out any common sense.
I've always said that the ones put into office need to drop the name of the party and be neutral. They represent the people and should vote for the majority when it comes to passing bills and legislature. Not who lines there pockets the most. I truly think that they should make lobbying illegal. Pushing a particular groups agenda, knowing it's going against what would and could benefit the country's growth (financially and job market wise) is truly destroying our country. Just look at CA. That chapter says it all. And people were wondering why corporations were going to other countries. I truly hope that as a country, others read that chapter and start to wake up. I hope and pray that I don't have to see a civil war happen in my lifetime, let alone my kids.
Thanks for sharing that excerpt from his book. I even hope that the powers that be read it. Maybe, just maybe they'll open their eyes and do what's right.

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