This morning, I went into the petition link to see how well it was progressing. My friends, I have to admit that I was pretty disappointed. Though we have garnered over 100 signatures, by now, I feel we should have well over 1,000 from the state of CA alone.
I know there are many that feel it won't do any good, but I can absolutely guarantee that if we don't at least try, hey, it really WON'T do any good. Let's face it; the state and the environmentalists have already taken our rights to dredge for gold, so what makes anyone think that the next phase of their agenda is NOT to put an end to metal detecting on "public lands"?? In other words, one prohibition will never be enough as far as they are concerned. If we don't win back our dredging rights, it will only encourage and make them feel strong enough to strike out at any activities that they don't agree with. So, what's next? Perhaps no tomato plants in your back-yard? Or how about when you take your little ones to a public park and you see signs saying; No walking or playing on grass. Children MUST be kept on a leash at all times!! Oh, hokay, perhaps I'm going a little too far with my thoughts. (But then again, maybe not). Basically, what I'm trying to put across here is; It doesn't matter whether you're a dredger, a metal detectorist, or just like to go out into the land and take photographs of birds and flowers, you are ALL IN DANGER OF LOSING THOSE RIGHTS!! So, it's up to you, you can sit on your duff and wait for someone else to try to protect your rights, or, you take a few minutes to painlessly fill out this petition and do a small part to have your voice be heard. What ever your reason is, you don't have to say. The reasons on the site are optional. You can still sign the petition and keep your thoughts to yourself. (Unlike me). (lol)
While I was in the petition link, I found the following post. The person who posted this expresses himself quite well. Hopefully he'll forgive me for passing it on to you.
The original ban (SB670 ) was not a ban, but ONLY a two year moratorium. An EIR was done which was illegal as dredging was and is an ongoing project before 1970 and is exempt from review under CEQA. The EIR then found dredging was NOT deleterious to fish. But the environmental groups did not like the outcome of the EIR and went back to the legislature for a continued ban. The Democratic majority voted against us miners 100% within party lines. NOT ONE OF YOU had the guts or Integrity to seek the truth and look at the science. Democrats voted to kill an Industry, kill jobs, put miners on welfare, destroy business and hurt rural economies. Dredging is the safest and most environmentally friendly way to mine. In over 50 years the California Department of Fish and Game (wildlife ) permitted and regulated dredging. In over 50 years there was NO documented harm. NOW the irresponsible State government in California just gave the Sierra fund a 5 MILLION DOLLAR
GRANT of OUR TAX DOLLARS to partner with NID and dredge lake Combie to move sediment and recover MERCURY (and any gold encountered). That's right, TAX PAYER MONEY to dredge while we are banned from dredging and REMOVING mercury from the rivers for FREE. Need I add that gold dredges remove as much as 98 % of the mercury recovered. ( From a State water resources control board study) AND the unit being used at lake combie is estimated to remove only about 90 % of the mercury encounterd. The Democrats in Sacramento make me sick. You people were elected to do a job. It's time you look at the science and facts, time to understand there is no harm nor has there been for over 50 years. It's time you do your job.
Election time is coming.