Annie not to be a pain but my old eyes have a hard time reading with no paragraphs
, also please don't intentionally use small font

Just a quick update if anyone interested to researching further.
It might be of interest the following book. "The Political Role of the Count of Revillagigedo, Viceroy of New Spain: 1789-1794 by James Manfred Manfredini 1949.
There might be an actual twist to the legend?
Don Amigo
The thought has crossed my mind of a possible connection somewhere? However on meditation.... Er yes old crow some times meditate not with home brew medication...
There is a very large time gap between events....
From the time the Jesuits was expelled...Associates of Jesuits over time must of continued the gathering of funds... and in the time it was later referred to as Revillagigedo Fund. The Viceroy Revillagigedo never acted upon the designs of his secretary and never never the location was know by him or his family.By the time the Jesuits had returned the secret information was lost to them and Mexico went independent anyway.
It would not be the decendants of Revillagigedo family that had the information. But the descendants of the secretary...
If so as I might have found a name
El Crow