The Lemurian Legend

HOLA amigo Pegleglooker, this massive flood (the Med basin) this occurred about 6 million years ago, when the Med basin was a desert. There is evidence of a more recent event (the bones of wooly rhinos and mammoths found in caves in Malta which had been washed in by a sudden flood support this) but I don't have all the data on it (yet). There is plenty online, just search for "Mediterranean basin flood". :icon_thumleft:

::) BACK on "topic"... Lemuria; It was ALSO known as MU, and I have read the books by Churchward, or something like that, he disappeared in the jungles (somewhere in South America, in the early 1900's); anyone else know about this? ??? :dontknow:

Oroblanco said:
HOLA amigo Pegleglooker, this massive flood (the Med basin) this occurred about 6 million years ago, when the Med basin was a desert. There is evidence of a more recent event (the bones of wooly rhinos and mammoths found in caves in Malta which had been washed in by a sudden flood support this) but I don't have all the data on it (yet). There is plenty online, just search for "Mediterranean basin flood". :icon_thumleft:

Thankx Oro I'll check it out


:icon_thumleft: :coffee2: ;D "Google" SACRED SYMBOLS OF MU - CHURCHWARD (15,200 "hits").
:coffee2: :read2: :icon_thumleft:

from my own reading i'm in agreement with oro on this, Wilson's theory of plate tectonics pretty much indicates some (possibly large) areas sinking, you have positive pressure such as the San Andreas fault and negative pressure such as the Marianas trench, this would lead to a certain amount of subsidence by land masses, especially those in the negative pressure areas although how large a land mass is open to debate,

also in the warm period between ice ages the seas have risen but many island groups and chains were above the sea at some point as evidenced by the animal life on separate islands which are not separate species and can only have spread if the entire island chain was one land mass at some time in the past,

during ice ages the seas would retreat and the animals spread over the area, other places because of plate tectonics would sink slowly because the continents either side of them are moving apart, and whilst they may have been dry at some time in the past are now that far below sea level that during the next ice age will still be under water,

estimates of how much the seas have risen and how far they will drop indicate that even during the next ice age they will still be underwater, showing that they do and have subsided,

also volcano's such as Krakatoa which disappeared completely after blowing has now regrown and a new island formed called son of Krakatoa, and the same has happened in the Azores and that was quite recent within the last fifty to sixty years,

as an aside its also known that Pangaea is only the last of the super continents and the earth has gone through a number of cycles with super continents, estimated at three times at least, eventually in a few million years everything will collide again and then split and spread apart all moving in the opposite direction to the present one,

yes i've also read the Med was a dry valley considerably below sea level until whats known as the Gibraltar land bridge was eroded and the Atlantic flooded the area,


:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D From MY research (STILL on-going...), we have ATLANTIS in the Atlantic Ocean, etc.; we ALSO have LEMURIA (aka MU) in the Pacific Ocean. I heard/read that LEMURIA/MU was more ancient than ATLANTIS... and more ORIENTAL; what-ever is in the ocean off of Japan, sounds like LEMURIA/MU... DUNNO. :dontknow: "Google" YONAGUNI ???

A big Dakota HOWDY to my amigo REBEL!

Rebel wrote
I heard/read that LEMURIA/MU was more ancient than ATLANTIS

Can you recall how far back these legends are supposed to go? Seems like there was a Hindu legend which was supposed to be over 100,000 years? This question for anyone who knows, thank you in advance,

Hi Oro,
I my be wrong, but doesn't civilization go back just a little over 10,000 years ?? Would there be a " organized " society back at 100,000 ???


HOLA mi amigo Pegleglooker!

As far as I know, there is no trace of any civilization which goes back 100,000 years. There are some paleolithic village sites that date back 40,000 years, which raises interesting ideas viz Atlantis, for if people were living in villages, with specialized jobs (tool maker, clothing maker, etc) storing up foods (pit food caches for meat probably) then are we to believe that no advances were made for some 28,000 years? Anyway you are correct at least as far as I know, I was only using the figure from memory of a Hindu legend which claims such a very old date.

:coffee2: Coffee, anyone? ;D We MAY looking the WRONG places for these "advanced civilizations";
BOTH Lemuria/Mu & Atlantis "went into the sea"; when? DUNNO... BUT! Maybe the paleo "this & that" are simply "outposts of survival" and "over-time", became VERY primitive, with "tales" of the past,
(aka MYTHS, etc.) told around campfires of SURVIVAL of the PAST... GLORIOUS days of MAGIC! ANYWAY, I suspect we would do the same... if something like devastation of 2012 happens, (which I DO NOT believe...). :D :wink: :coffee2: :read2:

I GOTTA JUMP IN, because i think mu and atlantis are america, the island of mu is vancover island. mu is north west of south america. atlantis is west of portugal.
:read2: it makes sence the lost paradise is lost, not sunk.
sitting like the elderodo, hidden under a blankit of trees. yet to be found.
laugh if you want. :read2:

HI HMMMM: We alredy have found Atlantis here on TN. It is just about where it is supposed to be, but under 10 - 12,000 ft of water at the apex of the African, Eurasion, and North American plates.

Probably one of the most unstable locations of the Earth. Ask Oro.

Don Jose de La Mancha

good afternoon my friends: Here is an interesting new development which is especially interesting with the 2012 prediction. Lemuria riseing?

Don Jose de La Mancha

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration website link
This is very disturbing. More and more things are happening that really shouldn’t. Is the 2012 events we are waiting for, starting already? The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has a Tsunami station in event mode activated for Station 55023 – STB Coral Sea located at 14.803 S 153.585 E (14°48’9″ S 153°35’6″ E). The tsunami station has been in event mode since the large quakes occurred in the area for several days now. This is triggered by the buoys’ anomalies of water column height above the sea floor. If you do a data search for 2010 March 20th to 2010 April 13th you get this- Over 100 meters or 328 feet less distance from buoy to sea floor in 24 days! That’s 13feet per day since the quakes. As you will see from the waves on the line graph it matches the tide lines perfectly

Coral Sea tide chart
So Station buoy 55023 is still on the surface. Its not the lunar cycles, checked that as well. There also has been a very odd sea surface temperature in the same location See link CSIRO web page [link] Note the area in blue on the map on the left then see the unusually cold surface temperatures on the surface in the map on the right. Seismic activity has also offers a good insight as to what may be occurring.
Note the long time periods of S waves on this seismic station is the upward thrust of the ocean floor by 13 feet per day? Does anyone know what’s going on in this area? Is 2012 events already on it`s way?
It is also now speculated that the Indo Australian Plate is moving north-west, colliding with and subducting beneath the Eurasian Plate and this movement is allegedly causing the Indo Australian Plate to tip so that the western half of Australia will sink while the eastern seaboard will rise. However, the rate of movement of the Plate is so slow that it seems unlikely that that subduction is causing the rapid sea level rises recorded in the Coral Sea before the two NOAA buoys were taken off line, or at least their readings no longer made public.
What`s the conclusion?
In my view and many others one theory is, that it is more likely that at least parts of Lemuria are beginning to risewith totally uncertain consequences for Australia and especially the east coast. In any event the seismic activity around Vanuatu and along the western boundary of the Pacific Ring of Fire in the southern hemisphere indicates that the east coast of Australia and especially the Queenslanc coast needs to be on alert for possible tsunamis when generated there. Anyway big changes are going on here on earth, that`s for sure.

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