the leg bones connected to the STOP!!! BUTTON-- geez I hate finding bones

ivan salis

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Feb 5, 2007
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had to stop rebury halt -- clearly it was very very old saw cut chunk of femur type leg bone (nice neat saw cut end)--the area was used during the CW era , and might have been a bit of a DR' S leg "trimming" work -- HALT STOP REBURY say 1000 hail marys and 1500 our fathers and say so sorry . geez I hate finding bones. ---(I'm going to just keep chanting --"it was a ham bone --it was a ham bone") till I believe it --- Ivan

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I saw a photograph recently of a Civil War veteren that had both arms
below the elbow and one leg below the knee amputated. There was a
small caption that gave his name and spoke breifly about "soldiers joy".
I've heard the song since I was a kid but I never knew what it was
talking about. Anybody on here know, was it a medication?


Good Greif! This post is getting tetrical by the minute... :icon_scratch: Hey Fred Flinstone where is Dino? AH what the heck probably digging out the "Ham bone". Now you can proceed with your THing it won't be there any longer. ::)

With a hobby as perfect as this there has to be a downside I guess. Don't worry Ivan, God knows you had no malice in your heart when you dug the bone.

the signal I was digging ---was found laying beside the ham bone* was a musket / rifle tigger guard I think (iron relic) -- I'm trying to clean it up as it was heavily rusted /encrusted -- Ivan.

after the war many soldiers became addicts due to pain and suffering and their general feeling of worthlessness or feeling like they were less than a man due to loss of their limbs during the war -- at the time opium was cheap and legal to buy * --laudem a mixture of opium ans alcohol was used too as well as plain old booze . "soldiers joy" -- slang for dope "opium"--a powerful cheap pain killer --- used much like codeine is today

uh if hes there the bone is with him --if it just a loose part --its where it was left at in the past --either way --I want zip to do with it. but dat is how I roll. my motto is "never miss wit da dead cuz one day yer gonna be one of em."* Ivan


uh gun part is civil war era musket / rifle trigger guard -- as to who it is from the DNA "brother match" no possible ideal who it might even be at all being it was a unknown person over 150 years ago -- oh one other "creepy" thing I found out one odd bit find there was a bit of dried crusty leather with holes in a row like a shoe would have at the tip of it and there was bit of metal tack type bits in 3 of the holes.(they rang up that why I found it) --- besides "its a ham bone--its a ham bone --its a hambone" --- Ivan

ivan salis said:
I 'm thinking lower leg cut off by civil war era doctor-- it was a leg bone of some sorts --clearly very very old say 100 years plus and neatly cut -- I am a hunter and it the "bone" didn't seem "right" for a hog or deer --the spot was used by union troops and operations MIGHT have been done there -- many bullets and buttons where found in the area in the past (surgical dump areas often have lots of both items) mangled blood stained uniforms and limbs were often burnt or buried in pits nearby the operation area .

Nah. A human fibula or tibula would be wishful thinking. The tib and fib would have been together if they just threw the limbs in a pile and burned them. The fact that it was an encampment would tell me that there probably were a lot more deer, ham, and cow bones around than human bones. How much livestock do you think a regiment went through during an encampment? Probably a heck of a lot more than soldiers that lost their limbs. Plus, if what you say is true and they dug a hole, piled them all up, and burned them, you, and everyone else that have found the "many bullets and buttons" would have found more than one bone and the bone that you found would probably have been black from all the uniforms and trash burning around it. I'd bet it's just a ham, cow, deer (or could really be anything bear, dog, horse etc) bone that some soldier just dropped on the ground after he was done with it. I wouldn't worry about it, you didn't disturb any bodies or body parts.

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