Sorry Gents and Ladies,
that I haven't been on lately, March 8th of this year my father passed away and the family has been dealing with the loss and estate settling. Then 1 Hurricane and a Tropical Depression hit Charlotte NC back to back. ^The Family farm on the Eastern side of NC was basically destroyed, lost a mess load of livestock, 200 plus yr old barn and Farm House. And now suffering from a possible Hernia for surgery... I've been hit with the Curse of the LDM as it seems since I know its exact location ... Not too fear I will be out in Arizona at some point in 2019. I'll be damned if superstition is going to get the best of this old man yet lol. Searching for a decent place to call home in Phoenix area is like finding a hay stack in California... It just ain't happening for me . Guess I'll just pop up a tent in the country side ... If Wayne, Frank or Woodie has a spare bedroom I can pay half on rent and cook!! I'd just like a safe place to rest my head after driving across country.