The Knights Templar connection to Oak Island (if it's possible)

Franklin: Your words come across as powerful, almost as if you yourself are a Mason! and if i were a Moderator of this site and read your comment - it sort of comes across as a threat! but what would i know...........

A threat? Why would you make a comment like that on this forum, and for what purpose?

Cheers, Loki

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See, the thing is I have a science background and if the "Brothers" find convincing evidence of Templar presence I will happily admit I was wrong and update my opinion.

On the other hand, if the "Brothers" fail to find treasure or evidence of the Templars the proponents here will just say: "They didn't go deep enough. They dug the wrong area. The sun got in my eyes. The dog ate the Holy Grail." Etc., etc.

You can never convince the faithful that they are in error.

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Franklin: Your words come across as powerful, almost as if you yourself are a Mason! and if i were a Moderator of this site and read your comment - it sort of comes across as a threat! but what would i know...........

I am not a Mason. So you are definitely wrong on that point. Second, there is no threat intended towards anyone except against their intellect. Nothing personal. Only that they keep telling everyone no Knight's Templar has ever been to Nova Scotia or to North America. If they have did any research or any reading at all they would know what is going on in this country. There is a revolution of books coming out with the proof of the Knight's Templar's presence on this side of the ocean. They simply call them pseudo books or whatever and discard them without even reading the books. They also except webpage sites by people that think they know everything and they simply are so self-centered and naive they could not even find their own way to the bathroom.

There are also a "bunch of books coming out" on ghosts, Aliens having built the Egyptian Pyramids, Bigfoot, the healing power of crystals and using essential oils to combat disease. P.T. Barnum identified the market.

It's called "fleecing the suckers" and has always been good business. Goes back to the Oracle at Delphi.

Just because there are books being published does not mean the subject has any credence.

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... There is a revolution of books coming out with the proof of the Knight's Templar's presence on this side of the ocean...
...and this "revolution on books" are written by non credited academic historians or scholars, but pulp populist quasi historian hacks that utilized legitimate historians documented research which blended into their alternative fictional fantasy version of history that is marketed to the gullible believers in a conspiracy of "hidden history" by a secret cabal that rules the world.

Wow you have that down PAT.

Hi Book One Volume One Pigs Can Fly TP

It must be true.

There are several documented medieval Templar flying pigs. Well, from the time there were Templars - so you can't prove that they are not!



... I tell all of you, you will all be proven wrong about your beliefs about the Knight's Templar not being in Nova Scotia or North America.
They laid the foundation for the United States of America along with their allies.
You may not live long enough to witness the day when this will be common knowledge but that day is coming.
Telling is not the same as proving, Franklin.
If, as you keep implying, that you are privy to this knowledge of the Templars and their allies laying out the foundation of the United States of America ,why the constant teasers?
Why not just come forward with the facts that will, as you claim, become "common knowledge"?
Is the reason why you "duck and hide" when questioned for proof as you claim of others on POST#132, is because you do not possess this "common Knowledge" beyond what you have read from these undocumented pseudo history pulp books written by self proclaimed quasi historians, that are shunned and looked down upon by the real professional academic historians and scholars.

There are Oak Island people monitoring this site (members) and its important to me to keep the premise's active.

Cheers, Loki
Must be some kind of stooge for the Lagina’s

Now I'm a stooge, how quick we change.

Cheers, Loki
You seem to have a serious comprehension problem, The stooge of which I am referring is/are those who you indicated were “monitoring” this forum.

You are quoting "literature cited" which identifies the articles the authors quoted during their very exhaustive scientific study.

You don't know much about this kind of thing do you Lou? If you want to argue the point read the report not the wikipedia article on it. I won't discuss this subject with you again, Sorry!

Cheers, Loki

read the article in which YOU posted. Look at the bottom for the credited SOURCES for YOUR article. Everybody is laughing at your sheer stupidity. I posted an actual scientific study and you post a write up for a botanical booklet. WOW , you are a really special one.

Book 1 Volume 2 Edwardian Ladies Hatpins and cocont hats TP

Maybe you could show me in this actual scientific study where it states that the coconuts in the atlantic coastal communities appeared " after " 1499 as you claim since i can't seem to find it.

After calling me stupid wow! Lets use your own link then if you can't read my suggested scientific study;Coconuts in the Americas!

This quote is from your own link above, which by the way I have a copy of and have had for awhile;

After the heading Regional Population Structure; under Sub Heading; South Asia, Africa and the Caribbean; "Historical records indicate that coconut was unknown in the Caribbean and Atlantic Basin until after European colonization."

Does that sentence say anything to you?

I guess that if you don't read any of the above you will just have to take my word for it!

Cheers, Loki

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