From the Richard C Neiman letter dated September 17,1993, the entire second paragraph concerning a submitted wood sample:
"The sample is modern, but impossible to say without any degree of certainty, how modern. Dr. Tamera of Beta Analytic informs me that any date as young as 300 years before present (BP) as measured before 1950 AD is highly suspect and should not be presented as a single date. Such a young date should only be stated in probabilities with enough caveats which would render a definitive statement impossible. Therefore, it would seem that our previous Carbon-14 dates are also suspect since they are in the "grey area" or approximately 300 years old and may not be scientifically reliable".
*NOTE* The Neiman quote which Loki states was completely misquoted, was only edited for directness of the point being made by Richard C Neiman, which is quite apparent in the above non edited paragraph from that letter.
The coconut coir sample is given a 95% accuracy date of being 770 years old, but it is not mentioned where, when, or by whom it was collected.
With that addressed, neither of these samples and their Carbon-14 dating prove that either Templars of Sinclair ever step foot on Oak Island- that pure speculation.