The key date Morgan dollar dug !!!


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Apr 29, 2012
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Hello again!

I found myself with about 1 hour before I had a lunch date w my oldest relative from my grandfathers family. I helped him get his new laptop setup, and connect his email ect.

Anyways, I was going to do a easy in-town hunt, and I saw a current low tide of 5ft ( a high low tide ) - and I figured I would try to preciously unproductive but accessible street end beach. The downtown shoreline of Puget Sound townships at the turn of the 1900s were fish plants, lumber mills, wharfs and mosquitoe fleet docks. I don’t hunt these places very often because I usually just find large boat and dock pieces. At this spot, the best I’ve done is a kung-fu throwing knife, and junker ring. That was a year ago or so.

I walked onto the beach with a PMDA - positive metal detecting attitude. One of the phrases that passed through my brain was that I was going to look for a silver dollar. I dug a few high conducting lead wads. A fishing sinker and brass nails. I walked to where the rocks where a little larger, and I liked the deeper larger targets there. I was willing to dig any target, I wasn’t cherry picking silver dollar signals people! Sensitivity was on 13 or so. I’m Not sure what was interfering so bad, but because of all the junk and iron here, I had to run it low.

What I remember before I dug the only coin of the day was that the signal was pegging the machine, but it was smaller than a popcan. I pulled some gravel back and pinpointed a nail or two in the peripheral. I pick the machine and found the high toned signal about half a foot to the left. I stab and scrape. My orange pinpoiner is still turned on from honing in on thoes nails, but I don’t need the orange stick. I see a freakin Morgan dollar in the ground. It wasn’t too far from the top of the beach, so it wasn’t full purple in color.

With this Orange and black stained dollar in the hole, ready to be harvested and examined, I dare not even touch it until I called someone to be on the phone with me. My dad picked up and I cheered to him about the dollar I dug on a beach he has been familiar with for 70 years. “What’s year is it?” He asks, I tell him, “jeepers, I don’t know” and With that I now have permission to pluck the precious coin. “1893” I tell my pops. I was happy to have a coin from the 1800s. I only have a few this old. I flip it and it registers an ‘s’ mintmark. I assume it’s a common coin. I’m actually excited to dig a Morgan I can fondle. While on the phone, I look at the online price guide and see the numbers. I look at the date and mintmark to double check. I double check the guide and mintage number. I google it. The numbers add up - 100,000 minted. I realize on the phone w my dad that I dug the key date Morgan dollar!

1893 - s Morgan dollar


I went to my cousins and helped him out, and got to do a little show-and-tell w the dollar the retirement home. The guys at our lunch table liked it.

I’ll be back soon to this spot, but my hopes are not too high! I really think a gold coin could be possible though - I just need to keep my PMDA ;p

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Upvote 53
amazing find. Congrats

Congrats on the low minted Morgan recovery! :occasion14:

Congratulations on a amazing key date find .

Hello everyone!

I got my coin back from NGC, and they put lady liberty in a body bag :p

(I will be harsh a sarcastic for a second)
The cowards at NGC are afraid to acknowledge that mintmark on the coin!
(Back to being a nice guy)

I had written them a check to ‘conserved’ the coin, and then holder the coin, neither happened. The coin got entered into their system as a 1893 $1 - all good except for the mint mark! NGC just couldn’t put their name behind this coin, and I understand.

So, a friend and dealer of coins will send it to PCGS for me this month.

I want the coin authenticated because ..... I just really think it needs it, if only for posterity

Nothing can, and nothing should happen to further preserve or clean this beauty.

Tha is for reading and cheering me on and all that good stuff!

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^ " NGC just couldn’t put their name behind this coin, and I understand. " What do they think? You counterfeited the "s" on the back ?
Pompous, self-important asses !! Your beautiful coin is a 1893-S U.S. Morgan Silver Dollar found with a metal detector, buried in the sand,
on a beach of the saltwater Pacific Ocean. Period. Full stop. I believe 99.9% of member detectorists here on TreasureNet would agree with
that & certify it as such. The "gods" of the "professional" grading services should take their heads out of their butts & lighten up, especially
after what PCGS pulled after the "Saddle Ridge Hoard" find. A principal of PCGS was seen on international television newscasts, which was
seen by thousands of collectors worldwide, (including myself) saying; (paraphrase) "Our fingers were bleeding from cleaning these coins all night"
Cleaning gold coins all night? Oh really !! No kidding !! You guys who send coins back as "Cleaned, ungradable" actually clean coins yourselves ??
Well, we all be damned !! Who would have thunk it ? !!
Months later, after taking much flak I'm sure, PCGS makes a "professional restoration service" available to collectors.
Those "Saddle Ridge Hoard" gold coins that were cleaned with "bleeding fingers" are now encapsulated & are being sold as MS60's. Period.
No other conditions mentioned on the slab.

Congrats on an excellent coin. I have one of those (certified by pcgs) in my personal collection, and paid a handsome price for it.

Very good find, amazing. Thanks for sharing the story. Congrats

Amazing find amazing story thanks for sharing

AMAZING FIND !!!! I have never dug a silver dollar. I did find 8 of them in a cache in a floor joist inside a plastidc bag and also 3 2doll;ar bills . You are to be cong7ratulated and thanks for posting

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