
Gold Member
Mar 21, 2010
Detector(s) used
XLT , surfmaster PI , HAYS 2Box , VIBRA-TECTOR
You just got up off the floor in front of the TV. ALL of your numbers matched!!!!
How will this change your life. Will you quit your job?{silly question}
What metal detectors will you buy?
What vehicles will you acquire for detecting? truck,RV,boat,ATV,Mule,horse,etc.
What will be your target? Every old park in the state, the farm next to every civil war site, the famous and not so famous treasure caches, that sunken ship you have had your eye on for years, etc.etc.etc.
Add your other dream adventure!

Let the good times roll!!

I would have to think that winning several hundred million in Powerball is what we're talking about.

That being the case, I wouldn't go hog wild on buying a new car, home, detector, or anything else personal in that nature. I would put my money into helping the economy in this state. My plan is a simple one. I will build my own personal elevated road to several of my normal destinations.

This not only helps stimulate the economy, but also reduces the roadway traffic by one car... mine..

How about donating landing sites to your favorite destinations and acquiring a helicopter and maybe a pilot. That would also lighten the load on the roads by, let's see, one car!

O these slow days!!!!

I would do a lot of investing in small businesses, mom and pop type things but not really for my own gain but to help folks out.

I've also always dreamed of having soup kitchens for folks in dire times.

Set my family and friends up very well with their own ventures in business.

So many charities that I couldn't even go into.

The noble cause! I think most would do this along with their own wish list.

Soup kitchens, philanthropy, donations...geez louise, you people are such good truth stretchers :laughing7:

Since nobody wants to be real, allow me to do it for ya'll. Oh yeah, I don't need hundreds of millions. 10 or 20 mil will be just fine :thumbsup:

Anyways, gotta first get a magnet car. That's what my buddies call it. It attracts the hottest of women like bees to honey. Think Lambo, Ferrari, Bentley, etc.

Second, you most certainly don't want to spend recklessly WITHOUT thinking about your future. So, a few wise business investments would certainly be in order. Say, 2 or 3 Hooter's restaurants and a couple of strip joints.

Next up, can't forget your health. So, a good massage/physical therapist is on the list. Preferable someone Russian named Grigorinna. Roughly 5'10'' and blonde. In good physical shape for daily workouts :help:

Then you have your housing of course. Needn't be big. A few bedrooms is all that would be needed. Have to be located in Pahrump, Nevada though :laughing7:

Then AND ONLY THEN, after all the major necessities would I even think about a little charitable giving. Education is dearly important to me. So, I'd contact a few 18 year old foreign exchange students and set-up an arrangement which would take care of any of their future schooling needs across the board :laughing7:

And as far as metal detecting is concrened, well, think I'd be a bit too winded to even attempt it :laughing9:

I saw a good lawyer, claimed my winnings in complete obscurity, under the shell of a newly created private investment company. I live an average, quite life, so nobody other then the I.R.S. is the wiser.

Dang! There I go dreaming again! :laughing7:

njnydigger: from that description I would say that you would need more than a few bedrooms in Pahrump NV.

First I would hire someone I trust with a good reputation as an investment counselor. Then I would allot myself so much each month so I wouldn't blow it all and be homeless like some of the winners I have read about. I would "invest" money helping my kids pay their bills and get debt free and at the same time set up a trust fund for my grandkids education. Then I would donate some of it to worthy causes like the fund for crippled soldiers returning from war, etc. Then I would look to my own and my wife's comfort. I would try to put my health back in order so that I might travel with her and see some things we have only read about and seen pictures of in the magazines and on the tube. I would love to tour some of the still wild parts of Africa for one and secondly I would like to see the sights of the USA that makes it the most wonderful country in the world. Including Hawaii and Alaska there is no other country in the world that is more diversified than the good old USA. I would buy a larger home with some land to accomodate my family when they come to visit, and of course I would hire someone as a caretaker to help me manage the upkeep of the property and a housekeeper to help my wife keep the place spotless. I would want a place with 5 bedrooms with baths and a big game room, a pool and a large dining area for family get togethers. Everything would be geared to family living and enjoyment. I would pay my taxes and fees and otherwise have nothing to do with the government at any level. Monty

I'd use my winnings to form an elite paramilitary group of Swedish female volleyball players that rode dolphins and invade a small South Pacific island to install myself as dictator...I'd have casual Fridays and clothing optional Saturday through Thrusday...then, surreptitiously import an endangered specie and petition the World Wild Life Fund for a grant, then apply for foreign aid from the USA...oh ya, I'd have little people on ponys serve me pitchers of beer...no clowns allowed...they're creepy...

I've known 2 people in my life that have won the lottery,my one friend Dave ,won $35 million here in Texas and the other won was a girl I know as Susan,who won $1,5 million.Dave walked away with about $30 million after taxes and helped everyone of his brothers and sisters and other family members go to collage,bought his parents a new house and is still buying land here in Texas and has done alright with his life,his biggest one time buy was a 3000 sq.foot haybale home with a huge stock pond with all kinds of fish so he can go fishing when ever he wants.
Susan still works as legal sectary and the only thing she bought that was a really big was a house ,a hybrid car and about 100 acres of land.She told me that she loves the office that she works at and wouldn't quit anytime soon.I met her last week while volunteering at a local food bank,she was really interesting to talk too.
P.S. Dave still works on his ranch about 20 hours a week.

njnydigger said:
Soup kitchens, philanthropy, donations...geez louise, you people are such good truth stretchers :laughing7:

Since nobody wants to be real, allow me to do it for ya'll. Oh yeah, I don't need hundreds of millions. 10 or 20 mil will be just fine :thumbsup:

Anyways, gotta first get a magnet car. That's what my buddies call it. It attracts the hottest of women like bees to honey. Think Lambo, Ferrari, Bentley, etc.

Second, you most certainly don't want to spend recklessly WITHOUT thinking about your future. So, a few wise business investments would certainly be in order. Say, 2 or 3 Hooter's restaurants and a couple of strip joints.

Next up, can't forget your health. So, a good massage/physical therapist is on the list. Preferable someone Russian named Grigorinna. Roughly 5'10'' and blonde. In good physical shape for daily workouts :help:

Then you have your housing of course. Needn't be big. A few bedrooms is all that would be needed. Have to be located in Pahrump, Nevada though :laughing7:

Then AND ONLY THEN, after all the major necessities would I even think about a little charitable giving. Education is dearly important to me. So, I'd contact a few 18 year old foreign exchange students and set-up an arrangement which would take care of any of their future schooling needs across the board :laughing7:

And as far as metal detecting is concrened, well, think I'd be a bit too winded to even attempt it :laughing9:

What he said. Oh yeah, use the rest to crush my enemies. :evil7:

:laughing9: :laughing9:

With all that green in your pocket, you'd jest stand there and let it grow between your toes?

Frankn said:
With all that green in your pocket, you'd jest stand there and let it grow between your toes?
Nope . Family farms are 'nonprofit organizations'. Great life , but the green will disappear rapidly .
The American farmer is the only businessman in the world that buys all his supplies at retail and sells all his product wholesale . The other people in the food chain ( buyers , brokers , bankers , retailers ,
and the grubberment ) make a darned good living off his efforts .
The farmer and the consumer are the ones that suffer .

I found out years ago that the only profit from a farm is the tax loss rightoff on your day job!
I rotated hay 3yrs, corn 1yr on 53 acres. I bought the bull calfs from the dairy farmers and raised them and sold them. the only "profit" was the tax write off on my day job and the government is slowly eating the land in taxes. Down to 6 ac.

truckinbutch said:
Frankn said:
With all that green in your pocket, you'd jest stand there and let it grow between your toes?
Nope . Family farms are 'nonprofit organizations'. Great life , but the green will disappear rapidly .
The American farmer is the only businessman in the world that buys all his supplies at retail and sells all his product wholesale . The other people in the food chain ( buyers , brokers , bankers , retailers ,
and the grubberment ) make a darned good living off his efforts .
The farmer and the consumer are the ones that suffer .

Most of the farmers around here do 800 acreas or more, and trust me, I know them all very well....and they are making "a lot of money!"

EdleBrock said:
I'd use my winnings to form an elite paramilitary group of Swedish female volleyball players that rode dolphins and invade a small South Pacific island to install myself as dictator...I'd have casual Fridays and clothing optional Saturday through Thrusday...then, surreptitiously import an endangered specie and petition the World Wild Life Fund for a grant, then apply for foreign aid from the USA...oh ya, I'd have little people on ponys serve me pitchers of beer...no clowns allowed...they're creepy...
ROFLMAO !!!!!!!!!! :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :thumbsup:

strickman said:
EdleBrock said:
I'd use my winnings to form an elite paramilitary group of Swedish female volleyball players that rode dolphins and invade a small South Pacific island to install myself as dictator...I'd have casual Fridays and clothing optional Saturday through Thrusday...then, surreptitiously import an endangered specie and petition the World Wild Life Fund for a grant, then apply for foreign aid from the USA...oh ya, I'd have little people on ponys serve me pitchers of beer...no clowns allowed...they're creepy...
ROFLMAO !!!!!!!!!! :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :thumbsup:

Thank goodness strickman...when nobody replied, I was begining to think my plan was crazy...

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