The HUBLOT Saga - sometimes I wonder - Parlez-vous français ?


Hero Member
Jan 6, 2013
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Golden Thread
Montgomery County, PA
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Good news - watch sold for $425. Not a bad ROI.

Anyway, I had to deal with the following (had to block the buyer and report her twice). I'm sure more drama to follow: I've removed her name and user ID to protect the "innocent" but with "French" like comment #15, I doubt that she is terribly innocent. I'll paraphrase for you - "You have a word of whore you ete a ***** I speak to you about the watch for 1 week and you you about it given cheaper has somebody else then I **** you"


1) Dear mm579,
Hello I am very interest in your watch I would want to know if she(it) you belong has you even or if it is the watch that you sell station wagon thank you for answering me in most quickly because it is for a birthday(anniversary) me would want quickly buy him(it) thank you in advance

I purchased this watch at a sale. It was a local synagogue (Jewish church) sale. I took to watch to two separate watch dealers to have them authenticate the watch. Both said without a doubt, it was real. I asked the lady at the sale about the watch and she said that the items were donated by woman in the church.

I hope this helps.

3) Dear mm579,
OK thank you for your answer I did not want buy a watch which(who) belong has a person who is dcd.
I would want to know if $649 was your last price(prize) because I wanted to propose you $500 in immediate purchase I buy him(it) quite continuation(suite) because it is for a birthday(anniversary) thank you for your answer


4) Dear mm579,
Hello thank you for having to accept my proposal of 500 USD.
I would want to know if he(she,it) would be possible for you to make for me has sends him(it) of the watch the invoice cheaper so that I can paid the customs cheaper for example to put on the invoice that the price(prize) of the watch and 120 USD PLEASE

Continuation has your answer I would make for you the payment in the next days

Thank you very much

Unfortunately since the item is shipped through the eBay system, the customs firm is generated automatically. I'm not certain if it automatically declares the item value at the purchase price or if it allows you to adjust up or down accordingly.
- mm579

6) Dear mm579,
I is you to ask to make this because I already have to proceed so and I is not to pay of tax otherwise you can write on the invoice that it is one presents his(her,its) would be really kind of your by would avoid his(her,its) me paying tax because she(it) sound very to raise(bring up) thank you very much of your understanding

Ok. I'll contact the post office and see if they can provide hand written forms.
- mm579

8) Dear mm579,
Thank you very much it is very kind

What is that you already have to change the announcement so that I can purchase because I cannot buy because on the announcement it is written that to send to you not to France please modify to be able to proceed has the immediate purchase

Thank you very much of your kind

9) Dear mm579,
I you have to ask to modify your announcement because he and paper whom(that) you not delivered not in France thus I cannot buy.
I is not u of answer thus I would want to know if always has you OK because as I told it to you it is for a birthday(anniversary) which soon arrives

Thank you and sadden some disturbance

Unfortunately someone else has already bid on the watch.

Also, I checked with the post office about modifying the declaration letter and they indicated that I should NEVER do this under any circumstance. Knowingly writing the wrong information on this form could subject me to major penalties and possibly mail fraud (aka fines and/or jail time). I have two small children and I simply can't risk these penalties to save an eBay member money.

So, at this point, if you are still interested in the watch, you will need to bid on it. However, please understand that you will be responsible for any and all taxes upon delivery of your watch.

- mm579

11) Dear mm579,
Ok for dclaration in the package but
is not very correct because you say me you sell the watch at 500 usd, because is it for birthday, is not possible a wait the close the bid.
Please change for is it possible i pay the watch buy now.
thank i wait you

Sorry, but I can not end the auction early. Once a bid has been placed, unless the item or the listing is in error, I can not end it early and restart it. It is against eBays policy. In order to maintain a good feedback rating, I must ensure that my customers are satisfied. If an item is listed with a starting bid and BIN, it's a first come first serve basis. If someone bids first, it wouldn't be fair to that bidder.
- mm579

13) Dear mm579,
If you want i pay you Watch a 520 usd because i want bidding and is not fonction.
Please accept my offre because i want your Watch
I wait your news

I'm sorry but the watch has sold to another buyer.
- mm579

15) Dear mm579,
You have a word of whore you ete a ***** I speak to you about the watch for 1 week and you you about it given cheaper has somebody else then I **** you

Yuck!!! What an adventure!

My typical eBay response to buyers. Sorry I do not ship internationally.
Recently someone wanted me to ship to Russia. The following day they gave me a US address to ship to.
It makes my life so much easier.

All she had to do was bid! Lol. To busy talking. Bum!

All she had to do was bid! Lol. To busy talking. Bum!
That's my point exactly. Best guess, she was waiting around, hoping that no one would bid so she could get the item even cheaper. Anyway, she's blocked and I reported her to eBay twice now. Not really my style, but hey, what else do you do with someone like her?

My typical eBay response to buyers. Sorry I do not ship internationally. Recently someone wanted me to ship to Russia. The following day they gave me a US address to ship to. It makes my life so much easier.
They've made it so much easier with the eBay Global Shipping program. Unfortunately, I guess they charge WAY more than what it used to cost shipping to the buyer directly. Good for the seller, not always so good for the buyer. 9 times out of 10, not a problem. Lately though I've had quite a few international buyers complaining to me about the price...ummm, you could have asked that question up front, before you bid and won the item. I guess there is a work around, but I'm not sure how to process it through my mobile. I do most buying and selling from my phone (technology has really come a long way since the days of dial up).

Dang! I always select USA only and also mention it in my description.

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