The Heart .. a key to better dowsing?

Well, finally got the UT sketch finished, of the 1967 Jewish replica version, for the original UT in use during the time of Aaron high priest. Had to touch up the fine line on left carved symbol and pencil shadow rubbing out away from the UT a little in my computer, other than that it is hand drawn completely.

I put it away when only half finished, why the sketching took so long. The left stone is the darker one as you can see. The responses for the UT were to yes/no questions. Questions got repeated both in the affirmative and negative forms. Ut also meant to be used with the Breastplate of 12 stones, each stone represented a tribe of Israel. UT commonly used as an oracle and decisions affecting the nation, often concerning going to battle.


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A little more explanation about why it was needed to touch up the pencil shading away from the UT. This is because, the cord I sketched separately, leaving both mounted stone ends connected together. I wanted you to see how they look next to each other for comparison. Then each got cut and paste attached to ends of the cord. The carving on the dark stone, they may have filled it with paint or gold gilded (not sure) the reason for the thin line added on it. There is a double rectangular link attaching both mountings to the cord. The sketch is pen and pencil.


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red_desert, the question is:
The priest who used it, first make a ritual/invocation/prayers??
.. if it is so, implies the presence of other being: archangel, angel, etc.

Nice draw!

Oh yes, the Tabernacle was aligned at one end to the north, it was supposed to be the direction of the heavenly throne. Only the high priest went in to the center behind the veil where an alter of incense was kept burning. I found a reprinted book of a 200 year old book, showing artists plates of what the incense alter looked like. A solid gold lamp also with 7 oil cups for light and spiritual illumination inside the center veil. The top of the incense alter had 2 rings to hold incense, top couple inches made of solid gold. It was square and had 4 horns, one on each corner pointing to the cardinal directions. This made the incense or gold alter different than any of the others.

In the days of Aaron high priest, everything was very regulated in their ceremonies. Yes, the UT had to be used by a priest, a person who offered prayers and invocations.

I'm going to be gone for a while, will be back home sometime after August 12th. So, might be online one more time yet, then off to a family reunion on the east coast.

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red_desert, the question is:
The priest who used it, first make a ritual/invocation/prayers??
.. if it is so, implies the presence of other being: archangel, angel, etc.

Nice draw!
On the Jewish history website (see link in previous comments above) I did find info that said, the priest would face the Shekinah when asking questions with the UT. That translated is the visible presence or spiritual manifestation.


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red_desert, using gold for this artifact does not sound crazy
.. this metal has been revered through the ages by many cultures

Good luck with this UT :occasion14:

I'm finally home now, from our family reunion trip to the east coast. Learned some interesting treasure stories while there, the location is near the ocean but we didn't have time to stop at the beach.

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I found an interesting article, a Jewish Rabbi's perspective on water divining along with all forms of dowsing.

Rabbi Robert dos Santos Teixeira

"A Seer of Israel, like seers of other faith communities, uses his or her non-physical or inner senses, which every human being possesses, to provide information for the benefit of others, Jews and non-Jews alike....

What is divination? For mystics, including Jewish mystics, every single thing that exists contains a spark of the Divine, which means, of course, everything is Divine and everything is alive! The Divine is constantly communicating, with us, with all of life, with Itself.
Every form of divination started out as an attempt (on the part of those already using their inner senses) to decode Divine communication, and it gradually evolved into a mode of communication or a language. A particular form of divination is a language, in which the Divine together with practitioners of divination or diviners converse. Divining, then, is conversing. Some diviners are adept at one, some at several, forms of divination or languages.
What is licit and illicit divination?"

It would seem that this Jewish Rabbi believes in Einstein's string the UT, all things are connected by strings of light. The string on the UT of course, representing the connection through the eternal spark, which is present in not only people, but the entire universe.

Also interesting to note, he was very careful not to put divining methods into the popular concept of mental and physical making this seem as erroneous assumptions.

Dowsing is done using the hands, with or without divining tools. There are people in other countries who can dowse for water using nothing but their hands. A pendulum is a plummet or plum bob, it is used to suspend from the hands and in much the same way as a carpenter does to mark a lower point with accuracy. A response can be motionless, swinging or rotaing. All responses if allowed to decrease, eventually will become motionless directly over the spot.

Responses of various types can be observed, depending on the person and the choice of divining tools. Here are some responses I've had, depending on size, weight, shape, of pendulum and whether on a chain or string. These observed reactions, might be back and forth as moved along a swath of signal area, often though rotating directly over then swinging at the spot if moved back away slightly.


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Well, most responses from the pendulum will be directly over the spot, if allowed to slow down and then stop. At least 2 exceptions though, the back and forth swinging (as moving over an area of multiple targets) or straight line (pointing at target) swinging responses. For me, if the pendulum is rotating, backing off a little will cause the straight line swings directly at the signal location. Normally I'll move back again over the hit and pendulum keeps swinging. Now the pendulum should be right on the hit, if allowed to become motionless.....for all practical explanation, the pendulum basically functions as a plum bob.

It's not some top secret carefully guarded secret, pendulum use can be so simple that often people miss what this is all about. The hands are more important than equipment used, so important in any type dowsing, with or without the dowsing tools. Don't ignore the heart either, which has it's huge electromagnetic field than can affect every cell in your body.


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Solar flares can be an external electromagnetic effect on dowsers, today that could be an issue.
NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center

2014-09-12 01:15 UTC The First CME Has Arrived
The first of the two CMEs predicted to arrive today made its appearance right on time. G1 ((Minor) geomagnetic storming is expected to begin within the next few hours with a maximum projected level of G2 (Moderate) storms for September 12th. A G3 (Strong) Geomagnetic Storm Watch is still in effect for September 13th due to the combined influence of this CME and the one projected to arrive late on the 12th. G1 (Minor) storming is likely to continue into September 14th. In addition, the S1 (Minor) solar radiation storm that is in progress as a result of the eruption on September 10th is expected to persist for the next few days with a possible slight increase with the arrival of the CMEs. Keep in mind that the forecast periods listed are in Universal Time so aurora watchers in the northern U.S. should be looking for possible activity tonight through Saturday night. Stay tuned for updates.

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For me there are Two types of Dowsing:

Physical Dowsing. Requires a witness, convention, definition X(words); there are restrictions to work it (good conditions): energy level, hour and the eteric body ..without some type of WITNESS, good conditions and the right WORDS make QUESTIONS or searching NOT works. Example: you hit a target but you cant center it well, is aside where you hit and you use a witness, after that you align the body (eteric) and search with same method, target "moves" :tongue3: but now you hit it correctly (well centered), then, if you remove the witness (dont use it) you cant find the target ???

Divine Dowsing. When the "body" cant dowse (good conditions) you switch automatically to this or when you ask for help like praying, you dont need a witness and looks dont in every person works ..some say you need CLEAN-ACTIVATE the HEART. When is bad hour for Dowse if you try it sometimes can feel when the HEART activate and also suddenly the CROWN/head. You can consult the past but not always get good answers, for me that mean there is a communication going UP and is cut at any time.

Here something to think about: People talk about astral travels, some say the Soul do this few day/s in a week while you "dream"; when you make an Astral travel you have conscience, you remember everything and can ask without a witness; when you do Physical Dowsing without a witness asking you get bad result and with witness a good result, then, if you switch to Divine Dowsing and ask about the past you get few good answers but if you search a Treasure get bad result ..NOT works can explain a good answer about the past of a site you dont know :icon_scratch:

For me the Divine Dowsing use the SOUL and Physical Dowsing the eteric Body
For me Divine dowsing is FAKE, it is not dowsing's a mystery

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I watched a video recently, leading scientists of physical health studies, tell how government studies on the heart are killing people with misinformation. Government sponsored studies missed it entirely on physical heart health. Well, government sponsored studies on map dowsing sad to say, produced dowsing misinformation also. It has been proven the heart has an electromagnetic field many times stronger than the mind and all other parts of the body combined. If your heart isn't in the search, it isn't going to work.

I personally don't have the heart for rigged dowsing tests which are purposely designed to disprove dowsing. A real map dowsing study should include real map dowsing situations, using real maps of a site, then they go to check things out. Give people involved in the research project a map of a field that needs to be cleared of land mines. Or maps of potential petroleum resources, then let them drill test wells. I'm sure in that type of testing there is going to be at least a few people who hit the targets.

There is a favorite saying, sometimes used as a profile signature by treasure hunters "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also". The same is true of dowsing, dowser abilities are linked to the heart.

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While dowsing, tell this:
"Higher self, in this day please dont interfere with my dowsing" receive a response :icon_thumleft: matter how you call it: higher self, soul, ?? ..only ask for help and put attention to your heart
THEN test your star method

When dowsing its not working, like after a food, tell this:
"For the next 5 minutes, let run (work) my solar plexus so i can Dowse" receive a response :icon_thumleft:
..who answers here? The mind or the "Soul"? :icon_scratch:
..dont abuse, because it interferes with the digestion
THEN test your star method

Your method works?
Suddenly you hit again?
..welcome to physical Dowsing :hello:

Does the federal government have a constitutional right to own land?
Story of Mantaka

"The U.S. Supreme Court, Chief Justice John Marshall, warned Jackson the government was prohibited by the Constitution. Jackson's land grab was prohibited by treaties. The Constitution does not contain a provision for the federal government to own land. One reason why this provision was purposely omitted from the Constitution is because the founding fathers lived under a European system where the royal government owned and controlled all land. The government cannot assume any power that is not specifically given to them by the Constitution."

There is supposed to be a government agency with an AGENDA and they are 10 different people online. I considered the source credible, but this would be really hard to prove.

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