Five, Say you are going to bury a real treasure and give someone something in the case you and your party of 30 men should all accidentally get killed. Even this is a wild possibility but it could happen. Now if you was going to bury this treasure so you could come back and add to it at a later date----------why did Beale not make out the letters and codes upon his first deposit. You think he knew he was not going to get killed off in 1819 or did he know or think they may be killed after his second deposit in 1821?
Also if you were going to bury a treasure and you had a secure location where this treasure was safe, why would you need a C1 giving the amount of the treasure? Why would you need to tell how many men, their names and their residences. Why could not all the information in C1 and C3 not be left with the treasure in it's secure location. Morriss needs to find the treasure to give the shares to Beale and his men's heirs. First he has got to find the treasure and all you need to find the treasure is C2 which gives the treasure's location. C1 and C3 could and should be left within the vault with the treasure.
In the 1870's to the early 1900's scores of treasure stories such as the Beale Treasure were being posted in newspapers all over the country. Why should C2 be deciphered by the author and not the location in C1 or the heirs in C3 because it was a story. The author by saying he deciphered C2 giving the amount of the treasure was to entice and suck in to the web the gullible or the fortune greedy seekers. That is all C2 was and it's intentions and they worked very well not just for the Beale Treasure but for scores of other stories made up to make money. You can believe what you want about the Beale Treasure but it is never going to be more than a parlor story or a far fetched treasure story to make money for the author and for his agent for the author James Beverly Ward.