I have been struggling with one of Rebel’s favorite links for sometime now and I think I finally saw the light.
“One letter, one enclosure: Subject: the Beale treasure” pdf. 
The pdf article was written by an author who wished to remain anonymous.
I’m not a big fan of anonymous sources, so to me, it was just a nice high level overview of one person’s take on the Beale story.
The pdf was on Ron Gervais’s Angelfire “Beale Ciphers Analyses” site but I found
no links on the site to the article. I asked Reb who the author was and I think he stated something to the effect that he supposed it was Ron Gervias.
On the Amazon web site I ran across this reference
One letter, one enclosure: Subject: the Beale treasure Unknown Binding – 1986
by Richard H Greaves (Author)
and below that
Product Details
Unknown Binding: 10 pages
Publisher: R.H. Greaves; 1st edition (1986)
Language: English
ASIN: B00070UV4I
I have no idea where Amazon got their information but to me it appears that Ron Gervais created a pamphlet in 1986 and he has simply uploaded it to his web site, albeit in the background (no Link).
One of the things I was having a hard time with is why Ron didn’t provide the author’s name, if he wrote it? Now I understand that it was simply a reprint of the original article.
Now, at least I’m almost satisfied about what I’m looking at when I read the pdf.
The last hanging question mark is the Amazon information. They list the author as Richard H Greaves while we apparently know him as Ron Gervais. What’s that?
Did Amazon get bad information?
Did Ron use a nom de plume to insure anonymity?
Are we possibly dealing with a father and son?
Another small question in my mind is; What did Ron or Richard intend to do with the
pamphlet? Was it published and offered for sale in 1986?
Anyway, I’m pretty much satisfied.