The Eagles Been Flying Low


Bronze Member
May 17, 2007
Southeast Missouri
Detector(s) used
Minelab SE Professional with 6" Coil
Well, Mastereagle has been a little depressed lately, so he and I got out to hunt a little last night. (Friday) We were still asking permission to hunt the property and a monsoon type wind started blowing and the sky got dark. Undetered, we agreed to try to detect a little bit before the rain. I think I had dug three signals and then the rain started. It was big rain drops, but not really even heavy enough to get you wet. When the thunder started, I was bent over digging a target with my headphones on. When the boom came, I heard what I believed to be a small child crying. I looked up and saw Mastereagle (all 330 lbs of him) running with his Exp II toward the car. I coaxed him out from inside the car by taunting him and soon he was running ahead of me cherry picking the yard again. :P

The rain only lasted a few minutes, but it thundered quite a bit and everytime Mastereagle went and got in the car. He is lots of laughs. ;D When the weather eased up, he started complaining about the humidity. ::) It's kind of like detecting with my kids. :wink:

We only were able to detect for about two hours, but we managed a few things. He found 11 wheats and a merc and I found the following things:

A Quarter, four wheat from the 1940's, Sales Tax Token (Zinc), Black Metal Valve Stem Cap, Part of a Gun (?), Small Hose Sprayer, a Civil War Button (?), and Silver Left from Soldering (?)


Is this off a gun?



Is this Silver that was thrown out after soldering? I read like silver on the detector and is really heavy.


Wheats and Sales Tax Token......


This was a little hose nossle I found on the side of the house. Here it is taken apart:


Same nossle with pieces put back together


I hope this is a civil war button. It looks like a button I saw on google that was an Officers Button.






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Thats a neat assortment of finds. I do believe that is a civil war button, but cannot I.D. it any further than that. 8)

Johnny Ringo Silver said:
Thats a neat assortment of finds. I do believe that is a civil war button, but cannot I.D. it any further than that. 8)

I am pretty sure it is too. Thanks for taking a look though. :thumbsup:

Looks like you had a good day. I hate to disappoint you but from what I can see I'm sure the button isn't civil war, sorry. One way to be 100% sure it isn't is to look at the rim. On civil war period and most later period staff buttons the rim and face will be 2 seperate pieces. On some of the later tinback ones the face and rim are one piece. If it's one piece it is early 1900's or so. If they are seperate, there is a chance it is civil war but I really don't think so. Sorry

Is ME still in the car shaking? You posted this yesterday and he still hasn't responded. I am anxious to hear his version of the hunt. I have a feeling it will differ greatly from your accounts. ;D

Nice finds for a quick hunt :icon_thumleft:

When you hear thunder you are supposed to hold your metal detector as high in the air as you can reach aren't you? You can hear the crackle of electricity in your headphones just a milisecond before lightening strikes! :D I don't think that's part of a gun or at least it isn't like any gun part I recognize. Everytime you post about a hunt I look over my shoulder at the print of your metal detecting guy I have framed on my file cabinet. Can't help it, just wonder if you are finding any of that stuff in the print. Sounds like a fun time was had by some at least? Monty

Once again BB is totally oblivious to the obvious.

The first part of his story is true up to the part where he said not enough to get you wet. That is where the prevaricating begins.

With the first flash of lightning and the roar of thunder directly behind us I ran to the car, the scream he heard was actually a whoop! I was finally going to get a chance to try out my latest experiment/invention! I have taken all the copper I have dug over the last two years and carefully crafted it into a device that clips to a persons belt and then drags out behind them. My hope is to ATTRACT lightning to that person and get them hit so that they won't be digging up my stuff, I mean to capture the electricty of the lightning and power a detector with it, yeah..... ::) So I ran to the car and grabbed that and a drink of water. Everytime lightning flashed I kept flinching because I was pretty sure what the outcome would be when all that copper and BB came into contact with the first lightning strike. I only went to the car twice the entire evening, once to get my contraption and once to get a drink of water.

I did NOT complain about the fact that it was humid I only stated an obeservation, that is what we scientists tend to do you know. I was a little whiny because I didn't get to see BB harness all of natures raw power to use as a detecting power source.

He might also have been a little nervous since we were hunting in a yard with "conditional" permission. That is to say a person told us it was ok to hunt the yard until someone told us it wasn't. To protect the names of the innocent I will say no more about that. But all of you that know me and BB, know we do NOT like to hunt ANYWHERE we do not have total and complete clearance to hunt and we were both a little on edge about this.

Oh and by the way, sadly I did NOT find 11 wheats, when all was said and done I only ended up with 9, a 45 Merc, and a 2nd Battalion, 31St Field Artillery Badge.

I plan on keeping my device handy and trying it out next time we hunt in an appropriate wheather situation, I'll let you know how it goes. ::) :wink: :icon_thumleft:

Tie a nylon grounding strap to your waist and dangle it on the ground. That's what we use to do in the 1950s to our cars so the vinyl seat covers wouldn't shock us. Haven't seen that in years! Monty

Monty said:
When you hear thunder you are supposed to hold your metal detector as high in the air as you can reach aren't you? You can hear the crackle of electricity in your headphones just a milisecond before lightening strikes! :D I don't think that's part of a gun or at least it isn't like any gun part I recognize. Everytime you post about a hunt I look over my shoulder at the print of your metal detecting guy I have framed on my file cabinet. Can't help it, just wonder if you are finding any of that stuff in the print. Sounds like a fun time was had by some at least? Monty
Tin Nugget said:
Is ME still in the car shaking? You posted this yesterday and he still hasn't responded. I am anxious to hear his version of the hunt. I have a feeling it will differ greatly from your accounts. ;D

Nice finds for a quick hunt :icon_thumleft:

I tried to coach Mastereagle about holding his detector as high in the air as I could. I told him that was the only way to stay safe. That's why he kept saying he was hearing a funny crackling sound in the headphones. Ever once in awhile, he would get "lit up" and take off for the car. I really wasn't sure part of the time whether it was raining or just his tears from all the bawling his was doing. :tongue3:

Now you see how ridiculous he really is. You read his story I guess and see how it is pure fantasy. I am like you, I can't wait to see what he writes.....he lies like a rug.

Baldingboy :thumbsup:

Nice finds! The nozzle is from an old sprinkler head. HH

:o Man :laughing7: I don't know of anyone getting zapped metal detecting but lightning would have lit you up good if it was close. Almost like playing an electric guitar in an open field during a thunder storm . My friend ,Don , has an oak tree , 12 feet away from his front door. The tree grew around an old dog chain that was wrapped around it . Two weeks ago , lightning hit the tree, split the tree vertically, in half , traveled through the chain into the ground and fried every thing that was plugged into his wall outlets. Weird things happen !! :o Have fun and be careful , Baldingboy

Yeah, we know the dangers of lightening, just funnin' the old master. Monty

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