No worries, looked like you could use some help. No, sdcfia, I don't think you remember such conversation, for you can't know any such thing with any certainty whatsoever, even if you experienced it empirically, and certainly not if it occurred 40 years ago. And since none of us were there to witness it, too, there is NO WAY you can actually expect any of us to believe that, for it happened in the past, and we were not there to see it, so that conversation is forever lost to us, never to be reconstructed, no matter how hard we try, for our minds are just too damn feeble, and our memories too unreliable. And hell, 40 years ago you were around Height-Ashbury, so if you actually had that conversation with someone, it was probably with a giant purple caterpillar named Herb that Timothy Leary introduced you to.
Remember? You said so yourself, about your (and our - thanks for speaking for the feeblness of everyone's minds, and letting us all know how incapable we are) lack of being able to know any of that with any certainty. Did the Sceintologist mention anything about your pessimistic philosophical view that impedes open mindedness?
I think you are just taking another shot at me, comparing me to a Scientologist, lol. And forget not, sdcfia, that observation of mine is actually just me repeating and rephrasing your own admission - no way in hell am I going to read 3,000-4,000 pages of anything in my search for Truth and the Big Picture, even if I have been presented with evidnece that ther could be something VERY worng with the Chronology, and ceratinly not from another Russian fringe Theorist. And you proceeded to then say things like it was a new religion, no different than anything else, etc.; namely CLOSE MINDEDLY labeling and judging it, stereotypically, without any REAL knowledge of it.
I simply provided a concise, clinical definition of it all sdcifa, and if the shoe fits, wear it. I'm glad you found benefit in that life advice, and hope, for your sake, you make efforts everyday to employ it. And if you don't like wearing that shoe, well, it is up to you to change shoes. And if you got more than one person telling you the EXACT same thing about yourself, maybe we might be on to something. Denial ain't jsut a river in The Empire's Royal Graveyard and Necropolis, sdcfia.
From a Snake Oil Man with a new religion based upon nohting more than forever unprovable allegations to now being more defintively defined as Sceintologist-like, with of course Sceintology being nothing more than a new religion/cult at the hands of Hubbard. Lol. Well, sdcfia, since you got me all figured out on this and what a bunch of bunk I'm selling with my prosteletyzing, as well as Fomenko's stuff, I might as well spill the beans. Tell ya who some of the past Grand Masters of this cult are. But ya gotta stop calling it a new religion, for the GMs go back cneturies.
DeArcilla - 16th century Professor at Salmanca University who determined that 'ancient' History was forged in teh Middle Ages.
Issac Newton - (1643-1727) Concluded the chronology of the Classical Age was wrong, and even attempted his own corrected version of the Chronology.
Jean Hardouin - (1646-1729) Eminent French scientist and Director of the French Royal Library concluded that most 'ancient artifacts' were either counterfeit or much more recent than claimed.
Peter Krekshin (1684 -1763) Personal Secretary of Peter the Great. Concluded the same kind of stuff about the Chronology.
Robert Baldauf - (late 1800's-1900's) German scholar of Basel University wrote 4 volumes on the issue, concluding that the 'ancient' literary works are much more recent than claimed.
Edwin Johnson (1842-1901) English Historian who concluded that the Falsified Chronology needs to be drastically truncated.
Nikolai Morozov (1854-1946) Prominent Russian scientist and Encyclopedist. Same conclusions. He wrote a book about it, lectures, etc.
Wilhelm Kammeyer (?-1959) German scientist and lawyer who developed a method of verifying the age of 'ancient' documents, and discovered nearly all 'ancient' and Mediaeval Western European documents to be either copied or forged in a more recent time.
Nobody - (1972- ) One Cool Arsed Cat who smelled sumpin' fishy by age 13, and called a meeting with a Jesse with a PhD in History to let 'em know I ain't buyin' it.
There is at least eight different people (respected scientist type folks, no less), from differtn countries, cultures, time periods, and educational/professional backgrounds who all independently came to the conclusoin that not only is the Falsified Chronology worng, but that it was wrong by being elongated and way too long. They not only discovered a problem, tehy discovered the SAME problem. Independently and via different methods.
Yea, a real new religion with a bunch of cultist Snake Oil Men, lol. And of course, while proudly proclaiming your decision to look no furhter into it or understand it, you continue to stereotypically and PEJORATIVELY label it and me.
Let's go back to that Gloriously Awesome year of 1972 that bore me in the Spring. American astrophysicist Robert Newton publishes a paper dealing with Lunar acceleration over the course of a couple thousand years. When it was all said and done, an unexpected and unexplainable 'leap' occurred in one of the acceleration parameters, and it was a big one. It was of the magnitude of a whole mathematical order, and it occurred around the X century. Didn't make sense. So a little later that year there was some amount of controversy about it all and the Royal Society of London and the British Academy of Sciences organized a discussion about it. They came up with nothing. In the end, Robert Newton suggested that they just write the whole thing off as being caused by some mysterious extra-gravitaional forces in the Earth-Moon system.
Lol. "Ah hell, boys, we can't figure it out. Why don't we just call it 'Magic' and go get some bangers and mash down at the pub and call it a day."
In 1973, Fomenko became aware of the problem and began to work on it. One thing he discovered is that NOBODY questioned the veracity of the data set. The data set included dates for Lunar and Solar eclipses that had occurred going back to the first century. Never did any of those guys question if the dates given by the Falsified Chronology were correct. Fomenko had heard of Morozov's work, but in no way was anything resembling a subscriber. And when he found Morzov's book and used some of the corrected astronomical tables for dates, he was still a skeptic of the whole notion - he was jsut being a good, critical, open minded scientist and looking for a solution and way to determine the validity and accuracy of the original data set.
When he plugged Morozov's numbers into Robert Newton's algorithm's, that mysterious, and significantly and quite abnormally large 'leap' in acceleration around the X century disappeared, and everything behaved as it should and was expected. Use the right data set, and you don't have to invent Magic Forces. From there, the next question is obvious. Why are the dates of the Falsified Chronology so apparently wrong, and what are the correct ones?
And the rest is History, lol. Scientologist. Gimme a break, dude. Third time now, sdcfia, I am pointing out how petty you are being with your new religion, no different than a Scientologist prosletyizing fdor a cult comparisons and labels. And Fomnenko, of course, your 'just another' Russian Fringe Theorist, whom, you, of course, claim to know all about and have all figured out, just like all of the other Russian Fringe Theorists. Lol. You got friends here, sdcfia, and even if they won;t admit it, or come defend you out of loyalty, it is jsut as clear to them how silly and petty you are being with your continued labeling of me as a seller of a new religion. firnge theorist, etc.
All it does, sdcfia, is validate your closemindedness you proudly procaliam and announce with your personal philosophy (as well as your own claimed personal inability to change that 'hard-wired' pessimism), as well as your perpetual and self-limitng pessimism that not just you (nah yer bold enough (lack of persumption my arse) to claim you know my mental limitations, as well as everyone else's), but nobody can figure any of this out, sort through any of the mess in the Treasure Field, etc. We are all just too damn stupid and feeble minded. You are validating things about yourself with all of those cheapshots, sdcfia, not convincing anybody that I am a Snake Oil Salesman and that Fomenko is nothing but another 'Russian fringe theorist', not worth anyone's time to look into. And certainly not worth anyone's time if the work can't be presented in some Instant Gratification, no work or effort on your part form, and if ya gotta read more than a couple hundred pages to get to the Truth of things, well forget it, 'cause our minds are too feeble to figure it out anyway, so why bother ...
And while you get all giddy over a little book by a guy claiming to have the last 10,000+ years of human civilization all figured out because he figured out a 'use' for the Celtic Cross, you call a new religion/fringe theory something from a highly trained and respected scientist who spent 3,000-4,000 pages trying to reconstruct a much more modest time frame of just the last 1,000 years, only 1/10 of the Truth Miller promises. I guess if a researcher can promise you 10,000 more years of 'The Answer' for 10 times less reading material, you are all over it, proclaiming it the King of Truth and Defeater of the Snake Oil Salesman, Russian Fringe Theorist Fomenko. And not only does Fomenko call for OUTSIDE, MULTIDISCINPLINARY collaboration and review of his work, I don't 'sell' Fomenko as THE SOLUTION AND ULTIMATE TRUTH. I neither agree with 100% of his reconstruction, nor do I claim that ALL Truth is found therein - you will have to look elsewhere, too. But I do claim this a huge piece of the puzzle. A game cahnger that WILL affect your other research. And for the serious researcher, much of your research will be for naught and out of context if yo ulack proper Historical perspective of it all.
And this includes my Masonic Brothers. And while I, non-Mason may be consider to speaking form a position of ignorance and wrong on some things, I consider my Masonic Brothers to be quite turned around in many of their Traditions, so they really don;t know what the hell they are talking about concerning some of this stuff. And, yes, being a non-Mason, I am at a greater disadvantage in the field dealing with Treasure clues. But an X-Marks the spot is not my ultimate goal, so it is not neccessary. And I assure all ya'll don;t bet against me unless you have gold you can afford to lose ...
When did you start speaking for 'the people'? And why do you assume you know why I post here and who I am actually talking to?
Again, you are speaking of Fomenko's work as if you actually no more tahn the frist damn thing about it. You don't. You can't even answer Kasparov's questions, and instead of attempting to answer them, you skipped to calling Kasparov a purveyor of just another 'new religion', and by extension, of course, not to be taken seriously or any time wasted looking into.
BUt, sdcfia, those very reasonable, very logical, and very critically thoughtful questions Kasparov posed, you cannot answer. If that cannot stimulate even a modicum of curiosity out of you to at the very least stop pejorative labeling it as you continue to do, well I don't' know what else you expect out of me. Am I supposed to drive down to NM every night, tuck you into bed and spoonfeed you the stuff and read you to sleep every night? And sdcfia, I don't care if you look into it or not. I am however, not all that hip, obviously, to you continuing to try to persuade every one else reading that Fomenko is a Snake Oil man, and just another fringe theorist, for it is incredibly inaccurate and is being spoken by someone that doesn;t know what the hell they are talking about concerning the issue, even though that person is continuing to speak as if they do ...
Last pot shot is yours, sdcfia, if you feel the need to take another one (why stop now, yer on a roll). All done here. I could provide you with an extensive list of questions to ask yourself, all like Kasparov's, but, you'll just ignore them, pretend they don't exist and that they don't INDICATE A VERY SERIOUS problem with the Historical Chronology, a problem that has implications for everything discussed here, and tell everyone it is all new religion crap, and to not waste their time looking into it ...
I was told by someone that knows you very well to not trust you. With the behavior I am seeing outta ya here, that person may have been right, but you are welcome to PM me if you feel that advice was incorrect or misunderstood by myself ...
L.C., it is clear that whether one agrees or disagrees with anythign I say, I'm a Big Picture Guy, always. And I consider a great portion of this Treasure Stuff, including pretty much all of the KGC stuff, involved in that Big Picture. For a non-Mason, when it comes to things like KGC Diamonds, one of the things that might come in handy is trying to trace its origins and who all has used such symbolism. And when you start tracing those origins, there is no avoiding dealing with the Historical Chronology. Hence my reason for speaking about it here.
I am a very direct and blunt person, and, well, I got a mouth on me, for sure. And diplomacy always struck me as a bunch a pomp and circumstance and pretty much nothing short of being dishonest with your ture thoughts and feelings. Not me sorta thang. However, sdcfia is not the mud slinger I am, and I never really expected him to participate in anything that was going to result in a whole bunch of insults going back and forth, really jacking up your thread. And I am done with anymore public conversation regarding that back and forth.
You and I are essentially on the same page with a lot of things, it seems. I define it as the Oligarchical Power Structure of the World, and it includes Bloodlines/Families and Institutions, like the Vatican. And yes, it is Old and very, very well Established. I bet we might diverge a bit on the tracing back, for I obviously stop around 1,000 A.D., as that is really the only Historical Record we have to go off of, and, quite frankly, nobody, including Fomenko (his acknowledgement, too), knows what the hell was going on more than 1,000 years ago, let alone the 10,000-40,000 years Miller, and many other researchers, claims to have all sorted out. Or even the probably 3,000+ years teh Masons incorrectly think they have all figured out. And at that point in time, circa 1,000 A.D., there was The Empire. Included in the Bloodline spinoffs are the Priest Class, Administrative & Banking Classes, Military Classes, etc.
I consider it more that some players are exterminated/drop-out of the Game, while 'new' Groups jump on in and start playing in a continuous type cycle. And while these New Groups can make some waves, there are still those Groups that have been firmly established for centuries. I and while those older Groups have waxed and waned to some degree over that course of time in power, well, they are still there. And my opinion is that for whatever Good Guys are involved in that Game, they're getting their arses kicked. And my Research indicates to me that we are on the brink of a lot of bad stuff, unlike anyone alive right now has experienced (I'm including WWII in this).
We're running outta time Fellas, and I haven't seen enough progress out of the Good Guys to have any faith in them and their strategies. And the Bad Guys right now, well they're doin' just fine, with big 'ol 'stuff' eatin' grins on their faces, both from their current success and their anticipation of what is to come. This Information Age window we have available to us to use right now to save ourselves will NOT stay open unless we make it stay open ...
I have followed no small amount of money trails. Regarding the KGC, not to the extent you have, to be sure, but I have seen enough significant money trails leaving the US, to be more concerned with those right now. An Oxford PhD'ed guy I reference also has an interesting theory out there under the title of The Banksters of Babylon. It is meaningful to Them, in a tailismanic sorta a way, for us to be lusting after things with their symbology all over it. There is more going on with some fo this stuff than is found in the typical paper trail. And littered throughout all of this stuff, Treasure Legends included, is some of that Other Realm stuff. My opinion, of course.
I don't want to come across like really disagreeing with you, but money is NOT their ultimate goal, or only ultimate type goal. You got a Soul, Brutha, just like I do L.C. Them things are worth more than gold to some Folks, L.C. Make no mistake those have been battled over. And make no mistake that while they most definitely love money, want more of it than anyone else, want control of it on a global scale, etc., there is more to this War that is going on. And it is actually the 'more' that I am ultimately interested in, including with this Treasure stuff, for there still remains, throughout the land, the remnants of those Evil Priests and the Souls they tormented trapped. Ever deal with and do something about one of those 'places' with that Hex type stuff? Shaman Nobody has. Took care of one a couple months ago at an Illuminati Joint in Bear Creek Canyon. Man, L.C., the Halloween type stuff I had going on during the Dog Days of Summer in that Canyon, hell that whole Canyon going back 15 years with me, well, YOWSERS, lol. A little on-site guidance from a pure white Vesica Pieces, and was able to set someone free, though. Saw it happen.
Crazy talk, eh? Lol. Try living it - the intersection of Crazy and Creepy as Hell ...
And that World of 1,000 Points of Light that you hear Death Cult Secret Society Members (like Bonesmen) speak of with glee in their voice as to our getting close to achieving that, well, I MOST DEFINITELY ASSURE all ya'll you don't want ANYTHING to do with a world of the Death Cult's 1,000 Points of Light.
Someone has to undo the Work of those Evil Priests and put a stop to that 1,000 Points of Light Terror. See anyone else volunteering for that L.C.? Or even aware of it? You're doing great tracking that money trail, L.C., that you share with us all to read. I'm going to go work on sumpin' else. And I won't be (or haven't been) talking about it at TNet ...
Yea ... that's really not my sorta thang, L.C. I was in that Line. Then, when I was 13, I got the hell outta it. Told one of those Old Men that I though his lIne sucked, and wasn;t buying the Promise that was supposedly behind the Door, either. Looked for another Line to stand in at another Door for awhile, with the Door with a Spiritual Truth sign above being the one I was really looking for. After a couple decades, I let the front of my mind resign itself to apathetic pessimism sometimes labeled as Agnostic, or givng up, 'for there is no way my worthless, feeble mind can ever reach any Truths about anything". Focused on having fun in Life. Accomplished that. With some not-so-Fun stupid stuff thrown in there, too. 3 deacdes later, well, it is a different story. Had a little April Uprising 4.5 years ago, and an interesting Dog Days of Summer this last Summer.
Now L.C., I've come back to those Lines at age 43, after 30 years of not standing in them with the rest of all ya'll. But, I ain;t standing around waiting in Line, hoping, this time, that old beestard will come out and pick me to be the lucky one. I ain't in Line, L.C. I am currently next to it. Running full speed at that Guard. And when I get to him, I am going to speed up, lower that Aries head of mine, and Kick that Door Wide The You-Know-What Open using him. Slam that Gaurd right through that Door, knocking him out cold and that Door of the Hinges. All ya'll are more then welcome to follow me through that doorway, but ya might wanna gimme a couple minutes first. I'm mean to make a helluva mess in there and jack some 'stuff' and Folks up ...
Someone has to do it, L.C. Someone has to not fear the Nimrod and tell it to kiss their arse. And do something about it. Go kick Nimrod's arse. And if it isn't done now, your kid is screwed (if our generation isn't first), and s/he is going to mad as hell at us, for we pissed away the one chance we had to do something before it was too late. Think there is no way in hell I can do it? Watch me ...
L.C., I know ya think I can't. That there is no way I am going to make it through that gaurd, or that I am even at the right Door. And I know Masons are probably shaking there heads, snikerin' a bit, thinkin', "Ah, poor guy, he doesn't know everything, and he doesn't know the things about Masons and Masonry that I do, the Truths I do." But, the thing is, I am looking at Masons, concerning some of their important Traditions, and thinkin', "Ah, poor Fellas. They don;t know everything they think they do, even about their own Institution. And they don;t want to acknowledge this, even though the very structure of said Institution is of the structure that MUST exist an order for those Fellas to think they have more figured out about what is going on, with EVERYTHING, than they actually do. And be completely unaware of any misdirections or disinfo they may have encountered/fed, along the way. Hell, they don;t even get to picj their own Friends, for such choosings are 'advised' for them."
Ya see, I Called Out to an Older Man, L.C. Someone older than who Pike claims to be the Eldest. Uranus. And He answered me. And He took my arm and showed me some things. And then he gave me a job to complete, and told me which Door to go Kick Open. Among other signs, it is the one that has the Saturn sign above it. And it WILL BE kicked open.
I liken it to a puzzle. The first trick is to find all of the 'correct' edge pieces, and get those together. Than comes the sorting out of the puzzle peices, the data. And in that data will be plenty of pieces that don;t belong, but were intentionally added to confuse and distract, and there will be, ultimately, some peieces that are missing - but even with the missing pieces, you can still tell EXACTLY what the puzzle is supposed to look like.
Concerning the Historical Choronolgy, the Jesses came in and replaced all of the edge pieces - the border, about 500 years ago. Made it a lot bigger than it is supposed to be. Then, they took the real pieces and made copies of them, changing details on them, for they made the border of the puzzle about 3 times the size it should be and needed more pieces for us to work on, but the observant eye can notice and find these copies, and figure out what the are actually copies of.
Take care L.C. I was hoping for your opinion on some of the specific groups that were in bed together, and what Groups they were aligned against. Beggars can't be choosers. One last question I'll ask you, to which I'll check back and read, but not respond, for I'm splittin' yer thread, is your opinion on that diamond I posted from KvM's (a Mason, at least, if not more) ToVoS. I'm not looking for a definitive answer, but since you are aware of diamonds on KGC trails and that they come in different forms, ya think it might be wise to at least consider and look into the real possibility that KvM was talking about a KGC trail in ToVoS?
I like your take on Turtle Mountain, the 30's, and FDR. It is definitely an interesting possibility to consider. I can't remember if you knew about Cort and Turtle Mtn before I sent you some of his stuff a while ago or not, but he has some interesting lines to be sure. I have found interesting things off of the Serpent Mound, too. I am pretty sure I have read Randy Bradford saying he traces the LUE map to coming out of Phoenix in the 30's. You always claim you don't even know what the LUE is. Perhaps, and I only say perhaps, the LUE might have some ties to the 30's Shenanigans, even if it's origins are older than that by centuries, as some claim.
Rebel, I appreciated some of the answers you provided, like verifying Blucifer/OAK ties. Jefferson is a tough one. I know he was an envoy to France, not explicitly the Nine Sisters Lodge, but that guy was pretty damn buddy with them, and in the end, at that period of time, who was France's government? I would suggest it was the one, plotting in Secret in the Masonic Nine Sisters Lodge. I am open to it, but if all you have is that Mason Historians have searched the Lodge Records and don't find his name, well, that is not meaningless to me, especially since Masonry would probably be proud to claim him. But not definitive, either. He is at least a Masonic Co-Adjutor, lol. I didn't even get into how Jefferson had Lewis and Clark (I know at least one if not both were Masons) set up to roll before the Lousiana Purchase happened and France still owned that Territory. Nor his involvement in the creation of the Seal of the US which has, since day one and before FDR threw it on the dollar bill, incorporated the Eye of Augustus, the Boss of the Illuminati and Saturn devotees worldwide ...