Gentlemen, I agree with all of your comments. Mackaydon and doc-d, there are many true stories that will never come to light for very good reasons, and I don’t necessarily trust anybody whether they have a prominent position and/or a government job or not. It is a sad state of affairs both in our country and out. I am not advocating that all stories be told. However, any that can be shared are appreciated.
Don Jose, I hope you are correct that Tayopa is different, and it is a pleasure to read the story in your words. It seems that you have taken the correct steps to protect everybody involved, and it is, to me at least, important that the story be told, since it is not only a great adventure, but historically important as well.
Marius, you are correct in most cases, I suspect, however, the one person in power that DOES take a story as true, and hopes to exploit it for his own (or the government’s) gain is by far the most worrisome and dangerous. I am not sure what I would do if I found a treasure that was both historically important and valuable. It would be quite a moral dilemma, and I cannot be sure of my reaction.