The Beale Codes and Mel Fisher

jeff davis said:
Go to the website, "Rockhound Beale Treasure"

I Googled that phrase, and came up with these message boards; I assume this is the site you're talking about? I perused the thread about the Beale Cipher being solved (all five pages)--are you "tjb"? Anyway, I'm going to have to make a more in-depth analysis of tjb's solution and the comments surrounding it.

You will find my decypherment of the Beale Cypher Codes. I did what NSA, CIA, NASA, IBM, Special Forces and others even the intellect around the World could not do including the Russians.

You da man.

As for your website saying there was not enough cyphers in Code Paper Number Three for all the names of the Beale Party of Thirty, check out my decypherment I have all thirty including a share for Robert Morriss and the location of where all thirty of the men lived.

It wasn't a website per se--I just posted a link to Poundstone's book, which has an article about the Beale Cipher. I'll copy the statements he makes about why the cipher doesn't likely have enough room.

Using your quotes from the pamphlet, I suggest you need to read the pamphlet again. J.B. Ward didn't arrange the ciphers and do the numbering, someone else did. Unless of course, you believe Ward wrote the pamphlet. In the very first page of the pamphlet you will encounter the word, "connexions" and though this word is used again in the pamphlet it is never again presented in this alternate form, which is French Creole. In fact, no other word in the entire pamphlet strays from standard English after this point.

One has to remember that the DOI only works for C2 if you use the Pamphlet version, a fact the author of the pamphlet had to be aware of. One also has to remember that all of the people and places and events in the pamphlet were in fact, "real." Even in 1885 people were still getting hung for running scams and including such prominent people in them. Again, the author had to be aware of this when the pamphlet was penned.Now I'm not suggesting the tale is true, only that its mystery really is stranger then fiction, so perhaps the real truth just might be as strange as well?

Yo! Rebel here: ;D Treasurejack... u got it... "Real Truth"... is a STRANGE journey... :o

Glad to see this once stale topic is heating up again! I simple love the mystery to it all. If any of you would care to check it out I've done a lengthy study of this little mystery and I'm going to start posting those results one at a time on my web site. However, as it is explained on the site, I approached the tale from a different direction as I have tried to isolate all the best "possible" sources of the money/treasure "If" the story was indeed true. This in turn has arrived me at a few of the very best "possibilities" and many of the people who "could have taken part." Personally, I remain completely open minded to every possibility but I do have to admit that some of the findings are rather, well, "curiously strange" for lack of better expression. Once again, I'm just posting those facts and details that I've rounded up. I am not making claim of anything and I'm certainly not suggesting that any of the presented information is the actual truth, however, some of this stuff is rather bazaar. If you'd like to view this stuff just go to and follow the Beale link.

If you have a problem accessing the site try pasting it into your browser or you can try this one:
If anyone has any problems please let me know and I'll investigate the issue with the links.
Thanks for the headsup TH


I signed on this forum to get a little more educated about this Thomas Beall/Beale fellow. I'm running out of sources on what happend to MY Thomas Beale. In researching for my newest book on Gov. Carlos de Grand Pre, the West Florida Revolt, and whole bunch of other stuff probably completely irrelevant to this Thomas J. Beall, I runnith into a snag. The Governor's second eldest daughter, Celeste Boucher de Grand Pre was born ca. 1789 in Natchez, Spanish Territory, West Florida. She later removed with her father and siblings to his new post at Baton Rouge ca. 1799. After the old governor passed away in 1809, the Grand Pre children remained in an American Baton Rouge were they lived out the remainder of their lives peacefully. A few of the Grand-Pre clan trickled down to New Orleans where they moved from time to time between the two cities. Celeste married Thomas Beale (have not found marriage rec. yet, but working on it) but she is listed as Celeste Beal and Beale in the 1850 and 1860 East Baton Rouge Parish Census with children; James W., Celeste J., and Octavia. I think this Thomas Beale was the Capt. who fought in the Battle of New Orleans, and was born in the Shenandoah of Virginia in 1773 and died ca. 1820-30 in New Orleans.

I guess my question would be: Does anyone know where Thomas J. Beall came from? Did he have a spouse and children?

I feel like I have my wires crossed somewhere, but would appreciate any help in this.

Erik McBroom

Re: The Beale/New Orleans "connection"...

:wink: L.P., this is ONE of the theories covered by Peter Viemeister in HIS book: THE BEALE TREASURE; NEW HISTORY OF A MYSTERY ("google" it...); in FOUR chapters, he covers the T.J. Beale/New Orleans "connection". It is stated that T.J. Beale was born in the Shenandoah Valley in Fincastle, Va., LATER moved to N.O., Louisiana, and the Beale Hotel in New Orleans was T.J. Beale's father's; T.J. "took it over" after his father's death. There is a "connection" made with Vice President Aaron Burr, Jean Lafitte, Andrew Jackson... the Battle of New Orleans during the SECOND WAR OF INDEPENDENCE; get the book, and read chapters 10 - 13... :wink:

Hey Rebel!

Good name too! I have not seen Thomas ever on any record in New Orleans as T. J. or Thomas Jefferson Beall. It has always been plain "Thomas" with no middle initial. There is a family history that, Thomas and another fellow fought a dual in Virginia over a lady, which prompted him to remove to New Orleans where he married a French lady (Celeste de Grand-Pre). I have found documentation of a Thomas Beale, with a hotel in New Orleans in 1820. In 1823, Celeste Grand-Pre (widow of Thos. Beale) was defendant against Mathurin Pacaud probably in dispute over property. I found a Thomas Beale died in Sept. 1818 at 47 years old in New Orleans. That is probably my Thomas. Having been born in 1773, it doesn't sound like many people would been naming a child after the founding father Thos. Jefferson until probably after the Rev. War was settled. Could there have been two Thomas Beale's? At least on this forum I have noticed one fellow found where one Thomas J. Beall, Major of the 1st U.S. Infantry Rgt. passed away at Ft. Armstrong, Ill. in 1832.

I'm not wanting to get too involved with the treasure mystery, but I'm just trying to find out how my Thomas (2nd cousin, 8 times removed) is related to this. If need be I can quote verbatum the entry of my source for the Thomas who came to N.O. I think the East Baton Rouge Courthouse has found the actual marriage record, which may give more info.

Erik M.

:thumbsup: L.P., Peter's book ALSO covers that duel, "over a WOMAN!" :D It was T.J.'s FATHER, who had a duel with a fellow by the name of Risque or SOMETHING like that; ANYWAY, the FATHER went to N.O. first; get the book, or check it out at you library... P.V. has done a WONDERFUL job, exploring the various "theories". :wink:

Hey Rebel,

Sounds like that may be good stuff to read. I think I found a pretty good piece of info proving exactly who Mr. Thomas Beale d: Sept. 1820 was. This was found in the Oklahoma State Archives Division from:

Sacramental Records of the Roman Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of New Orleans, Vol. II, 1813-1815


"Beale, Ysabel (Thomas, native of Virginia, resident of this city, and Celeste Grand-Pre, native and resident of this city), b. Dec. 29, 1815, bn. Dec. 10, 1815, pgp. Tavenr BEALE and Ysabel HITE, mgp. Carlos de Grand-Pre, dec. [former] army colonel and governor of Baton Rouge in time of Spanish rule, and Elena Page, dec. s. Phelipe HICK ans Maria FLOOD (SLC, B28, 27)"

This is a baptismal record of a daughter of Thomas Beale and Celeste and shows who his and her parents were, i.e. Taverner Beale and Elizabeth Hite of Va. with hers Gov. Grand-Pre and Helene Paget. Three other children were born to Thomas and Celeste,

Elizabeth Beale, born, Dec. 10, 1815
Celeste Josephine Beale, born abt. 1818
James William Beale, born abt. 1820
Octavine Rosalie Beale, born May 3, 1821

Very interesting note is it looks like the notable Philip Hicky was a sponsor of the baptimal of the child. Hicky, early resident of Baton Rouge, could have been acquainted through Beale or Grand-Pre ties.

Thanks for the info,
Go Kay, Gee, & Cee

A cemetary. I will not go there, nor did I read all the post before mine. Six feet below that long ago, in a vault? I'd hide that much loot in a cemetary.

:D TRY to dig it all up... MOST places have LAWS against that. Mel NEVER found it, in Nov. 1989.
:icon_sunny: 8)

Possibly the first thread here. I have contacted the fisher's about 2 years ago about the Beale Papers decoding. They are working all the time on a new ship they have found, no time for the Beale Papers I think.

...or for another, like Chris Widener, claiming they solved the Beale ciphers and know the location of the treasure vault.
Been there, done that, NADDA!
Better to research real lost treasures, like Spanish shipwrecks off the coasts of Florida.

...or for another, like Chris Widener, claiming they solved the Beale ciphers and know the location of the treasure vault.
Been there, done that, NADDA!
Better to research real lost treasures, like Spanish shipwrecks off the coasts of Florida.
Well, MEL did...

Well, MEL did...

No Mel Fisher was over sixty or hundred miles from where the ship went down. Eugene Lyons was the man that did the research in the Archives of Seville.

No Mel Fisher was over sixty or hundred miles from where the ship went down. Eugene Lyons was the man that did the research in the Archives of Seville.
Is the museum down in Fla. named after him...? Sorta like decoding the ciphers... BUT! WHO found the "TREASURE"...?

AND! I would LOVE to see a BEALE MUSEUM, next to BB/BBQ... What CHA think...?

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