Mr Tuff
Silver Member
so in the early years it all started with the passion to find a point after seeing a few, a good friend had found.. so after striking out the back door some odd years ago to find one i was rewarded
with a sweet woodland point. well that leads to a few years of hunting and trekking about 90+ now in points. but during one of these trips doing some river shore hunting i spot a odd shape.. well it turns out to be a Germans Mothers cross. ( missing the insignia ) so i bought the Bounty hunter 202 to try and find it.. well one thing lead to another, and things slowed down for a few years.. but with the lead to this site ( T-Net ) from a golden friend. that helped put me back in full swing. especially seeing all the neat stuff that was being found by the rest of my fellow hunters. so i have been hard core ever since!! what is Ur story of how it started for u?? MR TUFF

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