The 1715 Fleet - what's happening this summer so far?


Bronze Member
Jun 3, 2007
Sebastian, Florida
Detector(s) used
A sharp eye, an AquaPulse and a finely tuned shrimp fork.
Primary Interest:
Hi folks - since many of the folks who used to post here have gone over to the dark (FB, IG,TikTok) side, there isn't much reporting of finds, etc here on TNet.
I'll give a quick rundown on what I know about:
Cabin Wreck- Co-Captains Mike Penninger and Grant Gitschlag aboard Lilly May along with divers Corinne Lea, Nick Amelio and JP Prouty scored first and foremost with over 200 coins and a basket of artifacts. Here is a link to the story on Fox News: Big Find on Cabin Wreck
There was also a one escudo gold coin found by another crew, I am told, but I am not at liberty to say who it was...
Mike Perna, Milty and Levin on Mity Mo are reported to have scored 150 plus coins on the Cabin/Anchor site as well.
As for us...we are off to a comparitively slow start with one 8 reale, some musketballs and a bar shot from the Fort Pierce area. We have some catching up to do...
Congrats to move over...
Here is a link to the 1715 Fleet - Queens Jewels website:

Mike and Grants finds as of last week:

Hi folks - since many of the folks who used to post here have gone over to the dark (FB, IG,TikTok) side, there isn't much reporting of finds, etc here on TNet.
I'll give a quick rundown on what I know about:
Cabin Wreck- Co-Captains Mike Penninger and Grant Gitschlag aboard Lilly May along with divers Corinne Lea, Nick Amelio and JP Prouty scored first and foremost with over 200 coins and a basket of artifacts. Here is a link to the story on Fox News: Big Find on Cabin Wreck
There was also a one escudo gold coin found by another crew, I am told, but I am not at liberty to say who it was...
Mike Perna, Milty and Levin on Mity Mo are reported to have scored 150 plus coins on the Cabin/Anchor site as well.
As for us...we are off to a comparitively slow start with one 8 reale, some musketballs and a bar shot from the Fort Pierce area. We have some catching up to do...
Congrats to move over...
Here is a link to the 1715 Fleet - Queens Jewels website:

Mike and Grants finds as of last week:
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Good morning Ropesfish,
I think it's the general consensus that anybody that finds a piece of treasure brings out everybody else that wants to be treasure Hunters which the natural attraction makes sense. Lots of talkers out there not somebody doers. Lol I've been building a treasure hunting boat for the last year side sonar scanner Yellowfin proton for magnetometer mailbox blower full dive spread with hoses I'm not a scuba diver 20-year commercial diver still I'm running an office over here in Tampa I live in Clearwater I'm getting ready to put my boat in the water this coming month start searching I've got some of the best equipment and Common Sense for underwater. Probably the biggest difference for me is I'm not a scuba diver bad visibility and current doesn't affect me I weld on the bottom of ships and zero visibility and two knot current as a job. I'm getting ready to start searching some hard areas that I've got locations picked out and I will find something if you take the time to look and have the right equipment you will find. Muhaaaaaa! hope to see you guys out there.


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Good morning Ropesfish,
I think it's the general consensus that anybody that finds a piece of treasure brings out everybody else that wants to be treasure Hunters which the natural attraction makes sense. Lots of talkers out there not somebody doers. Lol I've been building a treasure hunting boat for the last year side sonar scanner Yellowfin proton for magnetometer mailbox blower full dive spread with hoses I'm not a scuba diver 20-year commercial diver still I'm running an office over here in Tampa I live in Clearwater I'm getting ready to put my boat in the water this coming month start searching I've got some of the best equipment and Common Sense for underwater. Probably the biggest difference for me is I'm not a scuba diver bad visibility and current doesn't affect me I weld on the bottom of ships and zero visibility and two knot current as a job. I'm getting ready to start searching some hard areas that I've got locations picked out and I will find something if you take the time to look and have the right equipment you will find. Muhaaaaaa! hope to see you guys out there.
Where are you planning to search... ?
I assume by your post your focusing on the East coast... ?

Where are you planning to search... ?
I assume by your post your focusing on the East coast... ?
The suwannee mouth area, St. Augustin then down to the keys. Taking two full weeks off in Aug. With a extra week just incase. I've got a full dive spread commercial diving setup, camera and comms, proton 4 magneto meter, yellowfin side sonar scanner, Ac in my pilot house, mailbox I'm building this week. My boats a center engine hull it sits down inside at the lowest point 8.6 feet wide stable as hell. Ford 351w punched out to a 408 Stroker, good for about 7500 rpms. Motors a beast, built for 900 hp race car, it's sitting at 475hp now no turbos on it. So I can run my motor up to blow holes deeper with high out put thrust from prop wash. The boat was built for Florida shallow water and offshore it's a 1991 shamrock with a 1981 shamrock pilot house I raised 14" taller. Everything is custom built I did all myself the last year. I can get into 24" of water, my crane can pull 2,500lbs. Drop down tvs, computer gimble it's really nice. I've been a Commercial diver for 20 years I'm the Gm for Texas Commercial Diving Tampa division here in Tampa. I'm used to diving with a 37 lb dive helmet on swimming mid water under tankers, cruise ships against high current for 6 to 10 hrs in water. So lack of visibility and current will not stop my dive or time in water. I'm used to 6 to 8 hours straight on a ship hull cleaning kart cleaning the entire bottom and sides of a cruise ship 1200 ft long. Sitting on bottom looking for treasure a fucking cake walk! Buhaaaa! 😝😝😈😈

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The suwannee mouth area, St. Augustin then down to the keys. Taking two full weeks off in Aug. With a extra week just incase. I've got a full dive spread commercial diving setup, camera and comms, proton 4 magneto meter, yellowfin side sonar scanner, Ac in my pilot house, mailbox I'm building this week. My boats a center engine hull it sits down inside at the lowest point 8.6 feet wide stable as hell. Ford 351w punched out to a 408 Stroker, good for about 7500 rpms. Motors a beast, built for 900 hp race car, it's sitting at 475hp now no turbos on it. So I can run my motor up to blow holes deeper with high out put thrust from prop wash. The boat was built for Florida shallow water and offshore it's a 1991 shamrock with a 1981 shamrock pilot house I raised 14" taller. Everything is custom built I did all myself the last year. I can get into 24" of water, my crane can pull 2,500lbs. Drop down tvs, computer gimble it's really nice. I've been a Commercial diver for 20 years I'm the Gm for Texas Commercial Diving Tampa division here in Tampa. I'm used to diving with a 37 lb dive helmet on swimming mid water under tankers, cruise ships against high current for 6 to 10 hrs in water. So lack of visibility and current will not stop my dive or time in water. I'm used to 6 to 8 hours straight on a ship hill cleaning kart cleaning the entire bottom and sides of a cruise ship 1200 ft long. Sitting on bottom looking for treasure a fucking cake walk! Buhaaaa! 😝😝😈😈
So excavation of found stuff ?

So excavation of found stuff ?
Going to do my own searching see what I find, I got good gear and time. I built the boat so I can sit inside comfortably with Ac on and just scan endless hours without the Florida sun draining you. I've lived here 15 years worked all over the world. People have good intentions of doing hard work but a day with no breeze here in the gulf hot as hell will suck the life and motivation right out of you. Won't stop me at all. So we ll see what I find.

Well ... the reason i asked is because i was fishing for your intentions.

Just so you are aware... in case you are not... you need to be fully aware of the laws that surround the search and salvage industry.
If you are not... i advise that you do so and fully understand what you are about to embark on.

I wouldnt want to see you loose all that neat and lovely stuff you mentioned and or end up in a legal mess due to lack of knowing what legally you can and cannot do.

You are geared up and have the motivation it seems... but you need State Permits to do anything other than look with your eyes. (and sonar type stuff i believe)

BUT... there is that chance you could hook up with people who already have the necessary State Permits and work for / with them as an option if you are not.

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Well ... the reason i asked is because i was fishing for your intentions.

Just so you are aware... in case you are not... you need to be fully aware of the laws that surround the search and salvage industry.
If you are not... i advise that you do so and fully understand what you are about to embark on.

I wouldnt want to see you loose all that neat and lovely stuff you mentioned and or end up in a legal mess due to lack of knowing what legally you can and cannot do.

You are geared up and have the motivation it seems... but you need State Permits to do anything other than look with your eyes.

BUT... there is that chance you could hook up with people who already have the necessary State Permits and work for / with them as an option if you are not.
Well it's not easy to find anything in the ocean for any amount of time. I have to find anything first before I can start my permit process. No point if you can't find it. Ha! Lots of searching when I find anything then I'll start the right way. Right now I've located a lost rug propeller for a client at Anchorage in Tampa then salvaged it for them with my yellowfin side dinar scanner. I work in the Maritime industry now they lose lots of things, rudder, props, cargo and such. That's why I'm setup up as a business. The fun treasure hunting side is the adventure of the hunt. Diving is just dumb easy for me I'd prefer to be under water all day then on top honestly. Lol Or if someone does have those permits found a location needs help and is fair I have the equipment and skills to help. No scuba stuff here. Like any job it's about putting in time. Endless air shallow water dive all day. Scuba once your air is gone days done

Well it's not easy to find anything in the ocean for any amount of time. I have to find anything first before I can start my permit process. No point if you can't find it. Ha! Lots of searching when I find anything then I'll start the right way. Right now I've located a lost rug propeller for a client at Anchorage in Tampa then salvaged it for them with my yellowfin side dinar scanner. I work in the Maritime industry now they lose lots of things, rudder, props, cargo and such. That's why I'm setup up as a business. The fun treasure hunting side is the adventure of the hunt. Diving is just dumb easy for me I'd prefer to be under water all day then on top honestly. Lol Or if someone does have those permits found a location needs help and is fair I have the equipment and skills to help. No scuba stuff here. Like any job it's about putting in time. Endless air shallow water dive all day. Scuba once your air is gone days done
As a diver who gave up tanks many moons ago for a third lung... I understand.

Good luck, Defiance.
It sounds like you have it all figured out.
For those who do not have it all figured out, I would suggest these resources:


Someone had asked about which two treasure boats we are using this year.
Here ya go...
Nice boats, what's the total cost per day, fuel, crew and other expenses to run those big boats? I'm guessing investors play a large part in the daily costs to operate? Being in the commercial diving industry 20 years still right now, I built mine as a full commercial dive spread all hidden under the deck easy to access. 150ft hoses, I dive with a small spare tank no hooka hide setup. But I made my boat to be able to run a full 12hr days fuel and food costs $65.00 a day. Scanning doesn't go fast I burn nothing, and my 408 stroker gets about 2.5 miles a gallon not horrible. I owe nothing no investors. Just my boat and my time. And fun looking. Maybe I find something maybe I don't. Wurst I can say I cruised around the keys in my boat for a weekend. Buhaaaaa

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