The 1715 Fleet and the Brisbens

If you tolerate being the focus of aspersion, you will surely invite more of the same. There's a considerable investment of time, skill, and cash involved and everybody's money is the same color. Otherwise, nothing said here would matter. And, by the way, it's a big ocean, and the 1715 fleet is only a single venue.

A friend of mine signed up to be a Sub c under brisben.I was working on his boat rebuilding the cooling system.In 3 days it would have been ready for work.During that 3 days greg found the cannon stuffed with coins.My friends assigned grid was south of gregs.Brisben emailed my friend and told him that since the boat wasnt done and him out there working that he would cancel his SUB c and give greg his grid.Brisben didnt even have the balls to talk to him in person.If this isnt greed then i dont know what is.

Well, I only meant by "lying" as finding and artifact in one place but recording a differnt postion for the log that got turned in. It seems there is a few out there who liked to do this for some reason and its unexceptable.

I'm not calling anybody anything and i have nothing to do with the Brisben decisions to reject Sub-Cs but i do believe anyone that has skewed the GPS positions should be ban from the sites.

PhipsFolly, I can assure you that Brents boat was not in anyones spot!!!! I am running the boat and i worked my spots or dove on mag targets....

How would brisben or anyone know if the salvor is lying about finding and artifact in one place but recording a different position,unless they went to those gps cords to see if anything else was there.Or went to the logged position and found something.And then sometimes only one artifact is found in a grid area.

Well put Fisheye and I need not say anymore as the truth will stand... Peace

99.9% of all the Sub C's on the 1715 fleet have recorded the correct postions and have worked the guidlines of the contract that they signed with the Fishers and now with the Brisbens, but there are the very few who for some reason, think they have to change numbers or not turn in an artifact or coins or just the same old BS you get anywhere you go.

Falsfying GPS positions are just one reason why the Brisbens may not give a contract out. Some sub-Cs brag about not giving correct positions and some we will never know but i can say that the maps we create tell a lot about how a Sub-C excavates and sometimes you can see they are working in one spot then all of a sudden they find something away from where the were then back to the old spot again... Obvious!

A sub-C that finds something can easily get an exclusive and have the area to themselves for as long as they want to work it, but once they leave it and no longer go back then its open to whoever. There is absolutly no reason for a Sub-C to skew his numbers.


I asked the Brisbens for an extension of my exclusive and Brent made a business decision, .... Do i wait for a sub-c who has never hunted before to finish his boat and try and get out or do i extend the exclusive for a Sub-Contractor who is out every day and has already just produced a cannon full of treasure... Hmmmmm

Brent would have giving him another area but your friend never got out.. not one single day!!!!

I was hoping that this thread would just drop off and die.

I’m not sure why Aquanut posted this, drinking too much and was bored?

John you really have your plate too full to mess with this type of stuff…

I also don’t think it’s an appropriate topic. It will mostly lead to rumor and speculation and I can only think that a valid concern is if you want to be a Sub-C. If that is the case as Brent told me himself, call him directly and he will go over any concerns you might have. If you’re serious about being a Sub-C he will be more than happy to give you specifics of why he has denied contracts, just so one doesn’t make the same mistakes. But he’s just too busy to just gossip…

As a Sub-C I can tell you that I haven’t had any issues with the Brisbens. As I got to know Brent he would say things in casual conversation that let me know he’s one of the good guys. I did find that he is pretty straightforward. Some of the things he did and does I can understand as he was/is new and doesn’t want any surprises biting him in the ass later on down the road. There are rules that need to be followed and they have a big investment to protect.

He’s also been working overtime as an on the water salvor, dealing with crew, boat, equipment issues, Sub-C’s, and everybody that gets his number to call him about their magic treasure finder…. administrator of the fleet operations and fighting the State!!

I told him over the summer he’s not just burning the candle at both ends, he lit it in the middle too.

Yes while dealing with the State he is protecting the 1715 Fleet but those battles are also good for all private sector salvage and the man hauls his own anchors up onto the beach and digs them out at the end of the day! (I’ve seen him) That alone makes him a good guy in my book!!

How would brisben or anyone know if the salvor is lying about finding and artifact in one place but recording a different position,unless they went to those gps cords to see if anything else was there.Or went to the logged position and found something.And then sometimes only one artifact is found in a grid area.

Because those people usually "brag" sooner or later or forget they lied.
Drinking and egos have sunk a few pirates and malcontents...

I was hoping that this thread would just drop off and die.

I’m not sure why Aquanut posted this, drinking too much and was bored?

John you really have your plate too full to mess with this type of stuff…

I also don’t think it’s an appropriate topic. It will mostly lead to rumor and speculation and I can only think that a valid concern is if you want to be a Sub-C. If that is the case as Brent told me himself, call him directly and he will go over any concerns you might have. If you’re serious about being a Sub-C he will be more than happy to give you specifics of why he has denied contracts, just so one doesn’t make the same mistakes. But he’s just too busy to just gossip…

As a Sub-C I can tell you that I haven’t had any issues with the Brisbens. As I got to know Brent he would say things in casual conversation that let me know he’s one of the good guys. I did find that he is pretty straightforward. Some of the things he did and does I can understand as he was/is new and doesn’t want any surprises biting him in the ass later on down the road. There are rules that need to be followed and they have a big investment to protect.

He’s also been working overtime as an on the water salvor, dealing with crew, boat, equipment issues, Sub-C’s, and everybody that gets his number to call him about their magic treasure finder…. administrator of the fleet operations and fighting the State!!

I told him over the summer he’s not just burning the candle at both ends, he lit it in the middle too.

Yes while dealing with the State he is protecting the 1715 Fleet but those battles are also good for all private sector salvage and the man hauls his own anchors up onto the beach and digs them out at the end of the day! (I’ve seen him) That alone makes him a good guy in my book!!

My Man, I started this thread to search for the truth in the different stories out there that I keep hearing. I was a contractor years go and have no interest in becoming one again. However, I do have friends that are and have been contractors and I've heard good and bad. I like you personally, though we only got to spend a short time talking at the last cookout. Let's not discuss whether I'm bored or had too much to drink or even that I have too much on my plate. I can handle all that, I'm just seeing if some matters can be cleared up. Whether you see it out there or not, sadly, I see a lot of discontent. Clear the air!

How would brisben or anyone know if the salvor is lying about finding and artifact in one place but recording a different position,unless they went to those gps cords to see if anything else was there.Or went to the logged position and found something.And then sometimes only one artifact is found in a grid area.
I have an answer to how they would know. Anytime someone walks down a public beach access in the wabasso area where a treasure boat is working the salvors on the boat check out everyone with binoculars. They even scan the seagrapes and dunes for people watching them. The new lease holders are not stupid, they have tons, and tons of money (just like the hull of the atocha held). What would it take for them to have a family member, or someone they hire for 10 bucks an hour to watch the people working the leases they recently acquired so no one rips them off ----- not much for them. It's treasure hunting to begin with, and the brisbanes or how ever you spell their last name are smart business people who have done very, very, very well in life. They will not let anyone walk over their quest (including the goho). They have the money, which turns to power - to achieve "THEIR" goal. Any contract that is signed is in good standings until the time comes to goto court. In the treasure hunting business - when one party takes another to court, the one with the most money wins(because it takes sooooooo long for the courts to get moving - one party will run out of cash. The new lease holders are here to play at any cost, because money is not an issue with them.
Goho posted on his personal web page that he needed investors or the team would not have enough funding to last the end of the month or treasure hunting year. So the goldhound is out off the water, and greg is working on the lease holders vessal!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF! The goldhound has no money to continue his salvage efforts, but the brisbanes want him to work on their boat(which he said he is) to recover treasure, because he has all the equipment to locate targets. I see greg out their working in his parker all the time - pulling his mag, and using his subbottom profiler to located targets. He has no money to continue his own operation, but the brisbins want him on their salvage vessal. I don't get it - the goldhound is the best modern day salvor on the treasure coast - he has no money to operate his own adventure, but works on the new lease holders boat with all his numbers he acquired over the years on investors money. I hope he has a deep pocket, or one hell of a contract signed with his investors, and the brisbanes. The easy pickings are gone are one treasure coast - today it cost big money to run an operation, if they even let you. It was much, much, easier back in the day.
The brisbines are here to play hard ball - for real. They don't care about anyone except "LA FAMILIA".

That's my two bit's.

Well, I only meant by "lying" as finding and artifact in one place but recording a differnt postion for the log that got turned in. It seems there is a few out there who liked to do this for some reason and its unexceptable.

I'm not calling anybody anything and i have nothing to do with the Brisben decisions to reject Sub-Cs but i do believe anyone that has skewed the GPS positions should be ban from the sites.

PhipsFolly, I can assure you that Brents boat was not in anyones spot!!!! I am running the boat and i worked my spots or dove on mag targets....
You are working on their boat with your numbers? Are they numbers that you acquired in the past with investors money, or did the brisbines pay you to find new numbers (targets) recently? It really sounds "treasury" to me. The brisbines boat has been working the area all summer where you found the cannon a few years ago. I have pictures of both your vessal, and brent's vessal working very close by each other this summer (2012) along with people on board.

I'm going to have to get more popcorn for this one.
I don't have a side, but as a wanna-be subcontractor I find it very interesting.

GOHO... You were right about the fact that it wasn't Brisbens boat working in my friends "spot"... It was BOTH you and him!! I spoke to my friend further about it today since this whole thread came up and he clarified that! And since you are on Brisbens personal payroll, I don't think anyone will expect you to say anything other than glowing comments about the way things are going... No need to waste any more time on this one.

This is amazing, whenever I need to take a crap I grab my ipad and read these message boards... they never disappoint. The ignorance is astonishing. Some might wonder why the state thinks private sector work is incompetent.
As per usual...lololololololololol...and such.

Brent would have giving him another area but your friend never got out.. not one single day!!!!

You are right.My friend didnt like the way brisben handled his grid so he went to work with me on HRD's site.

I find it very disapointing that after finding a bronze cannon filled with gold coins, Goho is broke one year later. That shows the subs are working on a very thin margin. What would it take to find enough treasure to retire? Another Atocha?

This is amazing, whenever I need to take a crap I grab my ipad and read these message boards... they never disappoint. The ignorance is astonishing. Some might wonder why the state thinks private sector work is incompetent.
As per usual...lololololololololol...and such.

We can only hope you have not gone underwater on your mortgage. Sounds like you need to spend more time reading your ipad.

I meant that in I respect your intelligence in that I'm sure you full know what sort of posts would get made here.

“I've gotten info that the Brisbens have been alienating almost all their contractors. Even the most profitable ones, thinking they are going to find the Queen's Jewel's on their own. Anybody have a comment on this?”

“alienating almost all their contractors. Even the most profitable ones,”

How many contractors are there? To make such a claim you would have to talked to or have been giving hearsay on how many?
Who would the most profitable ones be?

“thinking they are going to find the Queen's Jewel's on their own.”

Brent doesn’t believe he will find the Queen’s Jewels on his own. Brent knows it’s a very big ocean out there.

Brent also isn’t sweating if the Queen’s Jewels are in his lease areas or not because they own them, “where ever they may lie”

How many posts are by actual Sub-C’s?

How many posts are by random disgruntled people for any reason?

I laugh everytime I read a post about them watching people from the boat with binoculars. I’ve never seen them do it anytime I’ve been on the beach.

Maybe they just think you’re cute and want to check you out?!!?

As far as the Brisbens being the rich evil guys, that sounds like Obama regime propaganda and I know you couldn’t be any farther from the truth of why they are involved.

Greg can fill you in on the particulars of his arrangement if he wants, but Greg and Chas were working WITH Brent before the season started. Greg working with Brent wasn’t because Goldhound needed more money for expenses at the end of the season. If memory serves me correctly Goldhound was working right up till Isaac, which many figure was the end of their season.

There are no per contract exclusive areas anymore. The pros and cons were considered and per contract exclusives are off the table for now.

I don’t find anything different being a Sub-C than before except gas is a heckuva lot more expensive. I’m still expected to provide a seaworthy vessel, operate professionally, report accurate readings, turn in all artifacts/treasure found and turn in my logs sheets on time. I also remind myself that there are many people that would like to shutdown private sector salvage so I find myself making sure I’m not doing something that could shed a bad light on “us”.

While the treasure was more frequent “back in the day” I never worked back in the day so the “work” is the same. Your doing the same work finding beer cans as you are when you’re finding treasure in every hole. Pulling anchor lines is pulling anchor lines… and I never thought it was going to be easy… If it was easy, everyone would be doing it!

Here’s a fair shake. Let’s have all the disgruntled people post the reason Brent gave them why they weren’t getting a lease.

That sounds more fair to me than wild stories about Brisben family hiding in the dunes and hypothetical lawsuits.

I’m sure not all people actually involved with the Brisbens have the same relationships or experiences but if you’re on a fact finding mission let’s just stick to the facts. I’ve posted my experience as honestly and open as I can and I’m not related to Brent or Greg with the exception we share the passion of the hunting of treasure, which is what I thought this forum was about…

Au Dreamers,
I was on a fact finding mission for the truth. I'm not the one taking one side or the other. There are rumors out there that should be addressed and cleared up.
You've done a god job of presenting things as you know them.

As I mentioned before Brent said shoot him a call or email and you two in private can mention names and details and get the stories right from the horses mouth. Airing dirty laundry and wild accusations in this public forum shouldn't be the way to handle a fact finding mission, imho.

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