Thank you Garrett


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Nov 15, 2012
c ny
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Metal Detecting
Been dreading sending pro pointer in, how long will I be without? Do I remember how to hunt without one? Well anyway the notorious falsing got so bad had to bite the bullet. Sent in on Thursday got to Garrett on Monday (NY to TeX) any who followed up on Wednesday and sheila told me it was being shipped!!!:hello2: wow really I asked what was the issue? She said she didn't know but it was on its way. Sweet, package came Friday to my surprise A BRand New One wow hats off thank you

Upvote 2
Same here. I sent a couple of emails back and forth and then called. I received an RMA number and sent my Propointer in. In about two weeks I got what looks like a brand new one back. Seems like the only issue is if the Propointer is a year old or less and if the repairs will be free. I'm not sure why I waited so long to finally get it repaired.

Same thing here, they never give you a hard time, very good cust. Service

That's great to know incase I ever need to send mine in.

Garrett is the best. They did the same for me.

I hear story after story after story how great Garretts customer service is with regard to their Pro Pointers. I'm wondering if it has something to do with the mass volume of them they have returned to them? That if they didn't make things right there would be not a ripple but a wave of unhappy Garrett customers considering the amount of defective units.

That's great to know incase I ever need to send mine in.

Maybe you should send it in and tell them it's stopped finding gold & silver for you. ;) LOL

I can testify that Garrett has ALWAYS been a great crew to work with, their support has been like this for near to
a half century that I can bear witness.

Kudos Mr. Garrett!

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Anything made by human hands can break or malfunction. It's great doing business with a company like Garrett that stands by their products and believes in good customer service. They took care of my At/Pro and I couldn't be happier.

That's good news!!! I'm having the same prob, I may just take mine in personally. I live about 45 min away lol
But I agree it's the best thing since sliced bread haha

It's good to hear positive vibes for a manufacturer in any industry...

I have experienced a similar customer treatment from Nordstoms...(a major Seattle Wa based Department Store)...

Many businesses have a "No Finger Pointing Attitude" and understand the value of replacement in lieu of repairing...

This word of mouth "kudos" will bring Garrett a wealth of repeat and new business...

They replace Mine Also it was Past Warranty!!! :occasion14: HH Chug

Here's what I don't get about all the Garrett bragging. I owned my ATP 3 months and it malfunctioned . Yeah they were great fixed it and all but I had to pay return shipping and was without a machine for 2 weeks. You hear story after story of defective stuff and people brag about great customer service ... How about this make a quality product in the first place! And if you read these forums enough you will notice a lot of Garret stuff ends up getting sent back. So my feeling is they produce there stuff with inadequate quality control and that's why so much stuff malfunctions. Make quality products in the first place . They are so generous with their returns because the markup is so high they can send out multiple replacements and still make money.

I purchased a Garrett Pro Pointer and within 3 weeks of use it started to false all the time. I tried brand new batteries and that was not the problem. I called Garrett and they told me to return it and they would repair it and send it back to me no charge as it was under warranty. I asked about an RA# and call tag to cover the shipping of the pinpointer back to them. I was told I would need to send it back at my expense, that the warranty did not cover that. Because children might read this post I am unable to accurately relate to you what I told the rep. So I bought a new White's TRX and tossed the Garrett in the junk parts drawer. I do have to admit it worked well for the first week and a half.

I purchased a Garrett Pro Pointer and within 3 weeks of use it started to false all the time. I tried brand new batteries and that was not the problem. I called Garrett and they told me to return it and they would repair it and send it back to me no charge as it was under warranty. I asked about an RA# and call tag to cover the shipping of the pinpointer back to them. I was told I would need to send it back at my expense, that the warranty did not cover that. Because children might read this post I am unable to accurately relate to you what I told the rep. So I bought a new White's TRX and tossed the Garrett in the junk parts drawer. I do have to admit it worked well for the first week and a half.

Send the Junk to Me And I will Send It in for a Back up!! Chug

I Know Bad Chug Bad Bad Chug!!!

Love my pro pointer but have sent it back twice already and both times they replaced it. Hopefully 3rd times the charm

I purchased a Garrett Pro Pointer and within 3 weeks of use it started to false all the time. I tried brand new batteries and that was not the problem. I called Garrett and they told me to return it and they would repair it and send it back to me no charge as it was under warranty. I asked about an RA# and call tag to cover the shipping of the pinpointer back to them. I was told I would need to send it back at my expense, that the warranty did not cover that. Because children might read this post I am unable to accurately relate to you what I told the rep. So I bought a new White's TRX and tossed the Garrett in the junk parts drawer. I do have to admit it worked well for the first week and a half.

I'll give you ten bucks for it heh.

Here's what I don't get about all the Garrett bragging. I owned my ATP 3 months and it malfunctioned . Yeah they were great fixed it and all but I had to pay return shipping and was without a machine for 2 weeks. You hear story after story of defective stuff and people brag about great customer service ... How about this make a quality product in the first place! And if you read these forums enough you will notice a lot of Garret stuff ends up getting sent back. So my feeling is they produce there stuff with inadequate quality control and that's why so much stuff malfunctions. Make quality products in the first place . They are so generous with their returns because the markup is so high they can send out multiple replacements and still make money.

I'm not about to go into this any further than this, I have been using Garrett's products for nigh on to 40 years. I still have my Garrett Groundhog. It has NEVER been in for repairs! AND, it will still put to shame some of the stuff on the current market. So much for making a quality product. Now, as to support? When I was brand new the people there took on ALL of this newbie's frustrating questions and did so with a smile and patience one could hear over the phone! They led me along and showed me the errors I was making and once I understood, I found stuff that would make "banner" all day long here.

I did go away from the hobby for a bit and when I came back I started all over again learning an entirely new technology to me. I had some issues with my pointer. They replaced it until it now is solid as a rock. So, they knew they had some issues and were not about to let it frustrate MY fun! I've had the ATP for a little more than 2 years now it has never needed a tune up. I had a small problem with a split insulation covering the cable and they sent out a BRAND NEW coil, GRATIS! It wasn't even under warranty anymore.

So, the "haters" are going to do what they do best and I'm not going into this any further than I have already. "Bragging" about Garrett's support? You
BET I am! Absolutely NO other company has given me as much support as they have and both willingly and gladly. Not as a begrudgence. (Hmmm I made up a word! I like it! LOL )

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Love my working Propointer so much that I bought a second one as a backup just in case I lost mine. I couldn't image being without it. Then I used the first one so much that I wore it out (it started to look like a splintered wedge of the original one) and I am working on wearing the second one out! (Who says I'm hard on equipment-well maybe a bit, but I'm out there having fun and I use it and then use it some more.)

I've been through two and neither last more than a couple months. I think garrett needs to go back to the drawing board.

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