Bum Luck
Silver Member
I definitely agree with that statement, but it should also read that an education ALSO doesn't prove anything.
Too many on the left have had the common sense educated right out of them by their educators in the institutes of higher learning.
We used to call that "brainwashing" back in the days of the cold war.
Well, you have a minor point, BUT - in the vast majority of cases, an education beats a lack of education. It's pretty self-evident that an education is an enhancement of human thought.
Attempts to rein in professors to conform to political viewpoints is a BAD idea. A political hack is nothing more - just a hack; they have a way of becoming "quaint" (polite term) in a few years.
There is nothing sacred about bad ideas - they are simply bad ideas; and need to be discarded by society ASAP, np matter where they're from.
Academia has mechanisms for that. They aren't perfect, but no mechanism is that I'm aware of.
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