Texas A&M Law Professor: Constitution Is Obsolete, Second Amendment Must Be Repealed

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Texas A&M Law Professor: Constitution Is Obsolete, Second Amendment Must Be Repealed

Texas A&M Law Professor: Constitution Is Obsolete, Second Amendment Must Be Repealed

Prof. Penrose teaches students in her Constitutional law course that the Bill of Rights is outdated.

Kit Daniels
November 16, 2013

A full-time professor at Texas A&M University’s School of Law called for the repeal of the Second Amendment yesterday, a view not popular with students at the university.

Mary Margaret Penrose made her statement during a panel discussion on gun control at the University of Connecticut School of Law in Hartford.

“Unfortunately, drastic times require drastic measures,” the professor told the audience according to CTNewsJunkie. “I think the Second Amendment is misunderstood and I think it’s time today, in our drastic measures, to repeal and replace that Second Amendment.”

She also suggested that gun rights should be reduced to mere privileges by allowing each state to determine its gun laws.

“The beauty of a ‘states’ rights model’ solution is it allows those of you who want to live in a state with strong restrictions to do so and those who want to live in a state with very loose restrictions to do so,” the professor said.

Penrose also admitted that she teaches students in her Constitutional law courses that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are obsolete.

“Why do we keep such an allegiance to a Constitution that was driven by 18th Century concerns?” she asked.

Texas A&M’s current and former students have overwhelmingly rejected her views.

“She’s entitled to her opinion, but if she is not teaching what she’s being paid to teach, she should be fired,” tx4guns said on the TexAgs message board frequented by former students.

TexAgs.com - Outdoors

“Repeal the Second [Amendment] and the feds really put the kabosh on firearms,” dlance also stated. “This is a flaming liberal trying to bait conservatives with the ‘give it to the states’ stance.”

During yesterday’s discussion, Pentrose made the point that the Founding Fathers feared a standing army in America, but then she claimed that this concern is no longer relevant.

“That’s what motivated the Second Amendment: fear of a standing army,” she said.

That fear, however, is very relevant today as the federal government continues to equip the Department of Homeland Security just like a fifth branch of the military.

The DHS bought so much ammunition last year that, in response to the resulting public outcry, it began censoring the quantity of rounds the agency sought in its solicitations posted on the FedBizOpps web site.

It has been estimated that the DHS has stockpiled at least two billion rounds of ammunition, more than enough to sustain the war in Iraq for 24 years.

The agency also continues to build its massive fleet of Mine Resistant Armored Protection (MRAP) vehicles, which is estimated to number in the thousands.

In response to this build-up, a former Marine Corps Colonel who served in Iraq said that the DHS is building a domestic army while also adding that police are now “wearing the exact same combat gear that we had in Iraq, only it was a different color.”

“I don’t know where we’re going to use this many vehicles or this many troops,” he said during a Concord, N.H. city council meeting. “Concord is just one cog in the wheel – we’re building an army over here and I can’t believe that people aren’t seeing it – is everybody blind?”

Professor Penrose is definitely one of those people who can’t see it.

This article was posted: Saturday, November 16, 2013 at 1:50 pm

Texas A&M Law Professor: Constitution Is Obsolete, Second Amendment Must Be Repealed

Prof. Penrose teaches students in her Constitutional law course that the Bill of Rights is outdated.

Kit Daniels
November 16, 2013

A full-time professor at Texas A&M University’s School of Law called for the repeal of the Second Amendment yesterday, a view not popular with students at the university.

Mary Margaret Penrose made her statement during a panel discussion on gun control at the University of Connecticut School of Law in Hartford.

“Unfortunately, drastic times require drastic measures,” the professor told the audience according to CTNewsJunkie. “I think the Second Amendment is misunderstood and I think it’s time today, in our drastic measures, to repeal and replace that Second Amendment.”

She also suggested that gun rights should be reduced to mere privileges by allowing each state to determine its gun laws.

“The beauty of a ‘states’ rights model’ solution is it allows those of you who want to live in a state with strong restrictions to do so and those who want to live in a state with very loose restrictions to do so,” the professor said.

Penrose also admitted that she teaches students in her Constitutional law courses that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are obsolete.

“Why do we keep such an allegiance to a Constitution that was driven by 18th Century concerns?” she asked.

Texas A&M’s current and former students have overwhelmingly rejected her views.

“She’s entitled to her opinion, but if she is not teaching what she’s being paid to teach, she should be fired,” tx4guns said on the TexAgs message board frequented by former students.

TexAgs.com - Outdoors

“Repeal the Second [Amendment] and the feds really put the kabosh on firearms,” dlance also stated. “This is a flaming liberal trying to bait conservatives with the ‘give it to the states’ stance.”

During yesterday’s discussion, Pentrose made the point that the Founding Fathers feared a standing army in America, but then she claimed that this concern is no longer relevant.

“That’s what motivated the Second Amendment: fear of a standing army,” she said.

That fear, however, is very relevant today as the federal government continues to equip the Department of Homeland Security just like a fifth branch of the military.

The DHS bought so much ammunition last year that, in response to the resulting public outcry, it began censoring the quantity of rounds the agency sought in its solicitations posted on the FedBizOpps web site.

It has been estimated that the DHS has stockpiled at least two billion rounds of ammunition, more than enough to sustain the war in Iraq for 24 years.

The agency also continues to build its massive fleet of Mine Resistant Armored Protection (MRAP) vehicles, which is estimated to number in the thousands.

In response to this build-up, a former Marine Corps Colonel who served in Iraq said that the DHS is building a domestic army while also adding that police are now “wearing the exact same combat gear that we had in Iraq, only it was a different color.”

“I don’t know where we’re going to use this many vehicles or this many troops,” he said during a Concord, N.H. city council meeting. “Concord is just one cog in the wheel – we’re building an army over here and I can’t believe that people aren’t seeing it – is everybody blind?”

Professor Penrose is definitely one of those people who can’t see it.

This article was posted: Saturday, November 16, 2013 at 1:50 pm

Since it is BOR is so old maybe we should repeal the entire Bill of Rights.

Get rid of 1st admendment we no longer need freedom of religion, there is only one religion, it is called "the state", get rid of the press, the socialist state government can just tell us what they think we need to know.

No need for the 3rd amendment, people should be honored to house Homeland Security personal in their homes, after all it is a citizen's duty to serve the socialist state.

Get rid of the 4th admendment, government officials should be able to search our homes or persons any time this wish to protect the socialist state.

Get rid of 5th admendment no need for a trial, state will know if someone is guility, that eliminates the double jeopardy clause, the state wouldn' charged a citizen if they weren't guilty.

Come on get with the program, if your not for the socialist state your a terrorist and an enemy of "The State".

We will NOT go quitely into the night!

sheesh anyone can have their nutty opinion!!

sheesh anyone can have their nutty opinion!!

Not when they are being paid by our taxes to teach our youth, I see it no different then teaching sedition. ...

We will NOT go quitely into the night!

Liberalism is collapsing before our very eyes. The lefts dreams of a socialist utopia was dependent upon The Affordable Care Act. I am not a republican but they were not strong enough to fight back therefore the democrats power drunk lying hung themselves. There are millions of people who dont not keep up with obama's daily menu of lies but now the entire country is angry and there is no lying their way out of millions getting their insurance cancelled. Our country will move back to the middle and it is a blessing from above.

Liberalism is collapsing before our very eyes. The lefts dreams of a socialist utopia was dependent upon The Affordable Care Act. I am not a republican but they were not strong enough to fight back therefore the democrats power drunk lying hung themselves. There are millions of people who dont not keep up with obama's daily menu of lies but now the entire country is angry and there is no lying their way out of millions getting their insurance cancelled. Our country will move back to the middle and it is a blessing from above.

Unfortunately, the Republicans appear to be ready to sell the country back to the Dems. How?

Mary Landrieu's bill to force insurers to allow people to "keep their insurance" is a bandaid to save the midterms.

While the premise sounds good, I'm afraid it will easily pass because the Republicans will vote for it.

If they really gave a damn, the would vote NO. The problem was created by liars, let is fester. Let the infection turn gangrenous and let it die an extremely painful deaths as it deserves.

Can you imagine that the poor saps who voted Obama into office believing him will continue to vote for the party of Evil? Those who foisted this travesty upon the public should be forced to take the bitter pill ... and I don't mean orally.

I'm surprised this professor has lasted at Texas A&M this long. That fool is in the WRONG STATE to be talking this trash!! Typical of the extreme left!

That's one of her selling points on getting rid of the 2nd. She says to leave gun legislation up to the states. Then, if you're anti-gun, you can move to a anti-gun state. We need a state for dumba$$ professors as well so she will have a place to move to. Might as well make it California so not so many need to move at one time. What's really sad is there are those that would agree with her and they vote.

First of all, full professors have tenure and can say whatever they want, secondly, if an Aggie says it, it must be true because Aggies are true blue and never lie(except when they talk about THE UNIVERSITY in Austin)...

A&M didn't get this law school until a year or two ago. The way the Board of Regents work, if this prof gets too much attention in a negative light to the university, she will be gone.

Austin, as far as the little school in austin, there is no reason to lie. A&M started in 1876, and has a lot of tradition, some of which includes t.u. We have had a great rivalry over the years, an I hope one day it will continue. I have only been to the Longhorn campus once. In 1999, our BONFIRE fell, killing 12. The students in Austin heald a memorial for the fallen. Both nights are nights I will never forget.


Good thing that Infowars doesn't mix and match to suit its slant better. not.

Point 1: States Rights. The Founding Fathers created a sovereign Federal Government. In my not-so-humble opinion, this is what made this country great.

Point 2: She can say anything she wants, but I'm not buying it. I do like the free play of ideas (and some profs affect ideas to provoke - gasp! - Thought!) but if this is what her real view is, I disagree. So what - she's not rewriting the Constitution.

Point 3: When we start insisting that only "politically correct" things are taught in schools, we are going down a slippery slope that frankly, I'm surprised you guys aren't concerned about. You can't just say that it's OK "if I agree with it", and wrong if I don't. Power changes sides from time to time, and you would be just as mad if the "approved" curriculum was one you didn't agree with.

THATS the beauty of the US Constitution. It was made to be a steady course for the Federal Government, the United States.

"A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything." — Friedrich Nietzsche

I definitely agree with that statement, but it should also read that an education ALSO doesn't prove anything.

Too many on the left have had the common sense educated right out of them by their educators in the institutes of higher learning.

We used to call that "brainwashing" back in the days of the cold war.

THATS the beauty of the US Constitution. It was made to be a steady course for the Federal Government, the United States.

The stipulation is though,only if it adhered to.The constitution doesnt work to well when it is ignored.

more good stuff out of texas...

have they left yet?

You know, I'm really sorry that you got busted and can't get hired to teach. Wish I could help, but you seem to blame the world for your shortcomings. Again, sorry, but maybe it's for the best...

Have you been a bad boy there pip?Fess up,spill the beans,what did you do?Next question,was it worth it?

I get all riled up when things like this come along. I lived in Texas from 1942 until 2007. If I was back down there----I better hush before the NSA grabs me!

Hey RJC!! Sounds as if the Law Professor is Obsolete!! Perhaps they should consider Repealing Her!! GOOD HUNTING!! VERDE!!

In reality, Tenure needs to be done away with. I have heard comments like the A&M profs. before. Believe me, he is not alone. The nonsense that goes on must be stopped. Students are gullible and will believe what their profs say. I always tell my students not to call me professor. Call me an instructor, Mr. A, hey you old fart, but never call me late for lunch. The problem is that there are so many teachers, instructors, profs. out there who have forgotten that they are there for the students and have their own agendas and axes to grind.Unfortunately, most are the modern Obama type liberals. We are already paying for it and it needs to end...

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