Testing the new Coinmaster

I was at the local white's dealer today and I saw that but the guy there thought it was a control panel release. He admitted he didn't know alot about them, he was shocked I knew so much about detectors in general.

oldbill said:
Not sold at kellyCo I would say there is not enough money to be made on unit for the money grabbers at KellyCo!

:laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: Now, now. Don't be so----------------(negative).

PAmike said:
KellyCo does not sell the Prizm line either.

We sell the Prizm series in our showroom, per Whites we cannot ship them.

I had my wifes coinmaster adjusted on the pots you would not belive the difference it made. im going to make a video on the air test we done. before the air test was normal about 6-7 inches on a quarter now it gets 12inches on a quarter and if you turn the dis off and let it accept iron and foil it will get a buckle I found with my tesoro vaq the buckle is 2.5in across it will air test on the new coinmaster at 18 inches. the adjustment made a very big difference in the $200.00 whites it will run with the big boys now

I will post the air test video soon


Great Review Eddie! :hello2:

I just bought my first detector today, the Coinmaster. We played with it in the yard today and it seemed very accurate. (depth and ID)

It is going to be perfect for a newbie like me... simple to use and spot on. I am surprised how light it is, my "Kinder" were able to swing it with no problem. I think we have found a new hobby that the three of us LOVE!

I also had a bit of a hard time finding this model. I had to call my (semi)local HobbyTown USA and sweet talk the owner into ordering it for me. He said they only make $10 on each one, so he does not keep them in stock. It also took two weeks to get here.. he said Whites was working through some issues with their new line.

Test in moderate mineralization

I buried a dime down 6" no detection whatsoever.

I buried a dime down 3". It did not know what it was, ID jumping quarter, dime, zinc, pulltab & maybe iron the most of all. If set to reject iron, no beep on many passes. This may be the worst detector I've seen by an American manufacturer. The $79.95 Chinese detector I had worked much better.

I really feel cheated but can't return it & don't know if I could sell it without it bothering my conscience. I guess it works in ground with no minerals, but do most buyers know their ground type?

I made sure the coil wire was wound tightly & the connector was tight. I tried all different sensitivities, disc settings, sweep speeds, & coil on or above ground, nothing helped.

Interesting that Kellyco can't ship. I'm guessing White's is relying on the local dealers to tell customers if it will work in their area.

In an air test it accurately IDs a quarter to 10.5" with loud beep. If only I could find coins in air. My opinion of White's is they are worse than the Chinese at making an under $500 detector. HH, George (MN)

Sorry I erred, Coinmaster is fair

How dumb of me! I didn't realize that the dime I planted 3" deep was only 3" from a beep that read iron! When you turn on the Coinmaster, the default is iron and foil rejected, so I didn't hear the beep from the iron. I forgot to put it in all metal.

Retesting the Coinmaster, I moved to a clear spot-definitely nothing within a foot of where I reburied the dime at 3". Now the ID was mostly dime, quarter or zinc, just rarely 50c/$ or tab. So yes I can now say I could guess it is probably a coin at 3". The ID is still jumpier than most other detectors I've had, but those cost more when bought new, or were made in China.

So, if you want to buy American, buy new, and stay under $200, it may be your best option. HH, George (MN)

i bought one yesterday and i dont know if im using it wrong or waht but i just isent working right for me im giving it one more day of use then im getting my money back and getting a new coil for my tracker IV that i have found plenty with

redneck13126 said:
i bought one yesterday and i dont know if im using it wrong or waht but i just isent working right for me im giving it one more day of use then im getting my money back and getting a new coil for my tracker IV that i have found plenty with

i take it back i love it lol bought head phones and got used to it i was using the screen waytoo much and its really nice detector

i got the pro model a few weeks ago. at first it was touch and go. more junk than coins. after 3 weeks more coins than junk! i started using the tone id more than just the basic tone. works a lot better for me. headphones do help a lot too. i used to use a basic metal detector that didnt have a display so i got used to using the tones to decide to dig. now with the display it helps.

i am also thinking of getting the smaller disc to help with the trashy areas.

I am brand new to metal detecting, bought my 8 y/o son a bounty hunter jr, next thing I know Im walking around bent over all the time with his jr. My local pawn shop is also a "Whites" dealer so I picked up the coinmaster for 179.00 mostly because of what I have read about them standing behind their product. So far I have only been out in my yard with it twice, seems to work fine, dug up several pennies, dimes and a few nickels. I also find that if I leave the discrimination on the first level I am not digging up all the junk that I was with my sons jr (nails, bottle tops ect). I do find I am digging bigger holes with this larger disc, but pretty sure as I learn the machine a little more (or alot more) I will be able to pinpoint items better.

:icon_thumright: Thanks for the review on the coinmaster. I just bought my daughter one and we got it yesterday and haven't had a chance to use it yet, but we will this weekend. Happy Hunting to all.

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