Tesoro Vs All the Rest (Build Quality)

Ive seen wheats and indians pulled 6-7 inches with a vaq. but discrim was under foil and that would drive me nutz....the at pro already drives me nutz with its bouncy coin reads after 5 inches and most of the time i too am digging foil with it

I know it's an ancient post, but I had to comment. I'm trying to get as much info as I can on various machines and find Tesoro to be the most ambiguous of the detector manufacturers. As a web site designer, I find their web site truly horrible. No real information, just pictures. html versions of users manuals, mystery-meat information about various features of their products and the biggest gripe is that, generally speaking, the users of said machines seem to be pretentious jerkwads. (no, not all of you but I've yet to be proven wrong). I hear raves about the Tesoros, but no videos or information to backup the claim. Just a lot of excuses and a defensive reply as to why the company in this day and age of TID type detectors continue to make 'old school' machines that offer no feedback to the user about a potential target. I can tell you with 99.8% certainty that when I dig say an 81-87 on my VDI, it's a keeper target. If I'm in doubt, I dig it out! What makes Tesoro users so um, to put it nicely, passionate? No one can explain that to me. Is is that they feel more 'manly' digging every damn thing that beeps? If they're so manly, why do they always bring up how 'heavy' the other machines are compared to their glorious Tesoros? You'd think the real he-man Tesoro users would WANT a 40 pound, vacuum tube driven behemoth to compliment their superior intellect and skill. Hell, my old 6000/Di gave me more diggin' data than it appears I can expect from even the highest end Tesoro. An honest question, what makes them so special? I'd actually like to buy one but the downright mean responses I've gotten when I ask nicely really turns me off.

For me tesoro's simplicity is what I like. When I used to relic hunt with my etrac the screen would convince me not to dig. Now it's all about the tone, clean signal means dig it not look at the screen. For me personally my good finds have improved. Now in a park I like having a screen. It's also much like guns in a sense, you can spend $100K on a custom H&h or you can go to walmart and buy a Remington model 700 for $400. Both will get the job done.

SilverFinger, you must be glutton for punishment. You just opened up a big ole can of wup azz to post that on a Tesoro thread! :) I don't need a screen with my Sovereign but I do like multiple tones and the ability to see through iron without thinking its a silver coin.

Also, if you do decide to try a Tesoro I would buy a used Vaqero. It seems to be the easiest to resale since it does have ground balance.

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...What makes Tesoro users so um, to put it nicely, passionate? No one can explain that to me...

This is why I'm so passionate about Tesoro:


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I know it's an ancient post, but I had to comment. I'm trying to get as much info as I can on various machines and find Tesoro to be the most ambiguous of the detector manufacturers. As a web site designer, I find their web site truly horrible. No real information, just pictures. html versions of users manuals, mystery-meat information about various features of their products and the biggest gripe is that, generally speaking, the users of said machines seem to be pretentious jerkwads. (no, not all of you but I've yet to be proven wrong). I hear raves about the Tesoros, but no videos or information to backup the claim. Just a lot of excuses and a defensive reply as to why the company in this day and age of TID type detectors continue to make 'old school' machines that offer no feedback to the user about a potential target. I can tell you with 99.8% certainty that when I dig say an 81-87 on my VDI, it's a keeper target. If I'm in doubt, I dig it out! What makes Tesoro users so um, to put it nicely, passionate? No one can explain that to me. Is is that they feel more 'manly' digging every damn thing that beeps? If they're so manly, why do they always bring up how 'heavy' the other machines are compared to their glorious Tesoros? You'd think the real he-man Tesoro users would WANT a 40 pound, vacuum tube driven behemoth to compliment their superior intellect and skill. Hell, my old 6000/Di gave me more diggin' data than it appears I can expect from even the highest end Tesoro. An honest question, what makes them so special? I'd actually like to buy one but the downright mean responses I've gotten when I ask nicely really turns me off.

I can't argue with you on their website. I have said it before and will say it again, there is no excuse for that poor of a website in this day and age. Now Whites did update their website and the new look is refreshing, but they seem to have a lack of detailed information on their detectors. Most vendors have more info on the detectors on their sites than Whites does.

Why would anyone use one? I work in the tech field all day, and long days at that. Simple suits me for that reason. When I get time I just want to turn and go. For me the Silver uMax was a lot of detector for the dollar. Once you learn the single tone and it's variations and to use the disc properly, it is pretty simple to use. Bang for the buck is another reason I can think of. I am not against VDI screens and have seriously considered buying and MX5 or M6. I even got to demo a M6 and was amazed at how rock steady the VDI was. The weight wasn't really a factor because it was very well balanced and the build quality was exceptional. I came close to buying but didn't because I didn't get the impression from my testing that it was a depth demon like a Tejon, Vaquero, F70, F75, or T2.

To me it just seems you can get a lot of detector for less money. There is a trade off as you have pointed out, and that is living with single tone and no VDI. That's a fair trade off for some, while for others it's not acceptable.

Passionate- It's kind of the Ford vs. Chevy thing. When I grew up my dad hated Chevys and I was raised anti-Chevy. That being said I drive a Chevy today. It's what works best for me.

As far as jerks, there some on all the forums that are brand loyal and if you are not using their brand you are wrong. I like the word opinionated better. I read all the detector brand forums and well your perceptions of the Tesoro forum may seem that way, as an outsider on the Whites forum, I could draw the same conclusion. Some of the other forums too. I am not picking on Whites. Regardless, I still read them because even if I don't use that brand I can and do still learn a lot from them. I also enjoy seeing what others have found, what detector they used, how deep the target was, etc.

I like Tesoro for some of the reasons stated above. I also like the warranty and customer service. Having said that, from what I have read the other US manufacturers also have excellent customer service.

I am in the process of buying my third Tesoro. For now that is what I like using because I have success with them and am familiar with them, thus shortening any learning curve. Does that make me brand loyal? In some peoples eyes- yes. The thing is I have considered several VDI detectors from all of the major players, and someday I have no doubt I will own one. Right now though, with lack of time, I like what is simple and has been working well for me.

All of the forums have some opinionated people. Opinions are like something that everyone has (won't say it, but it is locate midway up on the backside) . It is just of matter of reading through them and sorting the good from the bad. That is on all the forums, not just Tesoro. There are some real good users on all the forums that are a wealth of information and help everybody become better.

I guess the bottom line is use what works best for you. We all have different things we want and need in a detector and that's good. That's why we have more than one manufacturer and more than one model to choose from. I like it that way.

Dam Terry, that is quite an impressive haul of goodies you got there!

machines that offer no feedback to the user about a potential target

Seriously? No feedback? You have much to learn about how a Tesoro operates.

It looks like Tesoro really makes a quality built machine as it looks real good and sturdy (high quality of build). Not to mention they offer a lifetime warranty (even though most would not cover accidental damage), it must be built well. Right? I do not own one or have ever used one, but I did read an article earlier in the year that stated they were built well. The Tesoro line does not seem to have succumbed to the light weight plastic and fragile-like construction that is widely being offered by the metal detector industry to offset operating costs and job cuts at their companies; and possibly pave their way for future repair/replacement costs? :sign13:
I can only hope being they are a smaller company and hopefully growing they will come out with some really oustanding units in the time to come (Not that they don't already), that will really change the playing field. We as metal detector enthusiasts and consumers should not have to settle for poorly built machines when paying several hundred to a thousand dollars for a unit. You do not see them making soft plastic hunting rifles. You really should be getting something rugged and durable, especially since alot of them are taken into the bush, and not just used on a park green.

Anyone have any unit to unit comparisons on build and quality?

Micro max has a cheap plastic housing just like all modern machines,,not sealed at all,very dust prone inside,,but i do like them though..Love to have a golden umax,,,,also the panels are plastic too.

The toughest and best-made detectors I've ever seen are Fisher CZ's #1, and Nautiluses #2. Some Whites are fairly well-made too, but not like the aforementioned. Open a few of some of the detectors and try working on them, and it's education time again. The old Garretts Deepseekers and Fishers 400 series from the 70's were built like tanks too, and had very good all-metal depth.. And with reverse discrimination they can still match the lower priced Tesoro detectors of today, but that's a slow way of doing things. Also, I have two old Compasses in the other room that still work and they are superbly built save for their D'Arsenvalle meters which are subject to being easily damaged from shock. Accept for the delicate meters they are and were quite durable . The Compadre is probably the best built Tesoro I've seen, but mostly because it is simple - using a tank circuit that has little to go wrong. Tesoros PI's are seemingly fairly well put together too, and strong and reliable. I like most Tesoros mostly because of their light weight and easy operation..

The only problem with Tesoros I've had is from personal experience in a success yields contest. A Lady (from here) and I went out and matched my CZ-70 against her Cortez at a nearby University, both machines costing about the same $$. When we finally (and cordially) were asked to leave the University campus, I had at least 40 coins, no junk aluminum, one steel 6" spike, no tinfoil, no pulltabs, just coins, three of which were wheaties, and all she had was a lot of scrap aluminum, some pulltabs, tin junk, two pieces of scrap brass, a whole lot of tinfoil, and zero coins. She was so upset that she began complaining about not having gotten there earlier, but for what reason, I'll never know..

In all fairness though, I saw a similar outcome on a salt beach, my CZ against a Whites BeachHunter 300, although that man on the beach found a lot more pulltabs than the woman did at the college - and both searching for the same amount of time too..

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The toughest and best-made detectors I've ever seen are Fisher CZ's #1, and Nautiluses #2. Some Whites are fairly well-made too, but not like the aforementioned. Open a few of some of the detectors and try working on them, and it's education time again. The old Garretts Deepseekers and Fishers 400 series from the 70's were built like tanks too, and had very good all-metal depth.. And with reverse discrimination they can still match the lower priced Tesoro detectors of today, but that's a slow way of doing things. Also, I have two old Compasses in the other room that still work and they are superbly built save for their D'Arsenvalle meters which are subject to being easily damaged from shock. Accept for the delicate meters they are and were quite durable . The Compadre is probably the best built Tesoro I've seen, but mostly because it is simple - using a tank circuit that has little to go wrong. Tesoros PI's are seemingly fairly well put together too, and strong and reliable. I like most Tesoros mostly because of their light weight and easy operation..

The only problem with Tesoros I've had is from personal experience in a success yields contest. A Lady (from here) and I went out and matched my CZ-70 against her Cortez at a nearby University, both machines costing about the same $$. When we finally (and cordially) were asked to leave the University campus, I had at least 40 coins, no junk aluminum, one steel 6" spike, no tinfoil, no pulltabs, just coins, three of which were wheaties, and all she had was a lot of scrap aluminum, some pulltabs, tin junk, two pieces of scrap brass, a whole lot of tinfoil, and zero coins. She was so upset that she began complaining about not having gotten there earlier, but for what reason, I'll never know..

In all fairness though, I saw a similar outcome on a salt beach, my CZ against a Whites BeachHunter 300, although that man on the beach found a lot more pulltabs than the woman did at the college - and both searching for the same amount of time too..
CZ's are over built tanks,,my cz-20 i bought in 93-94 still kick arse,period..thats not an obama period but a real Honest period.

I know it's an ancient post, but I had to comment. I'm trying to get as much info as I can on various machines and find Tesoro to be the most ambiguous of the detector manufacturers. As a web site designer, I find their web site truly horrible. No real information, just pictures. html versions of users manuals, mystery-meat information about various features of their products and the biggest gripe is that, generally speaking, the users of said machines seem to be pretentious jerkwads. (no, not all of you but I've yet to be proven wrong). I hear raves about the Tesoros, but no videos or information to backup the claim. Just a lot of excuses and a defensive reply as to why the company in this day and age of TID type detectors continue to make 'old school' machines that offer no feedback to the user about a potential target. I can tell you with 99.8% certainty that when I dig say an 81-87 on my VDI, it's a keeper target. If I'm in doubt, I dig it out! What makes Tesoro users so um, to put it nicely, passionate? No one can explain that to me. Is is that they feel more 'manly' digging every damn thing that beeps? If they're so manly, why do they always bring up how 'heavy' the other machines are compared to their glorious Tesoros? You'd think the real he-man Tesoro users would WANT a 40 pound, vacuum tube driven behemoth to compliment their superior intellect and skill. Hell, my old 6000/Di gave me more diggin' data than it appears I can expect from even the highest end Tesoro. An honest question, what makes them so special? I'd actually like to buy one but the downright mean responses I've gotten when I ask nicely really turns me off.

Silver, Tesoro users are a very protective clan! You can say something nice about Tesoro's and have alot of nice responses. The second you ask a question that someone cant answer, or you have something negative to say about a Tesoro, you will get mobbed by all the loyal users and told you are a "hater". Some people just refuse to believe there detector may not be as good for others as it is for them. PM me if you are interested in my (& other forum members) experience.

Let it go Scott, let it go.. :laughing7:

Silver, Tesoro users are a very protective clan! You can say something nice about Tesoro's and have alot of nice responses. The second you ask a question that someone cant answer, or you have something negative to say about a Tesoro, you will get mobbed by all the loyal users and told you are a "hater". Some people just refuse to believe there detector may not be as good for others as it is for them. PM me if you are interested in my (& other forum members) experience.
Nothing wrong with getting both sides of the story. I wish I would have.

Nothing wrong with getting both sides of the story.
Unless it's me commenting my dislikes on machines you like! Excuse me while I go brush up on my hipocritic oath. LOL!

Unless it's me commenting my dislikes on machines you like! Excuse me while I go brush up on my hipocritic oath. LOL!
You've got me all wrong opinions are welcome it is when opinion is reported as (fact) you know what I mean don't yea fella.

You've got me all wrong opinions are welcome it is when opinion is reported as (fact) you know what I mean don't yea fella.

It IS a fact when it is based on ones OWN experience isn't Kettle!


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