Tesoro cortes audio compared to the ace 150,fors core and xp deus.

Ask my hunting partner if he would recommend hunting behind me lol:tongue3:

I usually out hunt a friend of mine in the few times weve hunted together. He uses an Etrac and just seems to go much slower than me. I dont know if it is the weight of the machine, the slower recovery, or just him:laughing7:

You need to use the sum mode on the Cortes to get the tones.

From the owners manual:

The Sum Mode is a feature that can help identify targets. Pushing the springloaded switch into the Sum Mode causes the detector to start a multi-tone ID and averages all of the coil passes over the target. The tone ID has nine different tones and relates directly to the bar graph segments.

The higher up on the graph the target is, the higher the pitch of the audio signal. Averaging the coil passes over the target gives the detectorist the ability to get rid of most of the signal noise that prevents making an accurate target identification.

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to bad you couldnt run it that way all the the time the one tone just wasnt for me but I know others love it. The toggle switch flips back when you qiut pushing so I guess every target would have to be checked that way I dont have time for that. Why not just buy a multi tone machine and save yourself the headache.? Im just not a fan I believe for 700 bucks there are other detectors out there that will fit the bill better but thats just me.

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I've owned a Cortes in the past and had great success with it. But I have a Tesoro background so I understood how to use it. I currently swing a Deleon and am having great success with it too. I watched your video and got a little frustrated at your dismissal of the Cortes, but you are right about one thing. It is overpriced for what it is. It's a great detector but more in the $400-$450 range. For $700 there are a lot of other machines to consider.

I just dont like that one tone mode of hunting and on some of there machines thumbing the disc knob all the time, I couldnt imagine hunting that way all the time. If I had started with a tesoro I might like it but for me starting with a multi tone machine there is no way I could ever hunt like that. There is just so much information in the tones of my deus I would feel like I was hunting blind if I had to use a tesoro . I know they have a loyal following and people find stuff with them all the time but for me there are better ways to metal detect , but thats just me. I will say this though if they ever make the tejon in two tone I will have to give one a try I have seen some test of it in iron.

I agree. Give the Tejon 2 tones and it would be a best seller.

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