Tennessee State Militia/Guard has stopped DHS armored Vehicles from Kentucky

Aug 20, 2009
New Hampshire
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Garret Master hunter Cx Plus
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Tennessee State Militia/Guard has stopped DHS armored Vehicles from Kentucky – Russians with DHS Eagle uniforms.

March 8th, 2013

See Also: (SherrieQuestioningAll) – Homeland Security and Military Vehicles – Pictures I Captured while in Kentucky Sherrie Questioning All: Homeland Security and Military Vehicles - Pictures I Captured while in Kentucky

(SherrieQuestioningAll) – Let me explain the Tennessee State Guard first. 22 Governors got together last year and created State Militia/Guards State defense force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

that can not be federalized as the National Guards can be. They also did this due to the Federal government taking the equipment from the National Guards and sending it over to Iraq and Afghanistan. When the Governors have requested the equipment back for the state the Federal government has said “It is too expensive to bring back.” The states have had to do without equipment for any emergencies of the individual states.

3/5/13 9:14 am – Correction: The Tennessee State Guard has been around for a few years.

The governors decided they would form their own State Militias/Guards that can not be controlled by the federal government at any time and they are strictly under the State control along with all the equipment purchased.

The person who contacted me, did so due to my article about the DHS armored vehicles and the picture I took of one when I was in Kentucky.

Edit – 7:00am 3/8/13 - I have edited the content that was here, due to people getting in trouble about releasing this information. Even though it is a State Government entity it is still a government entity and they are very upset this information was released to me. I have taken off the email contents and references. But I stand by the information of Russian DHS personnel transporting these vehicles. Truth gets people upset when they would prefer for it to be hidden.
__________________________________________________ ___________________

They told me that the uniforms were not typical DHS uniforms but they had Eagles on their sleeves and it was stressed these were different DHS uniforms than regular ones. The Russian/Eastern troops were not armed that were in the DHS uniforms and they were very polite to the State Militia. They were stopped from coming into Tennessee. This person told me that in Gatlinburg, Tennessee people are reporting being questioned and stopped by DHS that are Russian.

I wrote about how I found out the Smoky Mountains are part of the UN last year, as most of our National Parks, including the Grand Canyon, Statue of Liberty, etc. after I saw a plaque (took pictures of it) at Newfoundland Gap last year.

I have to wonder if Russian UN/DHS troops are now being placed around the Smoky Mountains.

I have researched and found what could be the Military installation that the armored vehicle came from pictured in the area of Kentucky, I saw them. It is The Bluegrass Army Chemicals The U.S. Army Chemical Materials Activity (CMA) - Richmond, KY installation of 14600 acres. That installation has 523 tons of Nerve Chemical weapons. It is also a possible FEMA camp. It has a very strange layout. All of that information is in the video.

Video about the Russian Troops, DHS vehicles, 22 State Guard/Militias, Kentucky Chemical Depot/FEMA camp?, UN Biospheres:

US, Russian soldiers train together in Colorado | Fox News

The training is the result of a U.S.-Russian agreement signed a year ago. The objectives are to create a basic relationship between the two nations’ militaries and to build an understanding about how each other’s military works, including communications, Osterholzer said.
That knowledge is vital in joint military and humanitarian operations such as anti-terrorism measures and disaster relief, he said

Pictures from the Russians training last year in Colorado are on this forum and this page at the bottom.
Russian Photos (updated on regular basis) - Page 3373

Edit to add, thought – 3/5/13 7:41 Am – If the U.S. government plans on having Russian DHS troops, due to not caring about the U.S. citizens to handle the people for any unrest, due to them not believing U.S. citizens troops will follow orders to disarm the people or doing what they think needs to be done. They haven’t thought this out completely.

They were shocked that after Sandy Hook all guns and ammo went flying off the shelves, from my understanding they were not expecting that, they expected the opposite.

They believe the Russians will shoot the people without hesitation? Well it goes the other way too. The U.S. citizens will not hesitate to shoot any Russian soldier that comes to their doors or tries to disarm the people. Remember it goes both ways… no hesitation on either side to shoot the other. The law abiding citizens of the U.S. will stand by their Freedom and Rights and will definitely stand by those rights against foreign DHS troops.

Tennessee State Militia/Guard has stopped DHS armored Vehicles from Kentucky – Russians with DHS Eagle uniforms.

March 8th, 2013

See Also: (SherrieQuestioningAll) – Homeland Security and Military Vehicles – Pictures I Captured while in Kentucky Sherrie Questioning All: Homeland Security and Military Vehicles - Pictures I Captured while in Kentucky

(SherrieQuestioningAll) – Let me explain the Tennessee State Guard first. 22 Governors got together last year and created State Militia/Guards State defense force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

that can not be federalized as the National Guards can be. They also did this due to the Federal government taking the equipment from the National Guards and sending it over to Iraq and Afghanistan. When the Governors have requested the equipment back for the state the Federal government has said “It is too expensive to bring back.” The states have had to do without equipment for any emergencies of the individual states.

3/5/13 9:14 am – Correction: The Tennessee State Guard has been around for a few years.

The governors decided they would form their own State Militias/Guards that can not be controlled by the federal government at any time and they are strictly under the State control along with all the equipment purchased.

The person who contacted me, did so due to my article about the DHS armored vehicles and the picture I took of one when I was in Kentucky.

Edit – 7:00am 3/8/13 - I have edited the content that was here, due to people getting in trouble about releasing this information. Even though it is a State Government entity it is still a government entity and they are very upset this information was released to me. I have taken off the email contents and references. But I stand by the information of Russian DHS personnel transporting these vehicles. Truth gets people upset when they would prefer for it to be hidden.
__________________________________________________ ___________________

They told me that the uniforms were not typical DHS uniforms but they had Eagles on their sleeves and it was stressed these were different DHS uniforms than regular ones. The Russian/Eastern troops were not armed that were in the DHS uniforms and they were very polite to the State Militia. They were stopped from coming into Tennessee. This person told me that in Gatlinburg, Tennessee people are reporting being questioned and stopped by DHS that are Russian.

I wrote about how I found out the Smoky Mountains are part of the UN last year, as most of our National Parks, including the Grand Canyon, Statue of Liberty, etc. after I saw a plaque (took pictures of it) at Newfoundland Gap last year.

I have to wonder if Russian UN/DHS troops are now being placed around the Smoky Mountains.

I have researched and found what could be the Military installation that the armored vehicle came from pictured in the area of Kentucky, I saw them. It is The Bluegrass Army Chemicals The U.S. Army Chemical Materials Activity (CMA) - Richmond, KY installation of 14600 acres. That installation has 523 tons of Nerve Chemical weapons. It is also a possible FEMA camp. It has a very strange layout. All of that information is in the video.

Video about the Russian Troops, DHS vehicles, 22 State Guard/Militias, Kentucky Chemical Depot/FEMA camp?, UN Biospheres:

Video Link: http://youtu.be/sVvvV2VSgew

US, Russian soldiers train together in Colorado | Fox News

The training is the result of a U.S.-Russian agreement signed a year ago. The objectives are to create a basic relationship between the two nations’ militaries and to build an understanding about how each other’s military works, including communications, Osterholzer said.
That knowledge is vital in joint military and humanitarian operations such as anti-terrorism measures and disaster relief, he said

Pictures from the Russians training last year in Colorado are on this forum and this page at the bottom.
Russian Photos (updated on regular basis) - Page 3373

Edit to add, thought – 3/5/13 7:41 Am – If the U.S. government plans on having Russian DHS troops, due to not caring about the U.S. citizens to handle the people for any unrest, due to them not believing U.S. citizens troops will follow orders to disarm the people or doing what they think needs to be done. They haven’t thought this out completely.

They were shocked that after Sandy Hook all guns and ammo went flying off the shelves, from my understanding they were not expecting that, they expected the opposite.

They believe the Russians will shoot the people without hesitation? Well it goes the other way too. The U.S. citizens will not hesitate to shoot any Russian soldier that comes to their doors or tries to disarm the people. Remember it goes both ways… no hesitation on either side to shoot the other. The law abiding citizens of the U.S. will stand by their Freedom and Rights and will definitely stand by those rights against foreign DHS troops.

""I wrote about how I found out the Smoky Mountains are part of the UN last year, as most of our National Parks, including the Grand Canyon, Statue of Liberty, etc. after I saw a plaque (took pictures of it) at Newfoundland Gap last year.""

We are going to have to start posting this stuff in the paranormal thread soon. All our national parks are part of the UN?? Boy that's a new one. Hello they are unesco world heritage sites and that has absolutely nothing to do with ownership. Where do they dig up these people?!?!!

I won't even bother on the foreign dhs troops. I think this I'd the leaked script for the red dawn sequel. This is definitely the best one yet. Looks like it might have even been to crazy for infowars if that's possible?

My God! RJ's turned into Worldtalker!! :o

The bottom line is PROVE IT FALSE.:laughing7:

Rjc, I'm not trying to prove anything to folks like you. You will believe whatever you want to believe and nothing with ever change your mind because it is part of your ingrained world view. I believe that if a story is inaccurate that I have a right and duty to provide alternative information so thinking people can arrive at their own collusion.

Don't you believe people have the right to view all available information and arrive at their own conclusion. If these stories that you and others post are accurate well supported pieces of news than obviously people will see that? Let every thinking person arrive at their own conclusion using all presented information. That's the American way isn't it? No one interested in the truth should be bothered by have more and or alternative information presented. Isn't this what you accuse the "mainstream" media of doing - not allowing different views to be presented?

The bottom line is PROVE IT FALSE.:laughing7:

Rjc - I think many folks have pointed this out to you and others in the past about proving the negative. Its the intellectual equiv of publicly stating that 1 plus 1 is 3 ( which again you have the full right to believe). TEAPOT

From wiki

Russell's teapot, sometimes called the celestial teapot or cosmic teapot, is an analogy first coined by the philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872–1970) to illustrate that the philosophic burden of proof lies upon a person making scientifically unfalsifiable claims rather than shifting the burden of proof to others, specifically in the case of religion. Russell wrote that if he claims that a teapot orbits the Sun somewhere in space between the Earth and Mars, it is nonsensical for him to expect others to believe him on the grounds that they cannot prove him wrong.

""I wrote about how I found out the Smoky Mountains are part of the UN last year, as most of our National Parks, including the Grand Canyon, Statue of Liberty, etc. after I saw a plaque (took pictures of it) at Newfoundland Gap last year.""

We are going to have to start posting this stuff in the paranormal thread soon. All our national parks are part of the UN?? Boy that's a new one. Hello they are unesco world heritage sites and that has absolutely nothing to do with ownership. Where do they dig up these people?!?!!

I won't even bother on the foreign dhs troops. I think this I'd the leaked script for the red dawn sequel. This is definitely the best one yet. Looks like it might have even been to crazy for infowars if that's possible?

That's Newfound Gap by the way,been there many many times,Cades Cove is one of my Favorite spots in the Great Smoky Mountains,I recall seeing the sign saying International Biosphere,what??????????

Rjc, I'm not trying to prove anything to folks like you. You will believe whatever you want to believe and nothing with ever change your mind because it is part of your ingrained world view. I believe that if a story is inaccurate that I have a right and duty to provide alternative information so thinking people can arrive at their own collusion.

Don't you believe people have the right to view all available information and arrive at their own conclusion. If these stories that you and others post are accurate well supported pieces of news than obviously people will see that? Let every thinking person arrive at their own conclusion using all presented information. That's the American way isn't it? No one interested in the truth should be bothered by have more and or alternative information presented. Isn't this what you accuse the "mainstream" media of doing - not allowing different views to be presented?

The one problem you have picker is that the information you post is your opinion,not fact.You refuse to back your opinion up with fact.

The second part of your statement is a classic case of not practicing what you preach.

That's Newfound Gap by the way,been there many many times,Cades Cove is one of my Favorite spots in the Great Smoky Mountains,I recall seeing the sign saying International Biosphere,what??????????

Better watch out it sounds like the secret Russian military base is nearby!!

Yes you are correct on the sign. That's a program which recognizes extremely important natural sites around the world. Like the unesco world heritage sites program. While it doesn't mean much here in the us it's often an important program for third world countries to protect their sites. Say one day an administration thought the Great Smokey mountains would be a great place for a massive above ground nuclear / haz waste dump or that the Grand Canyon would make a great giant land fill you would hope that there would be a big stink made not only in the us but around the world. These are gifts to all mankind from the creator meant to last forever.

The one problem you have picker is that the information you post is your opinion,not fact.You refuse to back your opinion up with fact.

The second part of your statement is a classic case of not practicing what you preach.

And you are claiming that what you post is "fact"? maybe you have a different definition of fact than the rest of us use? Everyone can read the different "opinions" then and decide what they want correct?? Or do you think that only you should be voicing an opinion. Why do you think it is wrong for someone to post other viewpoints? Aren't you always saying we need alternative viewpoints to mainstream media? If you think anything being posted is false feel free to pint out why you think it is false. Let the people think for themselves - right.

Better watch out it sounds like the secret Russian military base is nearby!!

Yes you are correct on the sign. That's a program which recognizes extremely important natural sites around the world. Like the unesco world heritage sites program. While it doesn't mean much here in the us it's often an important program for third world countries to protect their sites. Say one day an administration thought the Great Smokey mountains would be a great place for a massive above ground nuclear / haz waste dump or that the Grand Canyon would make a great giant land fill you would hope that there would be a big stink made not only in the us but around the world. These are gifts to all mankind from the creator meant to last forever.

I see the WHOLE world a gift to mankind,unesco doesn't mean much in the U.S.you say,for now,wait till it really heats up,you'll see what it really means.

Hey the more people trying to protect our god given nature the better. Probably lots of good coal under those mountains, lets go top them off!!

Hey the more people trying to protect our god given nature the better. Probably lots of good coal under those mountains, lets go top them off!!

I guess protecting nature means get rid of Humans,population control,Ted Turner,Jacques Cousteau, Ga. guide stone,need I go on?

I guess protecting nature means get rid of Humans,population control,Ted Turner,Jacques Cousteau, Ga. guide stone,need I go on?


you do not believe that the earth and its resources can only support of maximum number of people? Isnt that just dimple math? Yes I believe you should not be taking a god given human life into this world that can not be fed, clothed, housed, educated, etc. properly. and certainly here in the US I don't want a child be brought into this would that can not be supported by his/her parents. What do you think it's the governments responsibility to take care of all these kids. No thanks - ill keep my hard earned money. In my book, if you can't pay for your kid you shouldn't be having one. Don't you agree?

Oh boy - Georgia guide stone? I think I've already publicly announced that I'm part of the global financial wing of the new world order. Yikes


you do not believe that the earth and its resources can only support of maximum number of people? Isnt that just dimple math? Yes I believe you should not be taking a god given human life into this world that can not be fed, clothed, housed, educated, etc. properly. and certainly here in the US I don't want a child be brought into this would that can not be supported by his/her parents. What do you think it's the governments responsibility to take care of all these kids. No thanks - ill keep my hard earned money. In my book, if you can't pay for your kid you shouldn't be having one. Don't you agree?

Oh boy - Georgia guide stone? I think I've already publicly announced that I'm part of the global financial wing of the new world order. Yikes

Last time I flew looked like a LOT of vacant land to me,and,yes,Govt. is taking the place of men who father kids,that's the way they want it.

Last time I flew looked like a LOT of vacant land to me,and,yes,Govt. is taking the place of men who father kids,that's the way they want it.

World I think you know it takes a lot more than just land to sustain a person.

Sounds like you agree with the government? I think that only people who can love and properly support a child should be bringing one into the world. Wouldnt you agree or not?

That's Newfound Gap by the way,been there many many times,Cades Cove is one of my Favorite spots in the Great Smoky Mountains,I recall seeing the sign saying International Biosphere,what??????????

Well, looks like you are suspect from here on. Maybe you grew out of the International Biosphere - how ever are we to know? Can you prove you aren't?

I guess protecting nature means get rid of Humans,population control,Ted Turner,Jacques Cousteau, Ga. guide stone,need I go on?

Gonna be tough to go it alone.

Ever wonder where your food comes from?

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