Tejon problem maybe or not.


Gold Member
Jan 8, 2013
N.of , I-285...GA
Detector(s) used
Whites Spc xlt & Tesoro Tejon- Now back ...Fisher 1266-X. TRX Pointer. New .Teknetics G2 + . New AT Pro .
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I purchased a used tejon a few months back and I have taken it out about 6-8 times [ 3 to the same site] & it has worked well tho i'm still getting used to it . Anyway on the last outing ,[a site the machine had been to twice before], I hunted for about 6 hrs this day ,about an hr in while pinpointing a target I noticed the machine giving me a single tone/beep ever so often while it was not in motion then resumed hunting & the machine was working fine other than that annoying beep [I counted & it made this sound every 14-16 seconds the tone was akin to passing the loop over an iron washer or alike . I could still hunt but I still had to stop and check that spot where the beep occurred [just to be sure] that it was not a real target . So I turned off the machine / re, ground balanced it 2 diff, times & even turned off my cell phone & there the tone was on avg, every 15 seconds this went on for about 30 min and then seemed to go away ,I hunted about 4 half more hrs without any problems other than the occasional chirp/beep every now and then. I an suspecting the problem was in the ground [soil type etc.] or in the settings, strange tho Ive hunted the same ground before without issues , but I know soil cond, is always changing. I was just wondering has anyone had this type of issue with their Tejon or Tesoro [" chirping/toning every 15 or so seconds even while the machine was sitting still"] I hope this reads clear as my A.D.D has me all over the place . Thx & Good day.

First, check your batteries. Never put more than 15-hours on a set.

Second, check your Sensitivity. You can't "red line" it in some soils or it will chirp and burp.

Third, EMI from closed circuit TV, electric dog fences, overhead or buried electric lines, radio and cell antennas.

If the problem persists, Call Rusty Henry at Tesoro 928-771-2646 and get his opinion.

Terry forgot to mention to clean out the coil cover of any dirt. Tejon is sensitive enough that dirt or black sand in the coil cover will make it chirp too.

Thank,s for the reply's guy's [no pun] .I should but don't use a loop cover, the closest home was around 300 yards away & there are no power lines in the area also the closest cell tower in my Op. is about 3 1/2 miles [as the crow flies ] away. I plan on taking it out again tomorrow and see how she acts , before calling Tesoro. THANKS again for yalls time & advice. p.s Terry ,the batteries do have an estimated 20 hrs on them [Energizer Advanced lithium brand] so ill put fresh Duracell batt's in tomorrow and see what happens. Sandman , do you agree on the batteries being changed @ around 15 hrs as well also a very impressive assortment of Detectors you have there.

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Yes, Terry is right about every 15 hours change the batteries. I've had very good luck using the Duracell's.

Tejon Update

Yesterday Mon, June 10th I took the Tejon out for another date & everything went well except the weather . I took it to an abandoned house [nice neighborhood great yard ,just 1 bad home in the middle of a neighborhood , I would be glad to live in]. I'd searched this yard before in Jan or Feb this year with my Whites only digging the highest silver tones/#s [79-92's] and dug 6 silver dimes &1 silver Quarter. I fig I'd go after the smaller stuff with the TEJON , Nickels ,rings and such ,the ground in the winter was pretty easy to dig but now with all the rain we have had since then it was a sinch to dig down a foot or more . I ran the machine for around 3 hrs in drizzle [w the box covered ] and went for the 5c & up tones, there was no random beeps:icon_thumleft: or any other prob, I kept the same batteries in to see what would happen[ when I turned the MD on I got 6-7 strong beeps] ALL in all I dug 4 nickels 1 1952 D ,3 are uncleaned but I do know 1 is my 1st War nickel also 7-8 uncleaned wheats & another 75+ cent in clad-[to put toward my next junk silver purchase this week. I'm very glad the Tejon preformed well as I'm still getting used to it and I'm glad to be it's owner .[machine ;love man]

I've had this issue pop up again.:icon_scratch:
Same Machine New loop.

Looking over my post from last June ,I believe this is an Area EME or Soil / Air Pressure /weather issue, Cause I have used the machine at the same spot and had this toning issue not be a problem at all , but it was bad Yesterday , A chirp every 15 seconds Then sometimes every 22 -24 seconds.
I have to walk over a mile to this site so I held the machine in front of me while I walked to my Car & it Chirped all the way back. Sens, was on 7 & Batteries 4-5 beeps ( kinda low I know).

Just Strange it does this every so often in this area.
It was real bad a couple weeks ago but then I was hunting right beside I 75 W /Heavy traffic.
So who knows what all signals are going to & from every Car or Big Rig:dontknow:
That day I took it to another area & it did ok.
Its more of a Curiosity at this time???
Had to Rant..:thumbsup:

Time for Fresh Batteries!

I must agree.
Put in new Batteries & went to 2 sites further south & had no problem.

Then Yesterday I took it back to the area (my Honey hole) that the issue always occurred & ran it in boost mode & had no issues , other than the sites drying up. Got a few keepers but spent most of the day digging 22 bullets & their Cases , while looking for small cal Round Balls & deeper Cuff buttons.
After 3& a half inches of rain ; if the coil passed over it , I should have found it.

Terry I'm not bitter about the spur thing , You live & you learn. lol


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