Hey, I'm not trying to poopoo the idea of cashing in on a gold bar, it's just that I remember a few experiences over the years.
One, being back in high school (25 years ago) where my business ed. teacher...Mr.Scottie-dog used to tell us all the tricks to making money.
Anyway, he was in charge of the school trip to Jamaica in which I couldn't afford to go on. When the kids came back from the trip, they were all laughing at the old, bearded wood-gruff.
Apparently, he got busted at the border for trying to smuggle a whole pile of gold jewelry that he bought for cheap in Jamaica. This was well before 9/11.
What a great role model he was for us kids!

Even if you sold the bar in Germany, you would still have to explain coming home with $20,000 more cash than what you left with.
Not a big problem. It's just that Canada Customs makes sure they get every possible tax dollar out of you, so you better claim it or get a stiff fine on top of paying high taxes.
I think Higgy is on to something here!