How did the Order of American Knights roll over cash kick backs on top of their railroad monopoly money? Like whip topping on a Sunday!! ....and when they got caught and put on trial for it? United States President Teddy Roosevelt stepped in and got the secret order out of any further trouble and avoided exposure of the secret society or it's members ." Colorado Fuel and Coal Co. "


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Just read on Wiki about HEAD-STONES; Wood-Men of the World (Life Insurance) had Tree Stumps, Anchors, Ivy, etc. on their HEAD-STONES. WHERE have I seen THAT, before...?

Rebel, remember the question I posed a few months back regarding a couple of people looking for pikes peak but failed to do so?, well buried really close to that guys family plot is a woodmen headstone ?? passed away in 1918

this link has some interesting woodmen info http://www.usgwarchives.net/pa/1pa/tscarvers/woodmen/woodmen.htm

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Rebel, remember the question I posed a few months back regarding a couple of people looking for pikes peak but failed to do so?, well buried really close to that guys family plot is a woodmen headstone ?? passed away in 1918

this link has some interesting woodmen info PAGenWeb Archives - Tombstone Carvers

Think of it as a money making way to offer a consumer version of the real ones. Woodman of the world had a VERY suspicious beginning as WoodmenLife. Supposedly is a not-for-profit fraternal benefit society founded in 1890, based in Omaha, Nebraska, that operates as a large privately held insurance company for its members. They had broadcast interests that were to own the first television $tation where Johnny Carson would someday work. In 1883 Joseph Root founded Modern Woodmen of America, but after a falling out with other executives Root left the company and in June of 1893 Root founded Woodmen of the World. The purpose of these companies was to provide financial relief for families after the father, breadwinner, of the family died......taking care of the widows son, daughter and the widow. How much nobler of a cause could you find to filch the pockets of the bleeding heart main stream?


P.S. 1893 Is a banner year for the O.A.K. and the money flowed in rivers during Cleveland's administration.

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"We have fallen heirs to the most glorious heritage a people ever received, and each one must do his part if we wish to show that the nation is worthy of its good fortune." - Theodore Roosevelt
Martha Bullock Roosevelt.webp

Martha's family, members of Georgia’s slaveholding aristocracy, traced their lineage to several prominent Georgians, including Archibald Bulloch who represented Georgia in the Continental Congress. The Civil War placed some strain on the family, especially considering the Bulloch women’s southern sympathies. For one thing, Mittie’s three brothers (Irvine, James, and Daniel) had joined the Confederate cause BUT....supposedly ." Out of respect for his wife’s feelings regarding the sectional conflict", Theodore Roosevelt's father T.R. Sr. refused to enlist in the Union Army. Instead, he hired a substitute to take his place. He preferred to further the war effort by serving as an allotment commissioner for New York. The Allotment Commission was a quasi-governmental agency of the federal government of the United States during the Civil War. It was established by an act of Congress on December 24, 1861,[1] It was a voluntary program whereby 1/3 of a participating Union soldier's pay was sent home to family and friends. The purpose was to prevent wasteful spending among idle and bored soldiers in camp. Among the first commissioners was Theodore Roosevelt's father, Theodore Roosevelt, Sr. who handled collected allotted funds from a large portion of 2 million Union soldiers. I find that interesting. He was also supposedly in the Union League although "he is not listed".


"When President Theodore Roosevelt wanted to deliver a message to the people, he knew how to first get the attention of the press. So it was in April of 1907 that he chose to plant a tree and use Arbor Day as a rallying cry for forest conservation. “A people without children would face a hopeless future; a country without trees is almost as hopeless,” he told his audience. He was appalled by the wasteful destruction of the nation’s forests and he clearly recognized their importance for sustainable use and multiple benefits. He said, “A true forest is not merely a storehouse full of wood, but, as it were, a factory of wood, and at the same time a reservoir of water.” Roosevelt found a way to add action to his words and eventually set aside 148 million acres of land in 37 new national forests. Julius Sterling Morton the founder of Arbor Day, J. Sterling Morton. In 1872, the same year he successfully proposed the first Arbor Day, Congress set aside Yellowstone as our first national park. Three years later the American Forestry Association was founded to fight the depletion of the nation’s natural resources. It was our first national nonprofit conservation organization and Morton became its president in 1892. He became President Grover Cleveland’s Secretary of Agriculture in 1893, the first cabinet member west of the Missouri, and was part of that administration when Cleveland added 7 million acres to the nation’s first forest preserves (later to become national forests). morton 1 (1).webp


This thread is a decent bio of TR. Still I don't see anyone mentioning the secret society which was parent to the KGC, OAK, and not mentioned here the original Copperhead society named Sons of Liberty. You have to go way back to just after the American Revolution and later the War of 1812 to begin a thorough investigation of the above named societies. Teddy was a ranking member of the Independent Order of Improved Redmen. The Redmen Wigwams is where the SOL, later OAK hid until exposed by Striger to Lincoln. After the round up of some Copperhead leaders the names again disappeared but were still hiding in the Redmen. The Copperheads, so called because of a large U.S. cent cut down to show only the Liberty Head and made into a pin which was worn on their lapels, were the northern arm of the KGC.If ya'll are interested in really learning about where the KGC and the other secret groups disappeared to look south. The SOL, OAK and other less well known sub-societies like the Cowbellians, the Mystic Krewe of Comus (sp) continued long after Civil War. Most are still around today but its nigh impossible to make links between them all. Look into what occurred in New Orleans just before AP had Gen John A. Quitman poisoned at President James Buchanan's inauguration dinner. PIke did this so he wouldn't have to fight to take over as Head of the Scottish Rite Supreme Council. Quitman was next in line for the position and Pike was a newcomer to the Scottish Rite. so to remove him from challenging Pike, Quitman got National Hotel Disease and later died in Mississippi. The poison was in the sugar, Yankees drank tea with sugar cubes and southerners drank coffee using sugar from a bowl which contained arsenic.
Teddy Roosevelt was in on creating the so called lost Dutchman mine legend in AZ. If you can decipher code you will find Roosevelt Lake on the Salt River is a key point in the LD treasure depository. I would hope one day the rest of the LD enigma will be revealed. Someone awhile back mentioned a book about Rebel treasure which has a partial solution to the LD legend is shown. Believe it.... Oh, before i forget those two societies involved from New Orleans have links to AP, JS, JB and other Rebel leaders. The links can be found but you'll have to do a lot of reading in old rare books.
I'm curious why there is so much chatter about the KGC, AP and now TR but not one post on this whole forum actually mentions a single bit of actual treasure lore concerning the subject you write about. Does anyone know what must be found to prove a KGC treasure site. Can anyone list the top three symbols always, ALWAYS!! found in a KGC/Masonic treasure depository. If anyone here has actually worked a KGC site they must know what I mean. If they don't they are lying about getting even close to a cache of KGC gold. Hope you can read this. Lost it three times and did a lot of copy cut and paste. Too late to edit now. Adios

OKAY, rennes, i'll bite. Come on out with it cause I be knowing you know much more. I ain't so smart, BUT, i know if you can dig that much up you certainly did'nt stop there. That was a good'un for sure and I am waiting. I think one of those sites will open up before many more years pass, so let us know what to expect except to be blown off to the moon.:coffee2::coffee2:

This thread is a decent bio of TR. Still I don't see anyone mentioning the secret society which was parent to the KGC, OAK, and not mentioned here the original Copperhead society named Sons of Liberty. You have to go way back to just after the American Revolution and later the War of 1812 to begin a thorough investigation of the above named societies. Teddy was a ranking member of the Independent Order of Improved Redmen. The Redmen Wigwams is where the SOL, later OAK hid until exposed by Striger to Lincoln. After the round up of some Copperhead leaders the names again disappeared but were still hiding in the Redmen. The Copperheads, so called because of a large U.S. cent cut down to show only the Liberty Head and made into a pin which was worn on their lapels, were the northern arm of the KGC.If ya'll are interested in really learning about where the KGC and the other secret groups disappeared to look south. The SOL, OAK and other less well known sub-societies like the Cowbellians, the Mystic Krewe of Comus (sp) continued long after Civil War. Most are still around today but its nigh impossible to make links between them all. Look into what occurred in New Orleans just before AP had Gen John A. Quitman poisoned at President James Buchanan's inauguration dinner. PIke did this so he wouldn't have to fight to take over as Head of the Scottish Rite Supreme Council. Quitman was next in line for the position and Pike was a newcomer to the Scottish Rite. so to remove him from challenging Pike, Quitman got National Hotel Disease and later died in Mississippi. The poison was in the sugar, Yankees drank tea with sugar cubes and southerners drank coffee using sugar from a bowl which contained arsenic.
Teddy Roosevelt was in on creating the so called lost Dutchman mine legend in AZ. If you can decipher code you will find Roosevelt Lake on the Salt River is a key point in the LD treasure depository. I would hope one day the rest of the LD enigma will be revealed. Someone awhile back mentioned a book about Rebel treasure which has a partial solution to the LD legend is shown. Believe it.... Oh, before i forget those two societies involved from New Orleans have links to AP, JS, JB and other Rebel leaders. The links can be found but you'll have to do a lot of reading in old rare books.
I'm curious why there is so much chatter about the KGC, AP and now TR but not one post on this whole forum actually mentions a single bit of actual treasure lore concerning the subject you write about. Does anyone know what must be found to prove a KGC treasure site. Can anyone list the top three symbols always, ALWAYS!! found in a KGC/Masonic treasure depository. If anyone here has actually worked a KGC site they must know what I mean. If they don't they are lying about getting even close to a cache of KGC gold. Hope you can read this. Lost it three times and did a lot of copy cut and paste. Too late to edit now. Adios

I don't doubt what you have to add to the gathered info, but there are some aspects I would have to spend some time on to say I believe it as facts and not opinion or hearsay. Keep in mind that the K.G.C. became a few broken arrows so to speak... in 1865. There is more than one story that is fact and true. It is possible to have two separate trails of facts cross the same path and travel down it like an interstate until they exit either turning to B.S. or traveling on another road of discovery. It is how I will spend the rest of my life I suppose. Thanks for the post, I have spent my time moving forward on a time line way more than backwards up it. I have many unanswered at this time about the beginning.



(Can anyone list the top three symbols always, ALWAYS!! found in a KGC/Masonic treasure depository?) I do not discus many aspects of the trail. I will tell you that this trail is the only one that I know of that is the O.A.K.'s not K.G.C. (?-1863) not a Masonic anything although their are cryptic Freemasons that were involved with it. I say only what I want to prove to everyone in an open forum, some things are not talked about, hope you understand.


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Funny how brutal the actual facts sound when you take away censorship and strip away all of the candy coating. It is a far cry from the B.S. that has been printed and accepted by sheeple as true history. Do your own research do not accept half of the truth mixed with a fairy-tale as fact, because it makes you look silly, especially when you pull out a volume of candy coated censored B.S. to prove your point. :occasion14:


cold hard facts.webp

So as L.C. says some things you just don't talk about!!!!! That being said, one of the 3 symbols would be a skypony. If I told you the others I'd have to kill you..LOL!!! Just kidding on that. But I know from over the many years that my family has been doing this, that the one thing you do is "keep your mouth shut", but knowing what that symbol means I'm not worried that they (mom and aunt) will hurt me.:occasion14:

"Speak softly, but carry a big stick," he was fond of saying. After presiding over a great expansion of the American Navy, he would become the leader of developments that ended the Russo-Japanese War. For his efforts, he became the first president to win the Nobel Peace Prize. I believe the stick was made of O.A.K. and President Roosevelt was without a doubt "ILLUMINATED"

Theodore-Roosevelts-diary-the-day-his-wife-and-mother-died-1884-small.webpbird.webpteddy X.webpView attachment 1406782


  • Teddy 1893.webp
    Teddy 1893.webp
    80 KB · Views: 140
OKAY, rennes, i'll bite. Come on out with it cause I be knowing you know much more. I ain't so smart, BUT, i know if you can dig that much up you certainly did'nt stop there. That was a good'un for sure and I am waiting. I think one of those sites will open up before many more years pass, so let us know what to expect except to be blown off to the moon.:coffee2::coffee2:


Email sent

I don't doubt what you have to add to the gathered info, but there are some aspects I would have to spend some time on to say I believe it as facts and not opinion or hearsay. Keep in mind that the K.G.C. became a few broken arrows so to speak... in 1865. There is more than one story that is fact and true. It is possible to have two separate trails of facts cross the same path and travel down it like an interstate until they exit either turning to B.S. or traveling on another road of discovery. It is how I will spend the rest of my life I suppose. Thanks for the post, I have spent my time moving forward on a time line way more than backwards up it. I have many unanswered at this time about the beginning.


" just before AP had Gen John A. Quitman poisoned at President James Buchanan's inauguration dinner. PIke did this so he wouldn't have to fight to take over as Head of the Scottish Rite Supreme Council. Quitman was next in line for the position and Pike was a newcomer to the Scottish Rite. so to remove him from challenging Pike, Quitman got National Hotel Disease and later died in Mississippi. The poison was in the sugar, Yankees drank tea with sugar cubes and southerners drank coffee using sugar from a bowl which contained arsenic. "

Clinical effects of arsenic toxicity depend on the chronicity (eg, acute, chronic) and type of poisoning (eg, arsenic, trivalent arsenic, arsine gas). Frequently, patients exposed to arsenic have a garlic smell to their breath and tissue fluids.
Acute severe arsenic poisoning manifests with the following signs and symptoms:
Tachycardia, hypotension, and even shock
Altered mental status, delirium, coma, seizures (acute encephalopathy)
Trivalent arsenic poisoning manifests with the following signs and symptoms:
Acute exposure: Cholera-like gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms of vomiting (often bloody) and severe diarrhea (may be rice-watery, often bloody); these patients will experience acute distress, dehydration (often), and hypovolemic shock
Chronic toxicity: Insidious; may manifest as a classical dermatitis (hyperkeratosis with a classical "dew drops on a dusty road" appearance) or peripheral neuropathy (usually a painful, symmetrical paresthesia with stocking-glove distribution); commonly, hepatic and renal damage
Fingernails: Whitish lines (Mees lines) that look like those from traumatic injuries

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Hotel_disease What the press had to say.

What I believe is the truth. http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/kgc/367624-radical-republican-poisoning.html#post3503762


Did OTHERS die using the sugar from that bowl, for their coffee...?

We at one point discussed the Mystic Krewe of Comus. If Albert Pike was KGC he most likely was involved before the war in New Orleans at the very private Mystic Krewe of Comus. Another fact that I have trouble with is the fact that Mackey was more in line to take over the Scottish Rite than Quitman. Mackey gave Pike his blessing thus paving the way for him to become Sovereign Grand Commander. In fact Mackey nominated him before the Grand Council.

The Redman thing I might buy into. But who knows for sure? Sometimes people hide in plain sight.

Senior Deacon

The three signs or symbols I have seen at KGC sites are:

1. Symbol for Goddess Athenia or Menerva. Being in the form of the letter "B" in cursive writing and looking like "13" also a for the letter "M" again Mernerva.

2. A triangle usually a right triangle with the numbers 3,5,7 in one form shape or another.

3. A snake well carved pointing the way with directions. Patches with directions also. or a pumpkin face.

The three signs or symbols I have seen at KGC sites are:

1. Symbol for Goddess Athenia or Menerva. Being in the form of the letter "B" in cursive writing and looking like "13" also a for the letter "M" again Mernerva.

2. A triangle usually a right triangle with the numbers 3,5,7 in one form shape or another.

3. A snake well carved pointing the way with directions. Patches with directions also. or a pumpkin face.

Here's a picture of a carved box with carvings of G, M, H, B. Notice the middle bar of the B doesn't go all the way over to the vertical bar. This makes it look like a 13.

gmhb 600.webp

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