I'm really just recently looking closely at the photograph..I've seen you post it a lot but didn't pay too close of attention to I just thought you'd know some of the guys who's in it.

If I can get it cleaned enough to go on one of the bigger monitors it would be easier to tell.

We compared pics from prior to the McKinley era forward.

Who took the photo?

Do you know for sure anyone in it? That could help in identifying the others. Just Please don't post another pic of that Lewis Cass...he gives me the creeps! :laughing7:


On who I believe is Teddy's left is Paul Morton, on the man's right, is Joy Morton. Seated in front right to left is A. Carnegie, and I believe J.D. Rockefeller but it is hard to be sure because his face is not in a natural pose. Same with the maybe Teddy, his face is not in a natural state to me. and there is no Monicle that can be seen either, but he may have glasses on. There are more but I am still not ready to name the rest yet without more info to say for sure what I think. That is a start anyway. There are no names on the original picture, so it is all speculation I guess, seeing as there is no written proof of the people in the photo. I find that strange too because he has other group photos from other important meetings and everyone in those pictures are named.:dontknow: It will remain a matter of opinion. However, the meeting place and the members that were there remain proven by the picture that it took place at Arbor Lodge. I have to also ask myself why that man was there at the meeting to be able to take the photo. Why was he invited and brought there by these men to celebrate?

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On who I believe is Teddy's left is Paul Morton, on the man's right, is Joy Morton. Seated in front right to left is A. Carnegie, and I believe J.D. Rockefeller but it is hard to be sure because his face is not in a natural pose. Same with the maybe Teddy, his face is not in a natural state to me. and there is no Monicle that can be seen either, but he may have glasses on. There are more but I am still not ready to name the rest yet without more info to say for sure what I think. That is a start anyway. There are no names on the original picture, so it is all speculation I guess, seeing as there is no written proof of the people in the photo. I find that strange too because he has other group photos from other important meetings and everyone in those pictures are named.:dontknow: It will remain a matter of opinion. However, the meeting place and the members that were there remain proven by the picture that it took place at Arbor Lodge. I have to also ask myself why that man was there at the meeting to be able to take the photo. Why was he invited and brought there by these men to celebrate?

There is absolutely No Doubt in my mind that photo was taken at Arbor Lodge...No Question About That!

I've got another photograph from there with about the same number of men...I'm going to try and get both cleaned and up on big monitors to see if it's pretty much the same group. That would help tremendously!


I've found 8-10 names of the unidentified guys who are in that group photo in front of Arbor Lodge. A few more to go... it is time consuming for sure.

Gotta break from that for awhile!


I've found 8-10 names of the unidentified guys who are in that group photo in front of Arbor Lodge. A few more to go... it is time consuming for sure.

Gotta break from that for awhile!


It takes even longer to look at their money and the placement of it on the monopoly board.:occasion14:


I've found 8-10 names of the unidentified guys who are in that group photo in front of Arbor Lodge. A few more to go... it is time consuming for sure.

Gotta break from that for awhile!


Even if we have all of the names and the money trails it will still only be speculation about one day in these men's lives. The litigation that I have studied proves that they were untouchable and will probably remain that way forever. This thread is MY speculation based on what we have discovered about certain men in the secret society called the K.G.C. that began long ago. My speculation is loosely based on guilt by assosiation and held together by money trails that also link the same fellows to the men we know. It would be hard to prove in a courtroom. These men have murdered lawyers to keep the secrets and got away with it!



L.C., a rainy day here (and Lord we need it) so I waded through this whole old thread. Not sure how I missed it.
To answer your question at the start, I'd need to see the entries in T.R.'s diary before Feb. 14. Did he normally expound upon the day to some extent or did he just jot down the events of the day? My guess is he was frothy even in his diary. I took it as someone who was so devastated that he couldn't bring himself to write. He put the X down as all he could write along with the few words. I took no other meaning from it.
It doesn't surprise me that those with MONEY/POWER run things now. They've been doing it as long as we've had a county.
OAK went to Gen. Sterling Price to plead their case he invade Missouri while Price was in Ark.. Do you know how this would have helped them?
Gen. Pike got into trouble for "Building a saw mill where there were no trees and a fort where there was nothing to guard." These charges were brought just before he went on the run. I think it was in Okla., then Indian Terr. but could have been N.W. Ark. or S.W.MO. Do you know anything about that? A KCG treasury deposit site? Good luck.

L.C., a rainy day here (and Lord we need it) so I waded through this whole old thread. Not sure how I missed it.
To answer your question at the start, I'd need to see the entries in T.R.'s diary before Feb. 14. Did he normally expound upon the day to some extent or did he just jot down the events of the day? My guess is he was frothy even in his diary. I took it as someone who was so devastated that he couldn't bring himself to write. He put the X down as all he could write along with the few words. I took no other meaning from it.
It doesn't surprise me that those with MONEY/POWER run things now. They've been doing it as long as we've had a county.
OAK went to Gen. Sterling Price to plead their case he invade Missouri while Price was in Ark.. Do you know how this would have helped them?
Gen. Pike got into trouble for "Building a saw mill where there were no trees and a fort where there was nothing to guard." These charges were brought just before he went on the run. I think it was in Okla., then Indian Terr. but could have been N.W. Ark. or S.W.MO. Do you know anything about that? A KCG treasury deposit site? Good luck.

If we had not used the same symbol X on this trail as a representation of light, I would feel the same way about the X mailman. It is a logical explanation.


It doesn't surprise me that those with MONEY/POWER run things now. They've been doing it as long as we've had a county.
OAK went to Gen. Sterling Price to plead their case he invade Missouri while Price was in Ark.. Do you know how this would have helped them?
Gen. Pike got into trouble for "Building a saw mill where there were no trees and a fort where there was nothing to guard." These charges were brought just before he went on the run. I think it was in Okla., then Indian Terr. but could have been N.W. Ark. or S.W.MO. Do you know anything about that? A KCG treasury deposit site? Good luck.

This may help explain the connection to Teddy also. http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/kgc/422243-how-k-g-c-o-k-used-u-s-government-13.html#post5915990

I believe Price was ousted by the Anti War faction of the K.G.C. that were still active in the U.S. Government. They were the guys with the purse strings, and they could see by that time that the Civil War might be lost by the Confederacy. This scared the absolute :censored: out of them. We're talking millions in 1863, and at that time it was equal to Billions or trillions. These inner circle members had investments going on in other countries as well, and they were making money off of the North and the South every way they could. They came damn close to a monopoly on Southern Cotton, but it did not happen for them. That cost Lincoln his life. At the same time in 1863-64, opportunities like Westward expansion were unfolding and they wanted in on it BAD. The addition of Southern States would have also leveled the playing field for them. By 1866 the secret society had men back inside the Government looking outside again and they were also able to start immediately on new financial acquisitions of whatever they thought was coming next, and they knew where it was coming to before it got there. Price, like Bickley, were both definitely expendable to the secret societies they had a hand in putting together.

just my two cents L.C.

“We believe Theodore Roosevelt insincere. Pretending to inveigh against the crimes of trusts and corporations, he openly defended Paul Morton, when, as manager of the Santa Fe railroad, he was compelled to confess enormous rebates to the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company. It was Roosevelt who advanced the pernicious doctrine that you must punish the corporation, not its officials who cause it to commit crime. It was Roosevelt who denounced large campaign contributions, while his secretary of commerce and labor was fleecing the corporations out of one of the biggest slush funds ever known in the history of American politics.”

Ted.webpPaul Morton.webp

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Sounds To Me...A Forerunner...Of...Trump!

“We believe Theodore Roosevelt insincere. Pretending to inveigh against the crimes of trusts and corporations, he openly defended Paul Morton, when, as manager of the Santa Fe railroad, he was compelled to confess enormous rebates to the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company. It was Roosevelt who advanced the pernicious doctrine that you must punish the corporation, not its officials who cause it to commit crime. It was Roosevelt who denounced large campaign contributions, while his secretary of commerce and labor was fleecing the corporations out of one of the biggest slush funds ever known in the history of American politics.”

View attachment 1680424View attachment 1680425


It is a continuing history though Robot and I do believe the system reflects what you have noticed. :icon_thumleft:

I imagine there’s a certain personality and intelligence profile to be initiated ?

It is a continuing history though Robot and I do believe the system reflects what you have noticed. :icon_thumleft:

After his father's death, Teddy Roosevelt inherited $125,000 (equivalent to $3.2 million in 2018). He is ranked as the fifth wealthiest President behind the #1 richest POTUS mentioned above. He had around 125 plus million at the time of his death. I am sure some of it is still collecting dust.

"I intended to be one of the governing class."

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The fact that Teddy was a Navy man and While at Harvard, he began a systematic study of the role played by the young United States Navy in the War of 1812, scrutinized original source materials and official U.S. Navy records, ultimately publishing his first book The Naval War of 1812 in 1882 is also a very interesting feature of his life to me. His abilities and knowledge of the subject fit quite nicely with the sailing aspect of the treasure trail we have been working on. Nebraska was just a sea of green with grass waves to these gentlemen. Navigation, triangulation, and plotting the next stop along the way to stop and drop an anchor. :icon_thumleft:

petrified oak stone anchor gunsight tree.webp

After his father's death, Teddy Roosevelt inherited $125,000 (equivalent to $3.2 million in 2018). He is ranked as the fifth wealthiest President behind the #1 richest POTUS mentioned above. He had around 125 plus million at the time of his death. I am sure some of it is still collecting dust.

View attachment 1680717
"I intended to be one of the governing class."

Here's his Roosevelt family crest signet ring he never took off. It was cut off his finger and TR4 has it.



Teddy Roosevelt invested $14,000 dollars of his inheritance in the cattle business. The investment went bust and did not become part of his estimated 125 million at the time of his death. Where did Teddy make all of that dough? Did he become more diversified or just a lucky invester? That money is still working good! He must have known what he was doing!


Legacy | Roosevelt China Investments Corp.


"Mr. Morgan could not help regarding me as a big rival operator who either intended to ruin all his interests or could be induced to come to an agreement to ruin none."

View attachment 1396207 Crossed arms may sometimes indicate anxiety which is either driven by a lack of trust or fear of your immediate surroundings.......Crossed-Arms-on-Chest is universal and is decoded with the same defensive or negative meaning almost everywhere. It is commonly seen among strangers in public meetings, in queues or cafeteria lines, elevators or anywhere that people feel uncertain or insecure.


I was mistaken, that is not Teddy Roosevelt at Arbor Lodge on that occasion. Thanks for finding out who was there that day Ol Kentuck!

:notworthy: L.C. Baker http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/k...er-order-american-knights-16.html#post6092208

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