TapTalk SPAM

As an Admin on another forum, I know how hard it can be to
track down the issue. Had the same issue develop on our forum,
and I finally went into the VBulletin software and found where we
had been hacked, and they had inserted their own email addy
swiping program.

I deleted their software, ran an update and everything's been
fine since. We now moderate every new member, so they can't
post till I've checked them out to insure they are legit. Viet Nam
has been the worst source, lately, and I delete 3-5 of their spam
registrations each day.

Be patient folks...they'll get it sorted soon enough.

That message is actually from Treasurenet. Tapatalk, for those who don't know is a mobile app through which you can more conveniently use sites like treasurenet, if you choose to do so. If you do use the site on a mobile device, I highly recommend it. If you only browse on a computer, it won't do you any good. :)

As an Admin on another forum, I know how hard it can be to
track down the issue. Had the same issue develop on our forum,
and I finally went into the VBulletin software and found where we
had been hacked, and they had inserted their own email addy
swiping program.

I deleted their software, ran an update and everything's been
fine since. We now moderate every new member, so they can't
post till I've checked them out to insure they are legit. Viet Nam
has been the worst source, lately, and I delete 3-5 of their spam
registrations each day.

Be patient folks...they'll get it sorted soon enough.

Thanks for this post Mike!! It explains allot!!

I got the one John showed in his post. Thought it was a function of TNet wanting me to use TapaTalk when on my iPhone or iPad?!?

same for me, I got that one.

As an Admin on another forum, I know how hard it can be to
track down the issue. Had the same issue develop on our forum,
and I finally went into the VBulletin software and found where we
had been hacked, and they had inserted their own email addy
swiping program.

I deleted their software, ran an update and everything's been
fine since. We now moderate every new member, so they can't
post till I've checked them out to insure they are legit. Viet Nam
has been the worst source, lately, and I delete 3-5 of their spam
registrations each day.

Be patient folks...they'll get it sorted soon enough.

TNet hacked? not very reassuring! be god to know one way or another.

That message is actually from Treasurenet. Tapatalk, for those who don't know is a mobile app through which you can more conveniently use sites like treasurenet, if you choose to do so. If you do use the site on a mobile device, I highly recommend it. If you only browse on a computer, it won't do you any good. :)

Here's this again. Again, it's not spam. We're not hacked.

I got that spam email too, and have also noticed that no matter what site you visit, you will get adds popping up later. I think it has a lot to do with tracking cookies. Guess you just have to make a habit of clearing them, somehow.

trending@tapatalk at 10:36 pm sent me an email, with Treasurenet.com as the emailer.

Why has Treasurenet given my private email address to tapatalk?

Best c&p I can do with it. I guess the pictures didn't copy.

Why is tnet allowing tapatalk to spam me?

Today at 10:36 PM


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Last edited:
TN hasn't sold emails, it is actually from TN..

That message is actually from Treasurenet. Tapatalk, for those who don't know is a mobile app through which you can more conveniently use sites like treasurenet, if you choose to do so. If you do use the site on a mobile device, I highly recommend it. If you only browse on a computer, it won't do you any good. :)

ugh :BangHead: thanks TH. I hate spam............ :BangHead:
And, I ain't never clicking on nothing, in any of 'em, anyway! so there! :tongue3: :laughing7:

It's getting where I can't tell legit emails from spam ones, and I just about abhor ANY email, from anyone other than my friends, LOL.

sorry but if it is from your favorite website

How can it be spam :icon_scratch:


sorry but if it is from your favorite website

How can it be spam :icon_scratch:

View attachment 1125140
Well Jeff, ya got me there, LOL.
It was kinda a "straw camel" type a thing, see the post time...... :laughing7: That, or too much Dr. Pepper. :laughing7:
sorry for the cat rant :laughing7:
Always glad when rough days are over! On alert, for what may this way come, today. :notworthy:
Carry on good men. :icon_salut:

my own little form of cat spam :laughing7:

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