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goverton said:
This pic of yours appears to have moss on top of drawing. You might remove moss and see what is underneath.
I see a "4"
The vertical line on right has a perpendicular line to the left. in the field it actually looks like anchor to me or j backwards j. I do need to remove moss and see whats up. I may be able to make it out today.

i really like the moss covered carving of what has recently been described as a number four. as a carpenter , and a freemason , i see what appears to me to be is a right triangle, would this be correct right worshipful? a 90 degree corner can be laid out using the 3 4 5 method used by both carpenter and mason. i would measure the lengths of the three sides , check to see if that is a perfect 90 degree corner , if it is then its a 30 60 90 triangle. the great pythagoras knew! it can be laid out very easily with some string .

i added this picture because the exact same symbol is located as the indians nose/mouth . which these indians are used to mark one corner of a right triangle. the 90 degree corner


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kiddrock33 said:
i really like the moss covered carving of what has recently been described as a number four. as a carpenter , and a freemason , i see what appears to me to be is a right triangle, would this be correct right worshipful? a 90 degree corner can be laid out using the 3 4 5 method used by both carpenter and mason. i would measure the lengths of the three sides , check to see if that is a perfect 90 degree corner , if it is then its a 30 60 90 triangle. the great pythagoras knew! it can be laid out very easily with some string .

i added this picture because the exact same symbol is located as the indians nose/mouth . which these indians are used to mark one corner of a right triangle. the 90 degree corner

A 3,4,5 triangle is NOT a 30,60, 90 Triangle. Do the math.

Because it is a right triangle(3,4,5) one angle is obviously 90°. The other two are approximately 36.86° and 53.13°.

A 30,60,90 triangle is like this : Sine of A = a/c. or sine of 60degrees = a/c = .866, Where a = 1/2 of c and b= c times sine of A=c x.866
I have found that 30, 60, 90 triangles are found in carvings and not 3.4.5 triangles. This is because the math(trig.) is easier
with 30, 60, 90 triangles. All surveys are done in triangles.


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goverton said:
This pic of yours appears to have moss on top of drawing. You might remove moss and see what is underneath.
I see a "4"

This does appear to be a 30,60, 90 triangle. The only way to tell is to measure the sides and angles.
Shortest side should be 1/2 the longest side. and the next longest side is the Longest side times .866( sine of 60 degrees)

*** Now I would want to know what compass direction these lines lay. Such as an angle off N-S line. Angles would be a simple angle
like 30 degrees off N-S line or 60 degrees off N-S line, etc.


The skull and crossbones was the naval flag for the Knights Templar and is a symbol associated with the Knights of the Golden Circle.

Very cool site, lots to look at. Good luck on your quest and thanks for posting!!

P.S. dsty is the drill hole MAN ! :notworthy:

Ground0 said:

The skull and crossbones was the naval flag for the Knights Templar and is a symbol associated with the Knights of the Golden Circle.

Very cool site, lots to look at. Good luck on your quest and thanks for posting!!

P.S. dsty is the drill hole MAN ! :notworthy:

Thanks guys looks like this will all be on hold for a few months till the weather gets warmer these bones are not feeling that good in the cold. Keep the comments coming. can always use the thoughts!!!

here i did the math


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kiddrock33 said:
here i did the math

Not quite! You must have missed Trig. class :tongue3:

If short side is 3cm, then the longest side(X) is 2 times the shortest side IF the angles are 30, 60 and 90 degrees.
And the other side is then 6cm times .866 = 5.196 cm.

Sine of 60 degrees is .866
Sine of 30 degrees is .500
Let's make it simple:
Short side is "a" and opposite angle of "a" is 30 degrees
Long side is your "X" or "c" and opposite angle of "c" is 90 degrees
Next longest side is "b" and opposite angle is 60 degrees
Then; a= 500. Side c= 2xa= 2x500= 1000
then b= cx sine of 60 degrees(.866) = 1000 x .866 = 866
Ta Da!
Simple math if you know your formulas

thanX old dog merry christmas to you also. o 3 4 5 and 30 60 90 are two differant triangles i see the common thread of them both being right triangles, im curious to know which, if either? , is the carving.
if you look at my math you may see that it is a joke, it says find x , so the answer is circled , yet the teacher marks it wrong and gives them a zero. technically the kid is correct.

if dusty is the drill hole master, maybe he can shed some light on this awesome drill hole 12 inches deep around an inch or more wide , when filled with water the puddle produces a perfect diamond shaped puddle, with one point nubbed off.


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kiddrock33 said:
if dusty is the drill hole master, maybe he can shed some light on this awesome drill hole 12 inches deep around an inch or more wide , when filled with water the puddle produces a perfect diamond shaped puddle, with one point nubbed off.

I have seen same type of triangle on rock when filled with water. The one I saw ...the points lined up with N, S, E, & W. Yours looks to be
30 degrees off compass lines by your compass in pic.

I think it is showing a "diamond" line pattern and could be indicating grid line as well.


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Howdy guys been quit awhile since being around here, been busy with family and making a living, got some slow time right now and thought I would brush up on my post here. I had actually been out in the country and drove by a month or so ago, it really struck a nerve to get back out there. I have been working on some new areas some that might not be so traveled and hiked on. Besides I think this old spot is well MD I was just looking for the bigger picture. I have come across a new sign or glyph one i did not find myself but found in an antique Kansas book I do know the vicinity as to where it is county and town. Here is a picture I thought you guys would like to see it. It's less than a meter in size thats all the info I have for size let me know what you think.DSC_0196.webpSorry it downloaded upside down.

View attachment 927042This is how it is positioned again I have no info just wanting to share a really neat looking KS glyph and see if anyone has an idea as to who or what? Besides I can tell some of you really like talking about triangles… :-)

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I've fished the Neosho River and have folks in Parsons, interesting country, everything from Spanish, Civil War, Renegades, KGC, and folks that just like to doodle, I would seperate them from size, depth,, letters, numbers, some times there may be a roman numeral throwed in just for good measure, I've seen initals V L 6" high carved deep ( 1 inch ) and it was to verify 455 grams of gold = 1 pound

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I've fished the Neosho River and have folks in Parsons, interesting country, everything from Spanish, Civil War, Renegades, KGC, and folks that just like to doodle, I would seperate them from size, depth,, letters, numbers, some times there may be a roman numeral throwed in just for good measure, I've seen initals LV 6" high carved deep ( 1 inch ) and it was to verify 455 grams of gold = 1 pound

Hi dsty. not sure but would "LV" be 55 and "VL" be 45? I am not understanding the confirmation unless there was something telling one to reverse The "L" and "V" or maybe some thing before the "LV" That would represent a '4'. Sorry, I am just trying to understand it.

Hello Pinwheel, sorry about the mix-up 450 grams of gold weighs 1 pound, and it was VL which is 45 X 10 = 450, and also letters it seems refer to numbers such as O = 15 / R = 18 R = 15 and because the 0 RO was seperated, I felt that the 1st 0 = 15 Book of the Bible = Ezra the two letters together = 2nd Chapter ,and used two times then use both 15th verse and 18th verse which tells you 45 or 450 and 112 one pound bars of Gold.Hope this helps. Most everything that they left thats important will be verified

Thanks dsty. On the coded maps that I have worked,as the information is separated, one part of the message when decoded will give you distance or direction. And another part of the map when decoded will give the same information. As an example: I had a coded message given to me, that when decoded gave me two different exact bearings and distance. I marked these to spots. There was a hoyo in the monument. when looking through the hoyo from one side it showed one spot on the ground of the first bearing and distance. Looking through the hoyo from the other side it showed the second spot that the message gave me.. I may be wrong, but I do not feel like i have decoded the map correctly unless the information is repeated at least once. Desty, Thanks again as always your information is the best.

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