That is a nest of information. Can i read it, no. But the ground nest that i have found out here, the cache spot was out side of the nest. Not too far. They are marked. The experts say the spots are not marked, but i have found that to be bad information. All sites are set up different, the cache may be in that nest. There are other cache on that hill side. Try dowsing the nest area. When you find the X spot with the Dowsing rods, you will know one of the secret signs. You are very close with you circles, or you maybe right on top of it. Thats just one of many types of set ups. You know what you are doing, you just have to learn to block the story rocks from the dig here rocks. It will come to you.
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Hello dear friend
In this post, you made a secret to me before this time I did not know..I thank you for the great thanks
Now, in another way, I look at the photos and find out very much.
Your tips and feedback:Including>Mr. Prospector Mickle...&MR. Quinoa..& MR .dsty & MR. rabel &MR . KGS & MR .chadeaux &MR. boogeyman & Other friends He made a lot of passes for me
thank all of them and you dear friend..
The first days I could use the site and English correctly And all of them thought that I am humorating and playing with them But that was not the case, and I just wanted to help me
And because I could not say what I meant
I would upset everyone and all left me
And in the coming days I understood what they were saying
For example: they wrote to me that I would not send the photo again, but I would send it back and I do not write a message for me but I still send a message...I apologize to all of them I thank them for so much..One of my desires is to have them consult me again They are the best teachers, and I made them leave me .
I do not know how to apologize to them؟!!!!
I do not know how to give this message to them and they will forgive me
I think I still have a problem with translation, but this is all my heart
And thank you dear friend and Quinoa so much for consulting me during this time ..
Thank you so much
I'm waiting for all the comments and guidance of all of you.