Swift Silver??

WOW!!! Seems as though you guys are looking at this very logically. I've always thought that Munde being French and captive of the Indians working silver mines lead Swift to said mines, kind of in retaliation over the treatment he recieved while being captive. Yes I think the Elliot Co. mines were probably one group of mines they worked because the days traveled from Kenawe River would match the area rather well. I figure there is another group of mines or maybe two groups that they worked when the Indians showed their presents at one group of mines. Just my thinking/wandering mind at work.

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Adding to your theory one of the Indians with Swift could have been the Joseph from the Waybill.

That is possible if not probable! Indians played on both sides of the revolutionary war, more so on the British side it seems from the Northern tribes. The siege/battle of Boonesboro comes to mind. Chances are, whoever was mining prior to Swift were not the same Indians working with Swift. What I am getting at is a sort of covert mining operation for the war effort, Swift being a merchant in Alexandria could have been a front for a supply (lead for ammunition) and finance (silver tugs and coin) operation. This theory means the 1760-69 time frame is wrong and off by 10-20 years (later). The Swift of the Prather's book was much younger than the legendary Swift.

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Brushy This Waybill sure is a mystery, as I mentioned before I got my first taste of it when Henson sent it to me as a copy out of a magazine article he had written, he dint tell me his source..it may have been Boomer because its like an edited copy of what Boomer had, Nothing really different to speak off. I talked to the heirs of Mathew Bacon Sellers sister who is suppose to have copied it from the original...While they were further east from KY...They never heard of their great great aunt having done this...Boomer mentioned that an old lady form Florida had brought him the copy they used to try to find it....but they didn't find all of the trail signs. I found them as mentioned before by a stroke of luck (2 really) and its just exactly what it says and all of the mines are there. I have theorized these are some of the smaller mines of Swifts story and that he was connected to Chief Joseph who might be the one whose mother was the Shaman of the Shawnee form the Portsmouth area. I would give a lot to have the original story of the whole thing. I have a theory that I have stated before I don't want to put in print because its no helpful to families living in this era and area. But if you find out what happened to Cornstalks grandson, that came to KY form out west, you might come to the same conclusion I have on how the letter could have originated form out west form there it was carried to KY and when the young Indian was murdered they not only took the mule load of silver coins but probably took his map/letter...later on a descendant that didn't know about the families history of sudden wealth and prominence copied it...probably had been found I an old trunk..sounds like a great historical based novel right?

From old posts and this one I think I understand the general idea of your theory, very interesting. I talked to some of Sellers descendants as well after you I'm sure. I didn't get anything helpful on the Waybill, like you said no knowledge of it.
I'll head in this direction

The Grayson weekly newspaper had an article on the sprinkle Dollar this week. A Salyers from the Carter County area wrote a book including the Sprinkle tale, and others. The article didn't include any details we here at tnet havent read and wrote about, maybe the book does.

For some reason every time I hear Mathew Bacon Sellers mentioned, I think of the Jenny Wiley story and wonder if he and Jenny were kin folks. Jenny's maiden name was Sellers if I remember the story right.

Except the last part. I have a book by her great grandson, and it tells that the Harmon’s of Harmon’s Station saves her, not Henry Skaggs

Except the last part. I have a book by her great grandson, and it tells that the Harmon’s of Harmon’s Station saves her, not Henry Skaggs

History has a way of getting screwed up when some people write it. They write it different than it actually was.

History has a way of getting screwed up when some people write it. They write it different than it actually was.

Here's another of history gettin skewed example talking about Filso, who gets quoted often: Screenshot_20181227-192831.webp

History has a way of getting screwed up when some people write it. They write it different than it actually was.

Ask a police officer who has taken down statements from several people who witnessed a crime. There will always be differences in their individual observations.
The only person qualified to write down what happened to Jenny would have been Jenny herself and I would bet she might have gotton a couple of the details wrong too due to stress in that situation.

Any time you have people involved there will be mistakes and 'screw ups' of facts.
For instance, science still claims the Exodus didn't happen...the place where God wrote the Ten Commandments that ended up in the Arc of the covenant, many people of faith believe the whole thing was a story to teach a lesson...others believe it happened but have no evidence of it. Discovered and rediscovered multiple times in the 20th century. Yet all along its been sitting there right where the bible says it should be and yet most still won't accept it...The people of ancient times did not write down fiction, they wrote down facts because it took effort to teach the scribes to pass down the important generational information...


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Here's another of history gettin skewed example talking about Filso, who gets quoted often:View attachment 1664551

Brushy does that item you posted site a source for the claim of Filson creating a story about an Indian Silver mine? I would like to know their source as I have never found a mention of that elsewhere. I know it doesn't say Swift...but a Silver Mine in general is still beyond anything I have ever found claimed of Filson writing. I'm concerned the author might be inserting his own agenda in that piece. Or was that your point to begin with?

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Ask a police officer who has taken down statements from several people who witnessed a crime. There will always be differences in their individual observations.
The only person qualified to write down what happened to Jenny would have been Jenny herself and I would bet she might have gotton a couple of the details wrong too due to stress in that situation.

Any time you have people involved there will be mistakes and 'screw ups' of facts.
For instance, science still claims the Exodus didn't happen...the place where God wrote the Ten Commandments that ended up in the Arc of the covenant, many people of faith believe the whole thing was a story to teach a lesson...others believe it happened but have no evidence of it. Discovered and rediscovered multiple times in the 20th century. Yet all along its been sitting there right where the bible says it should be and yet most still won't accept it...The people of ancient times did not write down fiction, they wrote down facts because it took effort to teach the scribes to pass down the important generational information...

Nice story but I do not buy it. The Hebrew Children were wondering around for 40 years, so yes they most likely were at one time at that mountain. But that is not Mt. Sinai. Mt. Sinai is where Petra is located today. Within two miles on the highest point of the mountain is Moses' brother's tomb, Aaron. Also Ralph de Sudeley and his Knight's Templar found the Holy Relics there that had been hidden by Jeremiah in the book of 2 Maccabees. Sorry but Mt. Sinai is at Petra, even Indiana Jones knew that?


Yes 40 years of wandering around what is now Saudi Arabia, Jordon and Syria...

....Petra is hardly a mountain. https://www.britannica.com/place/Petra-ancient-city-Jordan

....Jeremiah's grotto is near Jerusalem.

....the Templars were and are a secret society, any speculation as to what they 'brought back' from the Holy land can not be proven...much less where they found it.

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Yes 40 years of wandering around what is now Saudi Arabia, Jordon and Syria...

....Petra is hardly a mountain. https://www.britannica.com/place/Petra-ancient-city-Jordan

....Jeremiah's grotto is near Jerusalem.

....the Templars were and are a secret society, any speculation as to what they 'brought back' from the Holy land can not be proven...much less where they found it.

Ralph de Sudeley and his Knight's Templar came to Onteora which is North America today. His Journal of 1177 to 1180 tells how he obtained the map to the Holy Relics. One had the stones of Moses in it was made of gold and had two winged egyptian figures like birds on the top. If that is not the Ark of the Covenant of God, I do know what is.

This is going to rewrite America's History, imagine three hundred years before Columbus and the people he came to see had been here since about 700 BC--------some came in or around 70 AD.

Where can I read the journal of this Ralph de Sudeley? I agree Europeans and others have visited the Americas pre-Columbus. Many carvings show that, what I have a hard time swallowing is the Ark being found and moved and touched by people who were not of the tribe of Levi.

We are waaay off topic for this thread....

Sorry, the best book I have found so far is this book by Donald A. Ruh

The Scrolls of Onteora.webp

There is also "The Templar Mission to Oak Island and Beyond," by Zena Halpern.

These books also explain the Mulungeons and the Mandan Indians.

THEY had MANY Silver Mines in SW VA, N Tenn., E Kentucky... MOSTLY in the MOUNTAINS!

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