Swift Silver??

If you truely believed this, then why would you bother to read this forum and not just stick to the KGC forum? I am not very informed on the whole KGC thing. I thought for some reason they are associated with confederate civil war era hidden gold and/or the KKK. I had no idea they pre-date this nations founding. Swift, if the dates are correct, was operating 100 years before the civil war.

Also, we have to remember that whatever the price of gold back then...just guessing maybe $10/oz. made a lot of finds not worth working. Considering today's prices...maybe $1,250/oz. might make it worth a little more effort. I have always wanted to go to old mines in the west and detect the "waste" piles around old mines to check the stuff they threw away. Obviously, I am not the first to have this idea, ha ha.


:icon_thumleft:seems we have some miss information, as for the kgc it started in Lexington KY in 1854 with 5 or 6 men, a general I think his name was Berkley in Cincinnati Ohio chartered the kgc in 1860. there was no kgc before 1854. has for no silver in ky. {bull} there are 14 being worked now. I looked in my old files and checked my recorded on the mines worked and the first mines I have are from Jackson county and a carving there was 1632. worked by the Spanish.

ky hiker i totaly agree with what you stated 4 or 5 years ago i thought i could possibly bring this about as i had posted i found 3 mines i believed were possibly swift mines , hopeing for a crediable disscusion on what i found, instead i recieved criticisum and a lot of negetivity not only on t.n. but also on p.ms. first question where are they located , next how thick is the vein of silver at this time the negetivity started and i started to the actual attitude of most, there was a few who were sensible however most simply wanted to pick my brain and tell me why swift did not do what he claimed and tell me how right the geologists were because it was impossible to do these things it will be funny when these people have to eat crow in a couple of years when i have authentacated what i have found after history has been proven and protected for others until that time i sit silent . no questions please as it all will be explained in the future . thanks RGB1

ky hiker i totaly agree with what you stated 4 or 5 years ago i thought i could possibly bring this about as i had posted i found 3 mines i believed were possibly swift mines , hopeing for a crediable disscusion on what i found, instead i recieved criticisum and a lot of negetivity not only on t.n. but also on p.ms. first question where are they located , next how thick is the vein of silver at this time the negetivity started and i started to the actual attitude of most, there was a few who were sensible however most simply wanted to pick my brain and tell me why swift did not do what he claimed and tell me how right the geologists were because it was impossible to do these things it will be funny when these people have to eat crow in a couple of years when i have authentacated what i have found after history has been proven and protected for others until that time i sit silent . no questions please as it all will be explained in the future . thanks RGB1

My apologies RGB1, I was one of your critics. I assumed you were another like the others I had read on here. You see, I am new to this compared to you, Boomer and Curtis. I started with the oldest thread and read through them all before I began to post anything. As I read through these posts I saw many times folks saying 'I found it' or 'its already been found' or 'I'm working on one and soon I'll post pictures' and then afterwards... nothing. Not to mention what I read from the fella who ran into trouble with the law... enough said. Good luck on your lead with the property owners, I hope it turns out well for you. I ask one question of you that you have every right not to answer...

What happens if they say 'no deal' or God forbid your health prevents you to pursue this further, what happens to the information you have gathered that lead you up to this point?

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ky hiker i have made arangements to pass on the info to another he is a very reputable person with great integrety i only want this not to be lost to another ledgen i am showing him all + plus my reasoning on how it is being documented hope this is just the start of many good things to come each of you have the oppertunity to find many good things including some staches that is still there i could go on into more but will not until the time comes it has taken many years to put this togetherthinking out of the box not following the usual ways of doing things when you see you will understand thanks RGB1

If you truely believed this, then why would you bother to read this forum and not just stick to the KGC forum? I am not very informed on the whole KGC thing. I thought for some reason they are associated with confederate civil war era hidden gold and/or the KKK. I had no idea they pre-date this nations founding. Swift, if the dates are correct, was operating 100 years before the civil war.

I believe in provable facts. The KGC existed long before the Civil War. The "Golden Circle" in the organization's name refers to the "Circle" of friends that personally knew George Washington. The hokum that the KGC was founded in the 1850s was/is Yankee B.S.

:icon_thumleft:seems we have some miss information, as for the kgc it started in Lexington KY in 1854 with 5 or 6 men, a general I think his name was Berkley in Cincinnati Ohio chartered the kgc in 1860. there was no kgc before 1854. has for no silver in ky. {bull} there are 14 being worked now. I looked in my old files and checked my recorded on the mines worked and the first mines I have are from Jackson county and a carving there was 1632. worked by the Spanish.

The REAL KGC dates back to George Washington, as the "founders" was the "circle" of his best "golden" friends. Bickley's was a sham organization. Also there are NO silver mines in Kentucky. Silver is virtually always found in association with other metal and is recovered during the refining process as a by product. Usally "lead" is the mineable or paying product. Silver just adds a few dollars to the profit.

my my are we saying the library of congress is not trust worthy. oh and you are the one that uses engineering road maps. well I know that Simon Kenton and Dan Boone would have used one. just for fun stop by and ask George and ben about there circle. the sons of liberty.

Shooterike, I understand your skepticism, No silver mines in KY is what geologist and others have said for years! I can show you some in Elliot county...now, they do not have wooden beans for support and are Indian silver mines that were more or less strip mines in a > shape. There is another person or two on here that could show you some too. Ki is one. I have met rgb1, he is the best self taught geologist you could meet, has even been published, so be careful what you say or have an eye on a crow! haha

:icon_scratch:KY HIKER: this may interest you. this john filson, that wrote the first history of Kentucky. I read an original copy of his book today from 1784. and its a lot different from what we have been told. his history of Kentucky has no story of swift and his marry men or the journal. but it did have this, on page 20 he is talking about minerals and says there is bountiful iron ore deposits, but no gold or silver. he supposedly was lost near Cincinnati. no one could find him. kind of fishy since he had surveyors with him. I think he had to get out of dodge. ( but he was involved in numerous lawsuits and financial difficulties, and eventually lost title to most of his land claims.) hmmm later on in 1793 another history came out, but it was added to. there are several other histories published. so who put the journal in filsons history. he was gone. someone had to change his book. copies made 1793, 1767, 1804?

Yep iron is all over East KY. Ashland on down through Cumberland Gap there are iron furnaces scattered about. In the Red River Gorge iron deposits can be found along the exposed rock on ridge tops and arches. I had always heard that Filson got killed by an Indian raid party along a creek on his way back from Cinci. His body was never recovered. Boomer did you find the 1784 version online or hard copy? I'm sure the Filson Club in Louisville would have it or an explanation of the different versions? I had also heard that he made some poor investment choices (mostly with land). With Filson making no claim of gold or silver in KY and the lack of a Swift journal, that sort of blows the whole idea of him making the the Swift story up to add value to land. But what of the land claim he and another made to land 'some 60miles NE of Martin's cabin' with its center being around a mine worked by one Swift ?

Well, wasn't it all part of VIRGINIA, then...? I "googled" Jonathan Swift & Alexandria, Va.; WOW! Lake Fairfax's REAL Jonathan Swift was a good "read". The book, THE STRANGE CASE: JONATHAN SWIFT And The Real LONG JOHN SILVER looks like an INTERESTING book (by Robert a. Prather).

The REAL KGC dates back to George Washington, as the "founders" was the "circle" of his best "golden" friends. Bickley's was a sham organization. Also there are NO silver mines in Kentucky. Silver is virtually always found in association with other metal and is recovered during the refining process as a by product. Usally "lead" is the mineable or paying product. Silver just adds a few dollars to the profit.

As I stated before, I know very little about the KGC. Can you site some references to the facts you have presented? Any connection between G.W. and the KGC or any founding father would do. There is no reason to state facts or presumed facts as truth to mislead people. I'm here to learn and figure out what nuggets of truth about the Swift legend were real. As with any story over time, it gets added to and embellished.

Was The Jonathan Swift "mines" a "ploy" to get ppl to settle in FAR-SIDE WESTERN Virginia...? Look at an OLD map of VIRGINIA, then; covers Kentucky, Ohio...

Well, wasn't it all part of VIRGINIA, then...? I "googled" Jonathan Swift & Alexandria, Va.; WOW! Lake Fairfax's REAL Jonathan Swift was a good "read". The book, THE STRANGE CASE: JONATHAN SWIFT And The Real LONG JOHN SILVER looks like an INTERESTING book (by Robert a. Prather).

I posted a link to a presentation by Prather on his book in Prestonsburg, KY that is worth watching. Here it is.


Was The Jonathan Swift "mines" a "ploy" to get ppl to settle in FAR-SIDE WESTERN Virginia...? Look at an OLD map of VIRGINIA, then; covers Kentucky, Ohio...

That makes sense in the 1770s-1780s after the frontier was opened up for settlement. But sense the legends time frame is 1761-1769 that would predate 'legal' settlement allowed by the King. Of course after 1776 that becomes a moot point. The revolution was happening and freedom was in the air!

Yep iron is all over East KY. Ashland on down through Cumberland Gap there are iron furnaces scattered about. In the Red River Gorge iron deposits can be found along the exposed rock on ridge tops and arches. I had always heard that Filson got killed by an Indian raid party along a creek on his way back from Cinci. His body was never recovered. Boomer did you find the 1784 version online or hard copy? I'm sure the Filson Club in Louisville would have it or an explanation of the different versions? I had also heard that he made some poor investment choices (mostly with land). With Filson making no claim of gold or silver in KY and the lack of a Swift journal, that sort of blows the whole idea of him making the the Swift story up to add value to land. But what of the land claim he and another made to land 'some 60miles NE of Martin's cabin' with its center being around a mine worked by one Swift ?

There was a Treasury Warrant claim of John Filson and John Breckenridge and in the Treasury Warrant there was a claim of the Swift Silver Mine in the middle of this survey.

Eli Cleveland and John Morton also made a Treasury Warrant Claim with the Swift Silver mines being on the property. It was West of Boonesborough and south of Lexington.

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