Swamp Gold

If the gold was in bars it is hardly going to be "many barrels or crates". I do not know where you get your information but you are WAY off on this. A one cubic foot (one foot by one foot) square of solid gold weighs 1200 pounds. More than one-half a ton in the space of a small chest. Many barrels or crates? Do your homework!

The gold was to be shipped out of Miami to England. The story was in a book that someone I knew had twenty years ago. I do not know the book. I watched and listened to them as they read the story. This is a fact.
Once again,how many men would it take to lift 1200lbs while under fire,and then bury it,with all being killed and the Union aggressors not digging it up?
Miami was not a port for the Confederacy.
The CSA did not ship gold to England,but recieved credit on cotton futures-that is why CSA Sec of State,Judah P Benjamin set up the blockade runners.
I don't know what book you had read to you,but it is not fact,but legend and lore,or as you stated,a story.
Confederate paymasters did not carry large amounts of gold,not even at Fort Meade.Now the cracker cattlemen like Summerlin and Barber,only accepted gold or silver,mainly Spanish and Cuban,for their cattle,and most cattle shipment amounted to no more than 50-65 lbs of specie.
I do my homework,do you,or do you believe in stories?

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Since you were not there when all this supposedly happened you are only guessing about what happened and how it went down. This whole no time to dig as they are under fire is your imagination at work. Do you really think that you know everything that happened and how it happened? Do you really think each and every event was written about in a great detail. Do you know for a FACT that the CSA did not ship any gold to England? It is funny how everything you come up with you consider fact and everything everybody else comes up with is just legend or lore. Is it possible that you don't know everything? Is it possible that events happened and there is no written record? How do you know for a fact what all the Confederate paymasters were carrying at any give time? Do you expect everyone to believe everything you come up with? Do you think because any given thing is in writing that it can be considered the Gospel truth? Is it possible there may be gold or silver buried on or near the Miccosuki reservation? If you think not, how could you possibly know for sure? BCH and others can accept that you think you are always right but I have seen you get so many facts from TNET wrong that I don't believe very much of what you have to say.

BDD,you can not prove anything that you stated in the above post.
The records of the Confederate Treasury do exists in the Library of Congress-the have been provided on this thread.
All your lamentations about who is wrong carry no iron in your words.You can say that I am wrong,but put up a rebuttal with facts and state the source.Dowsers and remote viewers,and LRL's do not count as a reliable documented source.
I am waiting...


I wish you the best of all luck and blessings.
Hope you succeed in obtaining great treasure,
real soon. Good Peace to go along with it too...
Best Always, :cross: ~: Crosse De Sign :~

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I know they couldn't take a detector with them, but any word on glass, ceramics, or pipe stems, etc., spotted at the site, or just holes?


I know they couldn't take a detector with them, but any word on glass, ceramics, or pipe stems, etc., spotted at the site, or just holes?
I dont know yet as I wasnt able to make the trip with them. I am awaiting verification of any of these types of items. The word I got was the absence of any modern trash. Those hammocks can be very dense.


I know they couldn't take a detector with them, but any word on glass, ceramics, or pipe stems, etc., spotted at the site, or just holes?
I called Shawn yesterday and he said because its such a long hike they just didnt have any time to search as they were locating and taping the post holes.. They do have a video. We have no plans of returning to the site at this time. Its in the hands of the National Park Service now and I dont know if/when they will make the findings public. I will let you know when it hits the news.

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Cool I wish I had bought the newspaper. Shawn, Chris & I were just out there a few weeks before we found a large wooden beam in the muck that had floated into a deep swamp area and the large Brazilian Pepper trees along the river.. Shawn mentions my name (Dale Mason) on his Facebook page on the bottom right, which was very nice of him. I do a lot of work out there. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152510634725482&type=1&l=6d89a90505 I wasnt here this day but IMO Shawn Beightol deserves the credit as he just wouldnt give up even in the heat of Summer.

"Now, years later, the sands of time continue to trickle and the hope of finding and remembering those men, women, and places who struggled, right or wrong, to bring us to this present lifestyle is fading.

People like Tony Pernas, Chris Harris, David Denham, Dale Mason, and Shawn Beightol race against time to keep these important memories alive."
Quote Shawn Beightol

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UTube video of my friends Shawn Beightol and Chris Harris along witrh Tony Pernas on their amazing discovery of the long lost 1837 Seminole War Fort Harrell or Harrel. It was Tony that recognized the holes were in alignment.

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It looks like the story made it onto Yahoo, via Reuters...

A little misinformation on the nature of the war, and number of forts on Reuters part at the beginning, but that is to be expected.

It looks like the story made it onto Yahoo, via Reuters...

A little misinformation on the nature of the war, and number of forts on Reuters part at the beginning, but that is to be expected.
Could you post the link with the misinformation?

Notice he mentions my name at the end in the credits which was nice of him. He says it was a team effort. I pretty much had enough of the summer swamp. My plan was to wait til the winter. But Shawn wouldnt quit and it looks like they found it.

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Does anyone know how soldiers could have cut uniform holes into limestone in 1837?

I asked this question on another thread and here is one reply. I am seeking other possibilities. Thanks.

Quote Originally Posted by au-artifax View Post
Just quickly responding; without knowing the size of the holes, an old way to drill was to put wet sand under a weighted object the size of the hole you wanted dug. Wood would be good as it held/grasped the sand. Sand is mostly silica and much harder than calcium carbonate based limestone. Holes were being drilled in stone that way since the early Egyptians and Mesopotamians.

With star or similar drill one man holds drill,(trusting soul) and other strikes it. Drill turned and struck again. Periodic clean out. Other chisel styles for other type working of stone and yet other chisels to shape.
Stones of Northeastern U.S. - Quarry - Tools

At construction part of link they are cutting into living rock by starting at top creating a crawl space then heading downward creating chambers.

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