Swamp Gold

If the gold is where I say it is does how I found this location really matter? ECS-You are really starting to sound like a little kid. BCH-Maybe you will find it more interesting to have ECS meet you at Mickey D's so you can share notes instead of watching us dig for the gold.

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If the gold is where I say it is does how I found this location really matter? ECS-You are really starting to sound like a little kid. BCH-Maybe you will find it more interesting to have ECS meet you at Mickey D's so you can share notes instead of watching us dig for the gold.
Ha ha. I was considering inviting you to Micky Ds to watch us share notes. I might even buy you an ice cream cone.

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I just love a hijacked thread. Again and again and again...

BDD- Please go dig your gold, you have your own thread for self promotion and bragging, use it.

I just love a hijacked thread. Again and again and again...

BDD- Please go dig your gold, you have your own thread for self promotion and bragging, use it.

LOL! "Bch" is correct, in his "post" # 1223; "last (REBEL) encampment" is simply the native ppl connected to Gen. S. Wattie's CSA unit protecting "Indian Territory" from yanks. Gen. S. Wattie ("Indian") was KGC and "supervised" by Gen. Albert Pike (White Guy)... ALSO KGC, from Arkansas. Gen. Pike was "in charge" of ALL "Indian" units out to the "far West"
for the CSA, and bc SOME "Indians" were scalping dead yanks, Gen. Pike's years of service for the CSA were questioned.
I think there is a CSA/KGC "connection" to what is in the deep "Glades"; Gen. Wattie & his unit PROBABLY did take apart wagons, etc. from yank SUPPLY wagon trains out West (around Texas areas), and shipped 'em by boat to deep "glades" villages. WORDS of warning: What is at "Cloud Mountain" is PROBABLY protected by SENTINELS from the Tribal Nations... ARMED.
Deep in the "Glades", "Cloud Mountain" is like chasing the Irish Rainbows... constantly moving, based on YOUR perceptions;
BUT! Native ppl's legends are worthy to look into, and Sacred Places are very well hidden & protected... PROBABLY by SENTINELS from various Tribal Nations, in the Seminole CONFEDERACY; be CAREFUL as to who, YOU, "trust". Are YOU being LURED? BEWARE the BAIT! :coffee2: Coffee?

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diggummup-Hijacked thread? It's called "Swamp Gold". I think I know where there is a huge pile of gold in the swamp. From all the research done on here it appears to be very likely from the Civil War. Is it the gold mentioned in the opening paragraph of this thread? Who knows?

Self promotion? Everybody else can talk about all their ideas and thoughts on this treasure. Not one of them seems to have a clue to where any of the "Swamp Gold" really is. Is it on the island south of Alligator Alley? If so then go find it and dig it up. In five years what has the group on here accomplished that was not already known when the thread was started?

I came onto here wanting to share what I know. I have been ridiculed from day one. If none of you want to believe me, fine, your loss. Have fun patting each other on the back for a job "well done".

Rebel-KGC-Thanks for the advice and warning. We will all have our eyes wide open. The best way to handle such situations is to try to deal with good people. I trust my new Miccosukee pal. He carries a gun. I don't think he is going to pull it on me or my group.

I will try to stay off this thread. Good luck to you all with all the "research". Let us know how it turns out.

From thread to thread. Topic to topic. One or another has to get the last jab in. Seriously, if you spent as much focus on your passion of treasure,ect. We'd be reading about you or your books. Is there an option to "hide" a poster from another ? I've seen it on other sites. If so, use it. And let everyone enjoy tnet. In all respect. Good luck in the adventures you all have. Rant over.

As for the everglades. I find it hard to believe that a wagon could have gotten so deep into it also. The area that surrounds the everglades area (now) was vast swamp/wetlands area back then. No doubt, a great place to hide it.
That much weight in a wagon(s) in those conditions would have made the trip near impossible in my eyes. Even in boats. You would to have been very close with the indians or one, to have navigated the area. Been to the ten thousand islands area and the everglades many times. I can see that maybe by canoes from the south at high tides or the rainy season could be a possibility. Hey, who knows ? I wasn't there. The pyramids still amaze me. lol..

I just love a hijacked thread. Again and again and again...

BDD- Please go dig your gold, you have your own thread for self promotion and bragging, use it.
BDD just can't pass on an opportunity to butt in and boast of his brilliance.

Anyone know anything about the supposedly "well documented" lost payroll in the Florida Everglades? ?Near the end of the Civil War, a Confederate paymaster being pursued by Union troops buried a million-dollar payroll in gold and paper currency. Records reveal he wrote: "Chased by the enemy, we buried our payroll at a point in the Everglades at a junction of two creeks, where the land rises like a camel's back. The money is buried in the west hump of the rise." He was captured, but never found the $200,000 in gold or the paper money.

Bigcypresshunter, Did you have any luck tracking down this cache . I was wondering if it is the same cache in the everglades that Bigdogdad went out with a group of hunters looking for early this morning.

One thing that I will never understand. If someone ( Bigdogdad ) knows exactly where a cache is buried. ( He claims to have been shown where a cache of 88mm German shells filled with diamonds is located. He says he friends father found them and left them there on a beach. ) Why in the Heck would you not go dig them up, "IF" they really exist? Instead of posting about numerous other caches that he thinks he knows where they are. The Math doesn't seem to add up.

Here's the thing, tho... is it "buried a MILLION-DOLLAR PAYROLL in gold and paper currency" OR... "never was found, the $200,000 in gold or the paper money"; TWO treasures? Was it CSA payroll for CSA "natives" in the "Glades"... was it stolen YANK "payroll"? (Which I heard).

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BCH-ECS-old fartman-I hope you all enjoy each other's company. I have had enough of the insults. I don't want to waste anymore of my time dealing with you. I may never find any treasure but at least I can say I tried. Good by and good riddance.

Here's the thing, tho... is it "buried a MILLION-DOLLAR PAYROLL in gold and paper currency" OR... "never was found, the $200,000 in gold or the paper money"; TWO treasures? Was it CSA payroll for CSA "natives" in the "Glades"... was it stolen YANK "payroll"? (Which I heard).
Only the one,but there are a least 6 versions/variations to this legend that made the rounds in treasure mags of the 1960's.
Capt Riley being chased by Union,Confederate paymaster being chased by Union,money was for soldiers pay,money was to buy arms from England,$240,000 in gold and currency,1/2 ton of gold bars,buried during batlle with Union,all escaped,all killed,and so on.
As you are aware,JPB was also head of the Confederate Signal and Secret Service,an umbrella org that included the signal core,torpedo bureau,submarine battery service,foreign agents for securing loans,trade and arms,and spies (Lola Sanchez was CSA Florida's main spy).
JPB set up all the blockade running routes and activities,and shipments of species and currency .I doubt that he would send a blockade runner or paymaster through the Everglades,when the nearest CSA Fort Meade was many miles north of the Everglades.Remember,it was the Lesley's of Fort Meade that aided JPB in his escape from Florida and the Union.

BCH-ECS-old fartman-I hope you all enjoy each other's company. I have had enough of the insults. I don't want to waste anymore of my time dealing with you. I may never find any treasure but at least I can say I tried. Good by and good riddance.
What insult? :icon_scratch: I happen to like ice cream.

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Bigcypresshunter, Did you have any luck tracking down this cache . I was wondering if it is the same cache in the everglades that Bigdogdad went out with a group of hunters looking for early this morning.

One thing that I will never understand. If someone ( Bigdogdad ) knows exactly where a cache is buried. ( He claims to have been shown where a cache of 88mm German shells filled with diamonds is located. He says he friends father found them and left them there on a beach. ) Why in the Heck would you not go dig them up, "IF" they really exist? Instead of posting about numerous other caches that he thinks he knows where they are. The Math doesn't seem to add up.
I started this thread for research purposes and to collect information. ECS's hard work has proven the legend to be true. Its a work in progress.

If I knew the location, I would not have started this thread. I dont know if BDD's (Ovids) map dowsing/pendulum Indian reservation site is the same or not and I know nothing about the group of hunters..

How would a wagon get to an island? By boat? In pieces? Then what? Why would they take a wagon to an island?
Simple. March is the dry season in the Glades. An "island" in Everglades terminology simply means a higher piece of ground. Ox cart was the preferred means of travel in the Big Cypress region. I will post a few examples.

"The year 1898 was very dry. Ox wagons could be driven all over the low country" quote Ted Smallwood.

"Tom Roberts, Lump Alfred, Ted Smallwood, myself and a man named Jordan killed 4,500 alligators in 3 weeks in 3 small lakes near the Tamiami Trail... We hauled them to Turner River by ox-cart and took them by boat to the George Storter trading post at Everglades" William W. House relating the story of Roberts Lakes

Heck the "ox-cart lady" also known as the "mule lady" crossed Shark Valley in an ox-cart. In Miami they actually had muck shoes designed for the animals. If I could access my books, I could post a picture of these strange shoes.

Big wheels are the key. Modern day hunters use large wheeled homemade carts to pull out game.

View attachment 722565

Originally Posted by diggummup
Here's a guy that supposedly found a wagon wheel 40 miles out in the glades in '77 and says he knows where the island is. - Home - Lost Gold
Its possible that upon arriving at or near Horseshoe Head, the Confederates could travel no further. Besides we now know that the gold total weighed about 40 pounds so you see there was no need for a wagon. The men were on horseback to travel fast

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Why am I still losing my attachments? This is frustrating.


  • Ox cart.webp
    Ox cart.webp
    30.8 KB · Views: 154
Wilsons raiders/battle of tron/from tannehill to tuscaloosa..in central alabama radius covering vance alabama/centreville alabama/coaling alabama

Wilsons raiders/battle of tron/from tannehill to tuscaloosa..in central alabama radius covering vance alabama/centreville alabama/coaling alabama
Union Brig Gen James H Wilson never led troops into Florida nor was involved with any Confederate gold.
Wilson's Raiders Calvary were armed with 7 shot Spencer repeating rifles,and yes their battle theatre was in Alabama and later,Georgia.
At the Battle of Selma,CSA Lt Gen Nathan Bedford Forest was wounded in the fight with Wilson's Raiders.
CSA Gen Robert E Lee surrendered on April 9,1865,but Wilson continued to Georgia,where the Battle Of Columbus was fought,April16,1865,after the war ended.That battle is considered as the last fought during the Civil War.

...,where the Battle Of Columbus was fought,April16,1865,after the war ended.That battle is considered as the last fought during the Civil War.

Not to hijack here, just for the record. The last battle of the "Civil War" was fought in far south Texas not far from Brownsville on May 12-13th.

Hello BCH:
Looks like the python hunt is on with a price tag on their heads now.
Senator to join python hunt ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs


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