As far as ECS post 1127 goes, I have someone that thinks they know the general location of that gold story and where the gold may be. They live out-of-state and are not interested in pursuing it. It is on the west coast of Florida. The gold that I am after on Alligator Alley is from a completely different story as I have stated more than once. The gold that I am after was a shipment being sent across the glades to be sent out to England for arms payment.
My knowlegde of where this cache is within several hundred square miles! It all depends on how far CSA Pvt Lanier went to hide the gold coins during March,1864, and how long it took him to return to Fort Meade-he was killed April 7,1864 at the Little Battle of Bowlegs Creek.Union Capt Henry A Crane made reference in his report,"killing a leading guerilla Lanier",concerning this skirmish.
Yes,the CSA did use gold they negoiated from London and Paris banks to buy arms,including $20,000,000 to purchase the CSA ships of war ALABAMA and SHENANDOAH,but the CSA also traded in cotton.After the war,the US government sued Great Britain for breach of the neutrality laws for "doubling the duration of the war by her aid to the Confederacy",and was awarded $15,500,000 by THE GENEVA TRIBUNAL.
My doubts to the EVERGLADES gold legend:
1.When did this event occur?From 1861-1864 the CSA still had many open ports available.
2.Where was the gold shipments point of origin?
3.Why ship 1/2 ton of gold across the Everglades to what Florida port?
4.The mention of Capt John Riley-true he was a successful CSA blockade runner,in some versions he was killed after burying the gold (he died May 10,1901).Riley also appears in another Florida lost CSA gold legend.
CSA Sec of State Judah P Benjamin & later Sec of the CSA treasury,established the blockade runner trade routes,besides Capt John Riley,he also employed Capt Archibald McNeil in Florida.It was Capt McNeil that carried Benjamin from the Gamble Plantation in Ellenton,Florida to the Bahamas with a portion of the remaining Confederate treasury.