Swamp Gold

I only found one (1) post of a dowsing find in Todays Finds. He said his dowsing rod led him to the foundation and his metal detector found a couple coins. If dowsing was so good dont you think more finds would be made? Sure I believe he found a couple coins but I also think any old foundation would yeild a few coins. Dont you?

I do not generally read Todays Finds. I only did a search with the key word dowsing. I dont know anything about the pack of wolves thing. As far as I am concerned, hunters can hunt by any means and post anywhere. The empty holes get kinda old though and the unsubstantiated claims..

The point is, if you're not gonna believe what people post as truth, then why expect them to post for you? IF I were a dowser and my rods pointed me to a certain place where I then dig some goodies, I'm gonna believe it. YOU don't believe it, yet you want dowsers to post it. Why?

No BCH, you DON'T know anout the pack of wolves. Not if you haven't frequented the LRL boards.
As far as you're concerned, hunters can hunt by any means and post anywhere. But can they do so without harassment? In your opinion, I mean.

The point is, if you're not gonna believe what people post as truth, then why expect them to post for you? IF I were a dowser and my rods pointed me to a certain place where I then dig some goodies, I'm gonna believe it. YOU don't believe it, yet you want dowsers to post it. Why?

No BCH, you DON'T know anout the pack of wolves. Not if you haven't frequented the LRL boards.
As far as you're concerned, hunters can hunt by any means and post anywhere. But can they do so without harassment? In your opinion, I mean.
I dont understand your question KK. I would expect great finds to be posted. All I see is a couple of pennies found by an old foundation.

Sorry about the pack of wolves. I dont frequent those boards. I only frequent BDDs thread because I received a phone call to try and help and I needed to know what I was getting into. Of course the Swamp Gold thread is mine. I am not trying to harrass or belittle anybody.

Its really senseless to argue. BDD ask the Indians to dig the hole and be done with it.

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I dont understand your question KK. I would expect great finds to be posted. All I see is a couple of pennies found by and old foundation.

And once again, my point is made for me. Here it is. No matter what, you're not gonna believe it. And you might be right. But then again, they might be right.

For the record-BCH-On post #872 of my pirate treasure thread you said"my reasearch and a determined search of TN archives" led you to only one claim by a dowser of finding anything. As I have asked on another thread, did you research dowsing find claims on the dowsing forum? I will guarantee you that you will have no problem finding people that have claimed to have found things they have dowsed themselves or that other dowsers have located for them. I don't think your "determined search" was very thorough. Putting pictures of so-called finds on the finds forum proves nothing one way or another. I could find a picture of a treasure chest and put it on there.

As far as the tribal members go, they go on Treasurenet too. They have read this thread. They read my posts. One of them, who is a TN member, contacted me. After numerous e-mails and phone conversations, we met in person. I made him no promises of finding anything. I told him everything I knew. On my second meeting with him I showed him the EXACT location where Ovid had said gold was. It is in a somewhat sensitve area but we do not think it is any kind of Indian mound. It is up to him how we proceed. We have decided to take our time. If there is anything there it is not going anywhere.

I have brought two different LRL believers to meet him. All I will say is that it was interesting. One confirmed the spot and one didn't. As far as the "Cloud Mountain" name for this spot, he had never heard it before and it may have only been a local nickname. I only know what I was told 20 plus years ago. I told him about the Tribal Member that supposedly held ceremonies on this spot. He knew that his grandfather was known to do this kind of thing and thinks it may have been him.

Before we dig we are going to try out some different technologies. GPR for one. We do not have a specific plan at this time as we are both busy with many different things. After we dig we may or may not post the results on here.

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If the thread continues with posts discussing dowsing merits and failures those posts will be moved to the dowsing forum under a duplicate thread....

I only searched Todays Finds BDD but why are you posting here to discuss what I said on some other thread? . And yes I agree there are many people that claim to find treasure dowsing. I am not interested in discussing the merits of dowsing any further on this thread besides the mod has stepped in. Discussing dowsing on this thread only clutters.

You and KK had no trouble talking/discussing/arguing about that not to be mentioned subject. My last post talked about the "Swamp Gold" which the prior 7 posts did not. I am sure you had something to do with the moderator stepping in. That is fine. Do not come onto my thread cluttering it with your negativity or the same will happen there. Good luck with whatever it is that you do as far as "Swamp Gold Treasure" goes. That is what this thread was about wasn't it?

You and KK had no trouble talking/discussing/arguing about that not to be mentioned subject. My last post talked about the "Swamp Gold" which the prior 7 posts did not. I am sure you had something to do with the moderator stepping in. That is fine. Do not come onto my thread cluttering it with your negativity or the same will happen there. Good luck with whatever it is that you do as far as "Swamp Gold Treasure" goes. That is what this thread was about wasn't it?
I havent had time to answer my emails yet and I had nothing to do with the moderator stepping in although i would like to take this oppotunity to say hello to Treasure Hunter as he is a great guy and thanks for volunteering your time to make TN a better place.

As I said (on your thread)KK can talk about nothing for an entire page. The man likes to argue and I fell for it. Thats why I said Im glad hes back on your Pirate Treasure thread lol. KK your a great guy Im sure but you do tend to argue and clutter a bit. He could go on arguing for 70 more posts if I didnt stop posting, Welcome back KK just like old times lol. :boxing:

BDD try to stop posting here that you know exactly where gold is. This thread is for research. Just dig it up man and post the pictures.

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Let me know on what post that I said that I "know exactly where the gold is". I do know where Ovid said it is.

Stop it BDD please. This will be my new avatar because you so highly influenced me. You can lead a man to treasure, (you can tell him you know were a ton of gold is buried because a dowser once told you), but you can't make him dig.


No one reported or PM about this thread.

1. I am a native of Florida all threads about Florida interest me.

2. I read hundreds of posts and dozens of threads a day because they either interest me or I'm doing my job as moderator.

3. Once thread is posted anyone can reply as long as rules are followed.

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I havent had time to answer my emails yet and I had nothing to do with the moderator stepping in although i would like to take this oppotunity to say hello to Treasure Hunter as he is a great guy and thanks for volunteering your time to make TN a better place.

As I said (on your thread)KK can talk about nothing for an entire page. The man likes to argue and I fell for it. Thats why I said Im glad hes back on your Pirate Treasure thread lol. KK your a great guy Im sure but you do tend to argue and clutter a bit. He could go on arguing for 70 more posts if I didnt stop posting, Welcome back KK just like old times lol. :boxing:

BDD try to stop posting here that you know exactly where gold is. This thread is for research. Just dig it up man and post the pictures.

So it's all KK, huh. Okay, whatever makes you feel good. The proof is in the posts, so do the research and take a look at who stirs the pot around here. It wasn't you who fell for anything I said, it was me coming in and REPLYING to things others have said. Just like I'm doing now because you brought it. If you didn't want to discuss an issue, then you wouldn't keep it alive. But you don't seem to have the ability to stop yourself. BDD didn't start anything on LRL's, but you and a couple more posters just couldn't let it go. You had to keep punching the bag until you stirred up the dust. And then you want to lay the blame on me? I don't think so. It's you who starts arguments, and it's you who likes to keep them going. If you don't want such, then do us all a huge favor and stop it.

All, please stick to the topic of this thread. My comment on moving some posts to LRL is not an attack on it, we have a forum for LRL and if posts are going to continue on value of LRL those specific posts will be moved there to thread titled swamp gold.

Thanks for compliment Big C....

It would be nice if BDD would dig the hole and we can move on with research but I believe he stated that after the dig he may or may not post the results so unless this nightmare fades away, we may continue to go round and round in circles forever getting nowhere.. That seems to be the standard MO. I believe the clutter discourages readers who may have something to add to the research.

I have been without internet for 2 months and it will be at least 2 months more but I will bet when I get connected we will be still lost in this endless argumentative circle of clutter.

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BDD,saying that BCH never seems to worry about the facts is hilarious coming from you.
You never let the facts get in the way of your treasure stories!
You can lead a man to treasure but that doesn't mean he is going to dig-just talk on and on about going to dig.

ECS-We both joined TN at the same time. How much digging have you done since March? I have dug at my neighbors for silver. I have dug in a backyard in Port Charlotte for a pirate chest. I have dug for a small cache where an LRL pointed in the Everglades. I have dug in my own yard. I have dug on the beach at Ft. Pierce. I wanted to dig at the bridge at Rocky Bluff but they wouldn't let me. I dug for indian artifacts and found some north of Tampa. I was ready to dig if we could at Fowler's Bluff. I dug at my brothers farm for diamonds. The fact is I do dig. Have I found a real treasure? No. Will I keep trying? Yes.

I have asked you in the past to tell the story of your best dig and put it on my thread on TN. I have yet to see where you have done ANYTHING but spew so-called "fact" after "fact". I have stated exactly the facts as to how things happened in my story. I have invited you and others to my home to check me out. So far five TN members have taken me up on this. Ask any one of them what they think of me and my stories. I will put their TN usernames on here. Aquanut,Salvor6. Curtis, Klondikeike, rvhunter. PM any one of them and ask them ANYTHING you want about me. I am about to go on a trip with another member.

As far as letting the facts get in the way of my treasure stories, what, your facts? Give me a break. You just don't get it do you? I am not the least bit convinced of ANY of your "facts".

As far as the "swamp gold" goes, here is the deal. I have repeatedly said that I don't know where the gold/silver or whatever it is came from at Cloud Mountain. It is irrelevant to me. The story that the two guys found in a book said that it was a 1000 pound shipment of gold being transported across the Everglades to be shipped out of Miami to England as prepayment for arnament. Where did they get this book? Don't know and don't care. Does this jive with any of your research? Don't know and don't care. Will you or BCH acknowledge that this story could possibly be true? I doubt it. Will either one of you ever find treasure? Not likely. Do I feel sorry for you? Yes, a little bit. You must feel the need to belittle me to make yourself feel better. So sad.

I no longer want to be negative or bicker. If ECS and BCH ask nicely I will provide more details of what happened at "Cloud Mountain".

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As far as the "swamp gold" goes, here is the deal. I have repeatedly said that I don't know where the gold/silver or whatever it is came from at Cloud Mountain. It is irrelevant to me. The story that the two guys found in a book said that it was a 1000 pound shipment of gold being transported across the Everglades to be shipped out of Miami to England as prepayment for arnament. Where did they get this book? Don't know and don't care. Does this jive with any of your research? Don't know and don't care. Will you or BCH acknowledge that this story could possibly be true? I doubt it. Will either one of you ever find treasure? Not likely. Do I feel sorry for you? Yes, a little bit. You feel the need to belittle me to make yourself feel better. So sad.

Here is where you are mistaken. Just because I/we disagree does not mean I/we are trying to belittle you.

Its a very long thread but I copy and pasted all the treasure book articles I could find here. The oldest being written by our very own member Jeff K. Why dont you ask him where he got the story? Apparently all the treasure book stories came from the 1940s news articles Bramblefind found.. I have yet to find anything older. Its an ongoing work in progress. There is not much I can do but hope someone will see the thread and post what they know or send an email. Thats how it works because I am really not the best researcher. I just know a few search engine tricks.

The treasure stories differ with varying amounts of gold. Where did Ovid get the book? Does it jive? Yes it was written in every treasure book available at that time. Its no big secret. The books also clearly state that the gold is to be found on the Indian Reservation. I found it as a kid in the local library and ripped out the page. I saved it all these years. It says the treasure is buried on the Indian Reservation. Ovids a clever guy. He knows how to swing a pendulum within the Reservation boundary. Will I acknowlege that this story could possibly be true? Thats kind of a dumb question BDD. Why do you think I started the thread? Why would I waste my time? Do you think I have ESP and started this thread to belittle you when you join TN years in the future?

No its not always about you. I am simply after the truth.

The key to solving the truth lies before 1940, not in the 70s treasure stories embellished to sale books. If you think digging will solve anything, then by all means dig. Pleeease dig. But it appears you want to make sure its a media event and you are the leading actor/hero/treasure hunter extraordinairre and you think I am ruining it all for you. There is nothing that I can say to make gold disappear. I dont have that kinda power. Are you afraid the Indians will read this and change their mind?

If I believed in dowsing I would be digging holes everywhere just like you BDD. Its only my opinion that treasure will not be found by the LRL methods employed at the treasure book location and this is not some imagined personal attack on your character or intelligence..

Well Im heading back into the swamp tommorrow. Im kinda glad I chose not to purchase internet.

I cant believe I wrote all this.

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BCH-My prior post was directed at ECS. That is why it starts out with his username. I don't think you are trying to belittle me, you just do not believe in some of my methods which include the dreaded D-word.

Yea I realized that later. But I wrote a long boring post anyway.

A hurricane is going up the Treasure Coast. It may be a golden opportunity. I hope I can swing it. I have the week off.

Ill give you a tip. The first person on the beach finds the treasure. Its always been that way. The first lo tide after the storm passes. The determined are heading to the Treasure Coast as we speak before the bridges are closed. If the storm is bad, the bridges will close. You can always tell when a good opportunity comes along. The serious hunters stay quiet and clam up. The boards are eerily silent on this storm because everyone is charging their batteries...

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Yea I realized that later. But I wrote a long boring post anyway.

A hurricane is going up the Treasure Coast. It may be a golden opportunity. I hope I can swing it. I have the week off.

You rattle on with a useless post that long because you think someone was talking to you, only to find out you misunderstood? And you say I make posts about nothing. Man, get an understanding.

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