Sr. Member
I mentioned in another thread the other day about starting a thread about what you need for a summer (extended stay) gold mining camp. I've had several summer (three month dredge season) camps thro the years and have fine tuned some stuff and wished for other stuff. I'll add on to my list if this thread continues and hope we all learn a thing or two and can pass some recipes (perhaps with non-spoilable ingredients), cheap high tech stuff ( like do they make underwater "walkmans" or similar that are 12volt rechargeable), things that I really missed that I forgot from the front porch, things I didn,t miss that I forgot on the front porch, how to set up a nice simple working camp site that takes good advantages of sun and wind, what to do around your tent site just in case of that mid-summer rain storm...wet sleeping bags are no fun, how to go above and beyond just to placate the local sheriff deputies and blm officers etc., what expenses kinda shocked you without a means to order off of e-bay....or hit the big discount stores. Things like "dang, this ice melts really fast in this heat", wonder what other guys do... Me and my buddy enjoyed play video golf on my laptop.(and the time I checked and double checked, good to go, hopped into the 4-Runner and returned 6 weeks later to discover I'd left the front door wide open, ...HA! all was good. what do you do if no internet, cell phone or TV reception...and I think we all have had that experence of gazing at the moon and stars thinking...dang, I don't miss any of that crap. Doubt that I have a picture but I take a little pride in setting up a simple kitchen/cook area. Use a nice flat 4 by 6 foot piece of plywood spread across three stacked plastic milk crates at each side for a stove/prep and serve unit. The milk crates, on edge, open part facing you, serve as shelves and also have held everything on the journey in an orderly manner. Used to use an old white gas two burner stove but have since upgraded to a cheapy two burner propane stove. Multi-purpose uses for that propane tank, but that's for later. Anyhow....if some of you guy's want to pass a few things along (thread not really for "hiking into the wo-beyond....more like pulling your unit into the area and basecamping from there).
I'll start this out with a picture...
I'll start this out with a picture...
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