Suggestions on detector model for a very dedicated 8 year old ?


Jr. Member
Feb 28, 2012
Detector(s) used
CTX 3030
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
My son has probably spent well over 100 hours by my side detecting and its all he talks about and wants to do. We just got back from a beach trip and as soon as I got in from work this evening his first question was "Can we go metal detecting ?" He has saved $170 from selling crafts he's made and wants to buy his own detector. I know he is interested in detecting so I want to get him a decent detector but not overwhelm him. I plan on adding a little $$ myself but would like to stay under $375 price range.

My first thought was a Tesoro Compadre or Cibola , simple beep and dig machines which would be simpler for an 8 year old to grasp .But I keep looking at the Ace 350 or Fisher F2 . Most of our hunting will be late 1800 / early 1900 homesites which are trashy . I am thinking whatever I get should have a small coil . Any ideas on a detector that would fit the style hunting we will do and his age ?

I have read many many post on this vs that detector but would like to hear what some of you have to say .

Thank You

The Garrett Ace 350 or Whites Coinmaster GT would be good choices in your price range. Another option is the Fisher F2GWP package, it comes with a Fisher F Pointer and an additional small coil..

Call me if I can help you in your decision. I have two grand kids that detected at that age, so I can give you some first hand input.


(832) 928-9135

Go with your first thought! Get the Tesoro. I'd suggest a Silver uMax (small coils available). The Compadre is decent too, but it would be nice to have a sens adjustment for areas with strong emi.

Dunno the size of your 8yo but Ace 350 is going to be plenty big for him probably. Although you can get a sniper coil it and lighten it up. But you still have to listen to it! Bing Bong!

My first thought is you better get him the same detector you have.

Id probly considering he is 8 id go for like a f2 package or 1 of the ace packages we as adults in the hobby would grow out of them quicker to a point pending on how much ur out there but a full package pin pointer digget bag detector come on what kid wouldnt want all that he will b thinking he can dig it all should b good with that for quite a bit

For what its worth my son uses my F2 he even knows how to notch with it

Cibola new or used vaquero. My 10 year old daughter loves the Vaq. She caught onto ground balancing the first few try's. Still teaching her to roll discrim knob to check target. She loves to dig can slaw! But can finally tell me if its a nickel about 90% of the time.

8 years old? You'll want to get him something that's both light weight and with good ergonomics. You also want something that's easy to learn, fairly low cost, with good enough performance you'll be tempted to use it yourself now and then.

Primo choices among the "Made in El Paso" products are the Teknetics Eurotek & Eurotek Pro (the Pro in particular is getting VERY good reviews), Tek Delta 4000, and Fisher F2.

Tesoro's Micromax package products are also light weight with good ergonomics, and easy to use. Regarding price, performance, and features, I'm not familiar with the current lineup, I'll leave it to a Tesoro expert to make a good recommendation from the "Made in Prescott" lineup. I will however suggest NOT the Compadre, it's a one-knobber, and any kid who seems serious about metal detecting surely deserves better than that.

You'll hear some people recommend the Garrett Ace 150/250. They were good buys in their price range when they were introduced a decade ago and were well marketed, hence their popularity. But meanwhile the world has changed, there's much better stuff in that price range now, even the Fisher F2 will knock its socks off. And, although the Aces are light weight, the weight balance is like swinging an anvil on a pole, terrible ergonomics.

--Dave J.

I also should have added boilerplate: "Buy either from your local dealer, or from a Forum sponsor."

I think you would be better off with a minelab x-terra 305. Kids pick up technology really fast and they are very light and you can get shorter rods for kids.

My eight year old son uses a F2. It came with a pinpoint and a small coil. That thing is impressive! I would not buy any of the Ace detectors. But that's just me. I paid less than 200 for the F2 new with a five year warrantee...

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I would go for either the tesoro silver umax/compadre or the fisher f2. Both detectors are very ergonomic and lightweight and perform very well too. You can also get a 4in coil for the f2 and the compadre comes stock with a small coil. Either one would be a great choice!
Happy hunting,

Wow! That is great hearing all you talk about having your sons/daughters WITH you and interested in the same hobby. I love metal detecting, but it was my 8 year old grandson that got me started. He spotted a Teknetics Alpha at a pawn shop when we were just looking around to see what they had. He wanted it so bad and I talked the owner down from $99.00, to $75.00. We spent many hours together last year, then.... he lost interest when he found "Roblox" and "Minecraft" on the internet. Of course I don't allow him carte blanch on the internet, but I would love to get him re-interestred in metal detecting again so I can get more involved in his activities, interests and "his world", and at the same time be able to get more time enjoying my own love of the hobby. I have since purchased a 2nd detector; Teknetics Delta 4000. I have to admit that I have become a bit frustrated and discouraged from it because I can't seem to get away from digging up so much aluminum! I am just having a hard time getting to know this machine. I just don't get it sometimes. I find that I rarely find anything other than trash and signals will sound and say one thing, but I'll dig up something completely not what I thought. I've discrimated out iron, but pinpointing puts it back in. I don't know. Maybe I just need to read more. Have fun with your kids! I raise my grandson and just think getting them involved with something they love is great, especially when it is something YOU love too!

In my detector illiterate perspective, inclinate your son toward a genuine "beep and dig deep" detector,an excellent choice being the Tesoro Cibola.

Maybe you should pass down the F2 to him and you get a new machine.
Cibola would be a good choice. Not an Ace, he's already out grown it.

My sons birthday was a few days ago and he was pretty excited when he unwrapped a new Eurotec Pro .
I couldn't make my mind up which one to get him so I rolled the dice and went with Teknetics.
Within 15 minutes of using it out in the yard he found a Lincoln .
Thanks for all the feedback and suggestions .

All are good, hide some coins in the yard for him

My sons birthday was a few days ago and he was pretty excited when he unwrapped a new Eurotec Pro .
I couldn't make my mind up which one to get him so I rolled the dice and went with Teknetics.
Within 15 minutes of using it out in the yard he found a Lincoln .
Thanks for all the feedback and suggestions .

Awesome Congrates its always rewarding see in the smiles on our kids faces

I know it's a lower entry model than what you guys are talking about, but my 11yr old has been using a Bounty Hunter Quicksilver for about a month, and has found LOADS with it.

I think you would be better off with a minelab x-terra 305. Kids pick up technology really fast and they are very light and you can get shorter rods for kids.
I'm not eight but I am a fairly small framed woman and I love my x-terra 505 and chose it because it was a relatively small detector with easy to understand settings.

My sons birthday was a few days ago and he was pretty excited when he unwrapped a new Eurotec Pro .
I couldn't make my mind up which one to get him so I rolled the dice and went with Teknetics.
Within 15 minutes of using it out in the yard he found a Lincoln .
Thanks for all the feedback and suggestions .

I'm sure he is going to have a blast with it.

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