Suggestions Needed


Jr. Member
May 25, 2013
I'm looking to add a detector for hunting really clean corn fields. Right now I'm using my Garrett AT Pro. Don't get me wrong my ATP works great out there I'm running it wide open but like many of us I suffer from the "Maybe there's good stuff just a little deeper syndrome". I've been looking at the Deeptech Vista Smart and the Blisstool, although the Blisstool looks intimidating with all the knobs. I'm trying to stay around $800 used but if there's nothing in that range that's going to out perform the ATP out there then I'll just wait and save up more at a later time. All help is appreciated.

If it's a clean corn field just put a big coil on your Pro. Unless you know there is something deep there where you need a better detector.

I'm not trying to steer you away from another detector.
They are varied and fun.
I have gained depth with an Ace 350 when soil is moist.
Too wet it suggests things are iron that should register higher though.
Real dry is minimum depth.
If you have worked a field when moisture content is up that you hunted dry before... your max depth , or an idea of it depending on objects; should be known enough for a further choice in unit(s).

The AT Pro can find a majority of what you see posted on Tnet. I never swung one, but have read hundreds of posts from those who do. I agree about the larger coil. Large coils are great for fields. Their size give greater depth. The deeper the target the more it will ring in as a lower tone and ID. My wife asked me what I wanted for my birthday last June, soon after I had a 12" x 15" S.E.F. coil in my arsenal. Coils are like golf clubs, you can puty with a wood, but why would you? I own 3 coils and each are used as the hunt site dictates. Trashy sites and hard to reach areas call for the 5" DD, Large areas with low trash to target ratio's call for the 15" SEF.

Thanks guys. I've hit the field about 10 times finding a couple of tokens, at least 10 flat buttons, just 2 coins (1883 Indian Head penny, 1773 Virginia half penny) and tons of bullets. I'm still hopeful to find 1800's silver as well. The field is constantly tilled from season to season. I need to start digging those deep iron sounds also which I regret not doing now. I'm running the ATP with full sensitivity and zero discrimination and I can walk for a couple minutes at a time without a sound, so a bigger coil may do the trick.

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