Stupid things done while metal detecting


Hero Member
Aug 4, 2005
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Golden Thread
I am not sure about the rest of you but I pretty regularly do something that I kick myself for while metal detecting. There is something to be said for being experienced in the hobby. Here are some of the stupid things I have done feel free to laugh at me :D ;D :D

1. Went metal detecting with steel toe boots. The funny part is it took me a ? an hour to figure out why my targets kept disappearing.

2. Dug a hole that was at least 10 inches deep looking for a target only to find that it was less than an inch deep on the outside of my hole.

3. Dug at least a foot away from my original visual pinpoint.

Just a few of the things I have done that make me laugh. I am sure there will be many more to come.

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Good ones!!!! I am guilty of nos. 2 and 3. I often hunt playgrounds and sometimes I'll stand up under a piece of equipment OUCH. You'd think I'd pay more attention!!!!

Yep done that one also -- more than a couple of times. Lucky I have a hard head -- or at least that is what my wife tells me. :o

I sometimes use a MD with silent search. When ever I get near another TH'er and the machines start acting up, I turn mine off so we can talk in peace. It might me half and hour later that I learn my machine hasen't found any targets at all and then I will turn back on the detector.


I almost knocked myself out cold while detecting under some playground equipment. I dug a nickel at 6 inches and it turned out to be a silver ring. So as I jumped up from looking it the hole, and back down I went. Forgot I was under the bridge I just stayed down for a few minutes looking around to see if anyone had gotten that one on video.

My first time hunting I dug a signal and found it was in a shovel full of dirt I had dug. So I tried to find it by breaking down the dirt and waving hand fulls over the coil. The first handfull sounded off. Great I thought my first find. Then I checked it with my sniffer nothing there? Waved the coil over the shovel pile and got a signal again. What in the world? Grabbed another hand full, waved it over the coil it sounded off again. I am thinking and looking as hard as I can, then it hit me, I was using the hand my watch was on and it was causing the signal! The rest of the day went much better.

Ed Donovan

Haha -- good ones

Here is a another --

My first gold find I got excited and called my wife on the phone to tell her about it

ME: Hey guess What?
Her: What?
ME: Found my first piece of gold jewlery
Her: O yea -- well what is it?
ME: well it is a gold ring with good luck symbols all over it -- but it is crushed
Her: o umm ok yea -- when you going to be home?

Yep -- pretty stupid of me to think anyone other than someone who likes to metal detect would be excited about a crushed gold ring

I remember one morning I got up at 4a.m. to hit low tide at the beach. When I got there I walked down to the water line, turned on the detector and couldn't hear anything. ??? I kept pulling the plug out and putting it back in with no results. ??? Checked the volume control on the headset--nothing.

Started getting really pissed off >:(. Shut down the detector a couple times and re booted----nothing.

Got back in my truck and went home. When I got home I went into the back yard and tried again. Seems like I didn't have my headsets turned on!!!! Duhhhhhhh ::)

I guess my brain was still sleepin and went on a mental holiday ::)

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?HH ?8) surfrat

I'm guilty of the turning the machine off trick and picking up piles with my hands and running them over the top of the coil while wearing a wedding ring. ?Scary thing is, I've done it more than once!


I quit wearing a ring about a year ago and started back detecting this summer. I still can't force my left hand over the coil. So the pin pointer saves me time.

My dumbest thing was a Thursday night battery change. Yup, I put in a fresh set for the big Saturday hunt. Grabbed the ACE250 Saturday morning and headed out to the lake. Parked, got out and walked 20 minuted through the woods to get to the old dirt trail that was first part of a stage coach line in the early 1800s from Providence, RI to Hartford, CT, and then later a railroad. Finally got to the trail, turned on the machine, and actually turned it off. Seems I had left the machine on when I changed the batteries on Thursday, and the new batteries we almost dead (one bar left on the indicator), and since my headphones were plugged in but not on my head, I didn't notice it, even when putting it in the trunk. It must have been beeping all the way to the lake, lol! Now, since I ALWAYS carry an extra set of batteries, I was not too bad off, but I still had to walk 20 mins back to the car to get them! A total of 1 hours lost (20 mins each wy, 3 times) before I could start hunting, all because I forgot to push the power button! Doh!

I am guilty of the steel toe boot caper, but my best one was last weekend. A couple weeks ago, while out hiking, I found a really old prospectors cabin :o about forty yards from the mine. Last weekend I decided to take that nice little hike up the mountain. Being the good Marine that I am, I am always prepared for anything. ;) I carry my GPS, my new digital camera, A Power Bar, 550 cord, Leatherman, and extra batteries all inside my water filled Camelbak. Well, I get to the cabin and no sooner than I get there, I get the low battery indicator. So I whip out my brand new pack of eight Eveready double A's, plug 'em in the machine, and turn it on..... turn it ON...... TURN IT ON.... >:( >:( >:( Dang it... brand new DEAD batteries!

Gotta love that 8 for $1.99 deal! Maybe that's why they were $1.99!!! :P

This happened about fifteen years ago.
Left before sun up to detect a long forgotten town in the mountains northeast of Seattle. Parked on a road well off the beaten path. While detecting I found a dump. Dug a couple of nice applied lip bottles and the souvenir pin that is my avatar. It says "U.S. naval fleet entering Golden Gate" On the back is a picture of "fighting Bob Evans" and is dated 1908. Oh, and while digging, a glass dolls eye rolled out and gave me quite a start. Anyway spent the whole day in the area and headed back to the truck as it was getting dark. Seems I left the headlights on all day. Battery was dead. About a mile walk back to the paved road. Waited for a couple of hours before a car drove by. It didn't stop for me but the second car did and gave me a jump.
It was a bit eerie wondering what kind of person I'd flag down in the middle of nowhere at eleven o'clock at night.

Not a metal detecting story, but this will give you an idea of how dumb you can be:

How about driving for 2 hours to go squirrel hunting and the gun is leaning against the wall by the front door. Had everything but the gun!


I don't recommend hunting under a walnut this time of year. Those darn things hurt.
Don't leave your detector at home (or in your other vehicle) when going out detecting.
Don't leave you boots at home when driving over a hundred miles from home to detect a road construction project after receiving over 4" of rain the night before.

Yeah, I've done all the above.

That should be a walnut "tree"

While attending a competition coin hunt, a friend of mine complained that there wasn't any coins buried in the hunt field. after the first hunt was over.
We took a look at his detector settings and realized that he had his surface ellimination set at 4".
;D ;D ;D ;D

I did a good one a few weeks ago. I hunt with ear buds in my ears instead of the usual head set.? I set my machine down to dig a target and the wire caught on the edge of the machine and pulled? the bud out of my left ear. That happens often enough, so I didnt think too much about it. I dug my plug, retreived a dime and filled in and replaced the plug. Looking around I couldn't find my ear plug! I traced the wire, guess where it went?? IN THE HOLE! I gave it a tug and out it popped! I automatically looked around to see if anyone was watching, wiped it off and away I went.

I called late on a thursday to make reservations, go off work on friday loaded up and drove five hours to the beach. Unloaded my stuff, got my belt on grabbed my digger and figured out that I left the detector at home!
I went to Key West two years ago to hunt Smathers beach. I get there late and can't find a room. Being adventuresome I camp in the truck. I sleep about two hours, get up and go hunting. I keep getting crazy signals about every foot or so. When I asked a few locals they said the beach was rebuilt using old concrete with plenty of rebar inside.
Needless to say, we've all done something rediculous. If not, your next! Ha HA. Chris

I hit a high note on my new bountyhunter 4 and boy was i in for a suprise! i kept getting a solid tone in the gold range and started digging on this old farm house property from the 1800's. i got on my knees and started digging......and digging.....and digging. even though it was almst dark, i carefullly brought each scoop up and started sifting thru it with my hands and pin pointer. i kept getting a hit and then there wouldn't be anything there! next handful.....same thing. i started even thinking there might be gold dust in the dirt? ???

it was about then that i realized that i was holding the detector directly above and way too close to my private region. i had forgotton about the piercings and skull shaped stud's that i have thru my scrotum and right testicle. boy was my face red! :o

got ya :)

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