
Well I guess I can answer my own question. The smallest strewnfield I've seen was all with in about 7' circle and they can run hundreds of miles. Most are 1 to 3 miles long. A few thing you should keep in mind if you think you found one. Take a picture before you move it and get a GPS reading.

don lupe here. yeah.important subject, and if you want to be a pro strewnfields are a must to study and keep notes. That's what happened in Kansas. That was and old, known strewnfield. Niniger was one of the first back in the 30's recently the guys come up with the mother of field, and studied and created inovations to the search. He wasn't a dummy, (hope I'm using right syntax, E/S/L, english second language) anyway, in this instance he reworked this field with inordenary detector, deep probe military style detector, not that this is needed in general search. I use a whites and carry it balanced in the middle, not using the wrist attachment, I need to build or borrow a 2 box deep probe on an impact-crater in my area. Also have a hot tip on a huge strewnfield in the mnts nearby that's rugged and snowed-in for the winter. Yes we have winters here on the Mex border AZ. another strewn field here with small rounded 3" pieces when cut reveal windstatin pattern, unusual, but never met the lady who discovered it, her dealer is the same as mine, but it took a years work after whitnessing the fall, so I can't approach or search in her area, ethics, I get screwed around a lot by Vikings but I live by my own codes, Yo soy Sefradim, puro. Gotta go now, oh the Allende strewnfield in Mexico is a huge one, but mex is too dangerous to mess with. Whar areas are available to you? Later.

Strewnfields are as short as 1.5km to as long as 100km (Campo del Cielo, Argentina).

Get in the middle, where the density will be highest, if you want to hunt.

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